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      1. Исправьте ошибки в следующих предложениях.

  1. There are a lot of milk in the bottle.

  2. There are some new films on at the cinema.

  3. There is no computers in the class.

  4. There is much water in the sea.

  5. There is a lot of good pupils in our class.

  6. Are there in the table any pencils?

  7. Who there is at the door?

  8. How many pencils is there in your bag?

  9. What are there in the water?

  10. There is a bag on the desk?

      1. Прочитайте, переведите и разыграйте диалог по ролям.

Saturday lunchtime

Jane: Hello, Mum. Hello, Dad. Hi, John.

Robert: Hello, Mrs Mason. Hello, Mr Mason. Hello, John.

(John is reading a newspaper)

Robert: Is there a football match on TV?

John: Yes, there is.

Robert: How many films are there this evening, John?

John: There are two or three good films.

Jane: Mum, what is there for lunch?

Mum: Ham and some salad.

Jane: Is there any grapefruit juice?

Mum: I’m afraid there isn’t. There’s some apple juice and orange juice in the fridge.

Jane: Is there any fruit?

Mum: Yes, there are some bananas and pears.

Dad: Oh, there isn’t any bread!

Robert: John, let’s go the shop.

(Robert and John leave the house. There’s a knock at the door.)

Dad: Jane, could you go and answer the door?

Jane: It’s the postman. Are there any letters for us?

Postman: No, there aren’t any letters, but there’s a very big parcel.

Jane: Thank you.

      1. Найдите 6 отличий на следующих картинках.

Unit 18. Причастие II (Participle II). Настоящее Совершенное время (Present Perfect Tense)


Regular (правильный)

Irregular (неправильный)

verb + ed

play + ed = played (сыгранный)

do – done (сделанный)

We have already played tennis.

We haven’t already played tennis.

Have we already played tennis?

He (she) has already played tennis.

He (she) hasn’t already played tennis.

Has he (she) already played tennis?

1. Дайте третью форму следующих правильных и неправильных глаголов. Переведите причастия II переходных глаголов (a и b) на русский язык.

a) to repeat, to translate, to study, to answer, to discuss, to receive, to ask, to wash, to play, to stop, to decide, to dress, to love, to use, to open, to revise, to finish

b) to read, to take, to do, to begin, to give, to see, to spend, to make, to tell, to leave, to meet, to send, to hear, to find, to know, to put, to wake up

c) to go, to sit, to come, to get to, to be, to think, to speak to

2. Заполните пропуски верным вспомогательным глаголом 'have' или 'has'.

1) I … answered the question.

2) She … opened the window.

3) They … called us.

4) You … carried a box.

5) It … rained a lot.

6) We … washed the car.

7) He … closed the window.

8) Jenny … locked the door.

9) The girls … visited the museum.

10) John and Sophie … helped in the garden.

3. Вы пишете письмо другу. В этом письме вы сообщаете новости и себе и своей семье. Используйте Present Perfect.

Dear Chris,

Lots of things have happened since I last wrote to you.

  1. I / buy / a new car.

  2. My father / start/ a new job.

  3. I / give up / smoking.

  4. Charles and Sarah / go / to Brazil.

  5. My sister / get / married.

  6. We / buy / a new dog.

  7. My mother / name / it / Poppy.

4. Составьте предложения из следующих слов, используя Present Perfect.

1) to see / an / I / accident.

2) an / she / to have / examination.

3) ever / to / you / to be / France?

4) I / go / to the cinema today.

5) She / have a pet for years.

6) They / eat / all the chocolate!

7) they / live/ in Egypt for six months.

8) we / go/ to South Africa.

9) she / watch / ‘Harry Potter’ four times.

5. Задайте вопросы, так чтобы следующие предложения были ответами на них.

1) Yes, I have. I went to Paris last year.

2) No, I haven’t. I’ve never been to the USA.

3) She lived in Lisbon for five years.

6. Вставьте необходимый предлог (for / since).

1) We have been here _______ two hours.

2) She has waited for him _______ lunch time.

3) Mary has not visited her grandparents _______ she arrived from abroad.

4) You haven’t told me about your holidays _______ your last visit.

5) We’ve lived in this town ____ ­1998.

6) She’s been in the bed _______ three hours!

7) They’ve had their car _______ five years.

8) I’ve studied ­_____ an hour or so.

9) I haven’t done anything _______ this morning.

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