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Смирнова И.В. Пособие для технологов-рыбников 3...doc
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Unit 3. Drying and smoking text 1

Exercise 1. a) Read and translate international words without a dictionary:

influence, form, natural, mechanical, vacuum, special, economic, to ventilate.

b) Check if you remember the meaning of these words:

dehydration, spoilage, removal, growth, treatment, sturgeon, salmon, top-grade, in addition to, since, as well as, that is to say, for instance.

c) Read and translate the following word combinations:

bacterial and mold growth, a tasty and valuable product, mechanical means, hot smoking, cold smoking.

d) Give all the possible synonyms to the following words:

influence, dehydration, artificial, tasty, to preserve, smell, structure, to wash.

Exercise 2. Read and memorize the words from the text below:

exert, v


probability, n

вероятность, возможность

mold, n


artificial, adj

искусственный, ненатуральный

exceed, v


chamber, n




nourishing, adj


delicious, adj


consumption, n


eviscerate, v


efficiency, n

эффективность, результативность

behead, v


strip, n

полоса; полоска

extent, n

пространство, протяженность, степень

odour, n


rinse, v

промывать, прополаскивать

bind, v

вязать, связывать, обвязывать

grade, v


Exercise 3. Read and translate the text.

Drying and smoking processes

Water exerts the profound influence on almost all forms of fish spoilage. Since the presence of large amounts of water in fish greatly increases the probability of spoilage it follows that the removal of excessive amounts of water will prevent this undesirable process. Dehydration preserves fish by destroying enzymes and removing water necessary for bacterial and mold growth.

Drying and smoking of fish аre two efficient methods of preserving fish from spoilage. Sun drying is the natural method of dehydration. Drying by mechanical means is an artificial method of dehydration. In recent years vacuum drying has become a method of preservation and treatment of great economic importance.

Fish dried under natural conditions at a temperature not exceeding 35 °C, give a tasty and valuable product. Naturally-dried salted Caspian roach, for instance, has a wide market as well as naturally-dried salted sturgeon and salmon fillets (balyk). They are hung on racks in the open air in warm and dry weather. The finished, dried products can be eaten without cooking.

Artificial drying is carried out in special chamber with artificially ventilated warm air.

Smoking. Smoked fish is a nourishing and delicious product ready for consumption as it is, that is to say uncooked. There are two ways of fish smoking: hot smoking and cold smoking. Small fish are usually smoked round (without cleaning other than washing and scaling). Larger fish are always eviscerated split and may be beheaded or cut into strips or small pieces. Fish are always salted for a longer or shorter period depending upon the product desired. The efficiency of the preservation effected by cold smoking depends upon the drying out fish. The moisture content is reduced to such an extent that bacterial growth is practically inhibited. In addition to the loss of moisture, smoking has a preservative action due to the wood creosote constituents which are found in the smoke and which are deposited in the fish. Cold smoked fish is stable and noted for its pleasant odour.

In hot smoking process where the fish is partially cooked, the enzymes producing autolysis of the tissues are destroyed by the heat. The proteins coagulable bу heat are coagulated, and the texture of the flesh is altered. Fish selected for hot smoking must be top-grade, chilled or frozen while fresh. The sequence of operations are as follows: defrosting – washing – dressing – washing – salting – rinsing – binding – drying – cooking – smoking – cooling – grading – packing.

Exercise 4. Find the Russian equivalents for the following:

hot smoking process, partially cooked, the efficiency of the preservation, cut into strips, naturally-dried salted sturgeon, under natural conditions, an artificial method of dehydration, destroyed by the heat, the product desired, to such an extent.

Exercise 5. Find the English equivalents for the following:

обезвоживание рыбы, предварительное просаливание, способ консервирования, принудительная вентиляция, естественные (искусственные) условия сушки, потеря влаги, удаление влаги, сублимационная сушка.

