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  1. Посмотрите еще раз на картинку. Закончите следующие разделительные вопросы.

1. He is going to the mountains, __________?

2. They are going to beach after lunch, __________________?

3. He isn’t going camping, ______________?

4. They aren’t going to a trip, ___________?

5. He is going to the seaside, ____________?

  1. Расположите следующие слова таким образом, чтобы получились предложения.

  1. not / this evening / take us to the cinema / our father / going to

  2. The museum / I / going to / visit / next Saturday

  3. we / for half an hour / going to / chat on the Net

  4. Play the guitar / on Sunday morning / Mark / going to

  5. not / going to / they / listen to / radio

  1. Задайте общие вопросы и дайте краткие ответы на них, согласно информации, данной в скобках.


Paul / to read a magazine (NO).

Is Paul going to read a magazine? – No, he isn’t.

  1. John / to thank his mother for the present (YES).

­­­­­­­­­­­­­__________________________________________? __________.

  1. They / to visit a museum (NO).

__________________________________________? __________.

  1. You / listen to the music (Yes).

__________________________________________? __________.

  1. My mother / wash the dishes (NO).

__________________________________________? __________.

  1. Закончите следующие предложения.

  1. ________________ ( you / read) a detective story?

  2. What _________________(you/ do) this evening?

  3. Are you going out? Yes, I _________________ (buy) some tablets.

  4. We _________________(spend) some days in Portugal. Do you want to come with us?

  5. I can’t see you on Saturday. I _________________ (visit) my grandparents.

  6. We’ve got nothing to do. _________________ (we/go) to the cinema?

  7. Can I use your shampoo? I _________________ (wash) my hair.

  8. What language _________________(you/study)? I’ve decided for French.

  9. Where are you going? I _________________ (pay) the phone bill.

  10. We _________________(be) away all day on a school excursion.

  11. I _________________(work) hard next term.

  12. There’s a hole on the way. He _________________ (fall)

  13. Look at those big black clouds! It _________________(rain)

Unit 11. Настоящее Простое / Неопределенное время

(Present Simple / Indefinite Tense)

We like reading.

We don’t like reading.

Do we like reading?

He (she) likes reading.

He (she) doesn’t like reading.

Does he (she) like reading?

  1. Поставьте следующие предложения в отрицательную и вопросительную формы.

1) I often meet this engineer here. 2) You go to the factory every day. 3) I read newspapers every morning. 4) His sisters always give me books to read. 5) They often go there. 6) I usually read the newspaper at home. 7) They often come here. 8) We write questions at home.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple Tense.

1) Paul __________ French at school (study). 2) Susan and I _______ to the same school (go). 3) Linda ___________ in New York (live). 4) My parents __________ in a bank (work). 5) Mum ____________ every day (cook). 6) The cat __________ in the kitchen (sleep). 7) We __________ a big party on Christmas Day (have). 8) My father ____________ an old car (drive). 9) Mrs Brown __________ the dentist once a year (visit). 10) The Blacks __________ the shopping at the supermarket (do). 11) The teacher _____________ us a lot of homework (give). 12) Mel ___________ Italian very well (speak)

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