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  1. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях.

    1. She don’t like swimming.

    2. I hasn’t a new car.

    3. What does he likes?

    4. Has you got a new house?

    5. She usually wake up at 7 o’clock.

    6. What language you know?

    7. He and his brother is students.

    8. I never don’t drink coffee in the evening.

  2. Переведите предложения на английский язык.

1) Где работают эти инженеры? – Они работают в нашем учреждении. 2) На каком языке вы обычно разговариваете с этими инженерами? – Мы обычно разговариваем по-русски. Иногда мы разговариваем по-французски. Они изучают французский язык. 3) Утром я иду в класс и сажусь за свой стол. Во время урока мы читаем, пишем диктанты и разговариваем по-английски. 4) Это упражнение длинное. Сделайте его дома. 5) Я редко говорю по-английски дома. Я говорю по-английски на уроках. 6) Вы изучаете французский язык? – Нет, я не изучаю французский язык. 7) Ваши сестры живут в Москве? – Нет, они живут в Санкт-Петербурге. 8) Что вы обычно делаете после работы? – У меня уроки английского языка. 9) Вы обычно много пишете на уроке? 10) Где вы живете? – Я живу в Москве. Москва – это большой город. Я живу в центре города. 11) Мы изучаем испанский язык. Мы читаем тексты, изучаем грамматику, делаем много упражнений. 12) Вы читаете много английских книг? – Обычно мы читаем мало английских книг. 13) Какие книги вы часто читаете? – Мы постоянно читаем наши учебники. 14) Вы разговариваете по-английски или по-русски со своим преподавателем? – Обычно мы разговариваем по-английски, иногда по-русски.

Самостоятельная работа

    1. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, употребляя Present Simple Tense.

1) Hospital / in / Patrick’s mother / the/ work = Patrick’s mother works in the hospital.

  1. Charles / big / and his family / house / have got / a

  2. The students / from / Ireland / come

  3. I / Maths / very much / like / and Geography

  4. Patrick / the every day / homework / do

  5. He / grandparents / and his brother / Christmas / their / at / visit

  6. Charles / the afternoon / watch / in / television

  7. He / park / on / go / to / Saturdays / the

  1. Прочитайте текст. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple Tense.

George (be) an English boy but his parents (be) from Germany. His grandfather (be) from France and his grandmother (be) Portuguese, so he (speak) four languages: English, German, French and Portuguese. He (go) to a state secondary school, where he (study) his favourite subjects: science and technology. He often (play) football and tennis with his friends at school. When he (go) home, he (watch) TV and (listen) to pop music. His favourite group (be) The Beatles.

  1. Раскройте скобки, употребляя Present Simple Tense.

      1. Jane (not / drink) tea very often. – Jane doesn’t drink tea very often.

      2. What time (banks / close) in Britain?

      3. Where (Martin / come) from? – He is Scottish.

      4. What (you / do) – I’m an electrical engineer.

      5. It (take) me an hour to get to work. How long (it / take) you?

      6. I (play) the piano but (not / play) very well.

      7. I don’t understand this sentence. What (this word / mean)?

  1. Изучите следующую информацию и заполните пропуски в тексте.


Personal Details

First Name: Mike

Surname: Harrison

Birthday: March 14th

Age: 13


Nationality & Home

Nationality: American

Town or City: Boston

You live with: mother and father

Brothers or sisters: two sisters


Personal Appearance


Hair colour: brown

Eyes: brown



Name: George Washington High School

Located in: centre of Boston

How many subjects: 7

You like: English and History

You don’t like: Science


Hobbies & Interests

Main Hobby: sports

Favourite sport: soccer

Sports you don’t like: baseball

Why? boring


Food & Drink

You like: fruit

You don’t like: fish and eggs

Favourite Food: hamburgers and French fries

Favourite Drink: sodas (Pepsi)

Mike’s Personal Profile

My name’s........................... . My birthday is on .................... . I’m not British; ..............American . I..................Boston, Massachusetts, USA. I .................. with my mom and dad. I....................two sisters. But they .................live with us. They live in Ohio, because they ................to The University.

.................thirteen years old and ..............1.42 metres ............. . My hair............short and.............. . My.................brown, too .

I.................to George Washington................... in the.................... . I..................got a lot of friends there.

In my class we........................... got seven subjects. I like ..............................., but I......................... Science. My favourite sport is...................... I enjoy………….. very much. But I...................baseball because it’s………..……! I like eating................... But hamburgers...................... are my favourite food. I hate............................. . I like drinking………….specially…………

Верны ли следующие утверждения?

  1. Mike’s family name is Harrison.

  2. Mike lives with his parents and two sisters.

  3. His hair is dark.

  4. He lives in Europe.

  5. He goes to George Washington Primary School.

  6. He studies ten subjects at school.

  7. He loves Science.

  8. He hates sports.

  9. He likes hamburgers and French fries.

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