Exercise 6. Complete the sentences using information from the text:

  1. Fish dried under natural conditions at a temperature not exceeding 35 °C,…

  2. In hot smoking process where the fish is partially cooked,…

  3. The proteins coagulable bу heat are coagulated,…

  4. Artificial drying is carried out in…

  5. Small fish are usually smoked…

  6. The moisture content is reduced…

  7. The efficiency of the preservation effected by cold smoking…

Exercise 7. Fill in the blanks with prepositions upon, of, by, for, on:

  1. Dehydration preserves fish … destroying enzymes and removing water necessary … bacterial and mold growth.

  2. Smoked fish is a nourishing and delicious product ready … consumption.

  3. The efficiency … the preservation effected … cold smoking depends … the drying out fish.

Exercise 8. Say if the sentences are true or false using the information from the text:

  1. Water exerts not very big influence on almost all forms of fish spoilage.

  2. Fish selected for hot smoking may be a little stale.

  3. The moisture content is almost not reduced.

  4. The enzymes producing autolysis of the tissues are destroyed by the cold.

  5. Cold smoked fish has short shelf-life and is noted for its unpleasant odour.

Exercise 9. Put the verbs in the brackets into the correct tense and form:

  1. Two types of smoking kilns (используются) for commercial purpose at present.

  2. A technologist just (проверил) temperature in the smoking kiln.

  3. Smoked fish (не будет проварена) during cold smoking.

  4. Before smoking the fish (погружается) into the brine.

  5. In the past the producers (коптили) fish for giving the product the longer shelf life.

Exercise 10. Answer the following questions:

  1. How does dehydration preserve fish?

  2. Which methods аre the most efficient for preserving fish from spoilage?

  3. How is artificial drying carried out?

  4. Why are smoked fish so popular?

  5. What types of smoking do you know?

  6. What is the difference between them?

  7. What happens to enzymes and proteins in hot smoking?

  8. What should the quality of fish selected for smoking be?

  9. What is the sequence of operations in hot smoking?

Exercise 11. Speak about a) types of drying fish; b) types of smoking fish.

Exercise 12. Discuss with your groupmates the advantages of cold (hot) smoking.

Exercise 13. Translate from Russian into English:

a) Консервирование рыбы методом обезвоживания имеет громадное значение. В процессе обезвоживания происходят сложные биохимические изменения белковых веществ. Большое значение имеет консервирование рыбы горячей сушкой. Недавно стали применять сушку под вакуумом. Копченая рыба – питательный, вкусный продукт, готовый к употреблению без всякой кулинарной обработки.

b) Обезвоживание рыбы с предварительным просаливанием – один из древнейших способов ее консервирования. Этот способ прост и не требует сложного оборудования. Существуют два основных способа сушки: холодный и горячий. В первом случае рыбу сушат в естественных или искусственных условиях при температуре не выше 40 °С. При этом способе лучше сохраняются первоначальные свойства рыбы.

c) При горячем способе рыбу сушат при температуре до 200 °С и более. При этом в ней протекают физические и химические изменения, связан­ные с удалением влаги из материала, гидролизом белка и жира, сверты­ванием белка.

d) Во многих странах для консервирования мяса, рыбы, овощей и фрук­тов применяют сублимационную сушку. Сублимационная сушка позволяет получить продукцию, компоненты которой практически сохраняют свои первоначальные свойства.

e) Холодную сушку можно проводить как в естественных, так и в искус­ственных условиях. Наилучшие условия сушки – температура сушильного агента (воздуха) не выше 40 °С, скорость движения воздуха 0,4–0,6 м/с и относительная влажность сушильного агента 40–60 %.

f) Рыба горячей сушки – это ценный белковый продукт, содержащий 15–38 % влаги. На горячую сушку направляют исключительно мелкую рыбу, содержащую не более 3 % жира, поскольку при высокой температуре жир подвергается порче в результате гидролиза и окислительных процессов. Технологическая схема приготовления рыбы горячей сушки включает прием сырья, мойку, посол, загрузку в печь, сушку, упаковку в тару.

g) Деликатесная продукция коптится исключительно на опилках бука и ольхи с добавлением можжевельника. Немецкая коптильная установка позволяет достичь высоких результатов по цвету и аромату копченого лосося.


Exercise 1. Read and translate the text with the help of a dictionary.