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11. Знайдіть у кожному рядку прикметник у вищому ступені.

1. father, foreigner, faster 8. larger, mother, dinner

2. receiver, summer, richer 9. letter, last, less

3. better, brother, farmer 10. their, longer, her

4. word, worse, worker 11. smaller, worker, paper

5. colder, corner, car 12. floor, answer, more

6. door, daughter, darker 13. older, poor, brother

7. water, teacher, higher 14. sister, shorter, summer

12. Ознайомтесь з порівняльними сполучниками та їх значеннями. Перекладіть речення та словосполучення з англійської.

asas-також (такий же) …як

not as…as, not so…as -не так (не такий)…як

the…the –чим …, тим

than- чим

1. It was not so warm as it is today.

2. I do not get up so early on Sunday as on weekdays.

3. Lesson One is not so difficult as Lesson Three.

4. She does not work at her English as much as she did last year.

5. Chemistry is not so interesting to him as mathematics.

6. As black as coal (вугілля).

7. As heavy as lead (свинец).

8. As light as a feather (перо).

9. As wet as a fish.

10. He knows English better than you.

11. This book is more interesting than yours.

12. English is easier than Russian.

13. This flat is less comfortable than ours.

14. The more we study, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we know, the less we forget.

The less we forget, the more we know.

So why study?

15. He played worse today than yesterday.

16. Which of the European regions has the lowest average winter temperature?

17. Leo Tolstoy, Dostoevsky and Chekov are the most popular Russian writers in England.

18. Ice hockey is more dangerous than field hockey.

19. Athens is farther from London than Rome is.

20. Football is the most popular kind of sport in the fall.

Grammar review

Indefinite Active





you work,

we go



He, she, it works, goes


you worked,

he, she went



I shall/will

we work, go


he, she will work,

they go

13. Прочитайте та перекладіть текст:

” If you refuse me,” said the young man to his girl, “I shall die.”

She refused him.

And he died…sixty years later.

14. Вкажіть речення, у яких присудок стоїть у формі: а) минулого часу;

б) теперішнього часу; в) майбутнього часу.

1. My friend entered the Medical Institute last year.

2. All students take exams in winter.

3. The delegation will leave Tomsk on Monday.

4. Do you receive letters from your friends?

5. The students of our group attend all the lectures.

6. Some students failed their entrance exams.

7. The lecture will last two hours.

8. Shall we go to the disco in the evening?

9. He was good at mathematics, but he failed in physics.

10. One side of this box is black.

15. Поставте наступні речення в однину, змінив форму присудка за зразком.

Зразок: My sisters work at the factory.

My sister works at the factory.

1. My friends work in summer.

2. These girls go to the theatre in the evening.

3. These apples are very green.

4. My friends do not like fish.

5. His brothers work hard all day long.

6. They get new books from the library every week.

7. They have breakfast at eight o’clock.

8. The postman brings letters three times a day.

9. They want to buy some toys, because their sons have a birthday tomorrow.

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