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9. Дайте відповідь на питання до тексту:

1. Did Caselli’s “fax machine” actually work? 2. Who designed the first steam engine? 3. Who built the first steam engine? 4. Why does the story of the light bulb show that inventors need to be patient? 5. Who invented the first telephone? 6. What did the inventors of Velcro and of paper have in common? 7. What was the purpose of the exhibition at the National Laboratory at Upton in 1958? 8. Did Professor Higinbotham understand the potential of his “computer game”?

10. Перекажіть текст.

11. Discussion. In 1930s television appeared in various countries of the world. Nowadays there are a lot of debates about advantages and disadvantages of TV. Is TV doing more harm or good?

a) Read the following arguments that support the opposite points of view. Think of some more.

1. We can be very well informed.

1. We get very lazy and passive in our free time.

2. We can study with the help of TV courses.

2. Sometimes it is only TV that is responsible for children’s upbringing.

b) Discuss the problem in groups of 3-5 students to make a decision.

c) Fill in the chart and give your reasons.

Group 1

Group 2

Group 3

Group 4

TV is doing more good than harm.

TV is doing more harm than good.


Граматика: Participle. Absolute Participle Construction

Текст: Amazing Cities

Тема для обговорення: Town and City

Grammar review


Participle I

Participle II




основа стандартного дієслова + ed



being asked


having asked

having been asked

1. Утворіть всі можливі форми дієприкметника від поданих дієслів:

to divide, to return, to write, to read, to make, to think, to give, to see, to speak, to happen

2. Прочитайте та перекладіть подані словосполучення, звертаючи увагу на дієприкметники:

a) The student attending all the lectures, the plan containing many details, the workers building a new house, the engineer using a new method, the car developing the speed of 80 km, the plant producing machinery, the growing population of the country, the student studying foreign languages, the young man entering the institute, the engineer carrying out the research;

b) Using new method, constructing new machines, achieving good results, dividing the apples into three parts, discovering new lands, using new equipment, refusing to give an explanation, receiving important information, constructing new roads, moving at high speed, leaving the town, graduating from the institute;

c) Having entered the institute, having calculated the distance, having developed the speed of 120 km, having introduced new method of work, having decided to leave the city, having divided the apple into three parts, having installed new equipment, having obtained the necessary information, having found the way, having changed his behavior, having offered her his help, having passed all the examinations, having returned home;

d) The achieved results, all developed countries, the apple divided into three parts, the information obtained recently, the railway built between the two towns, the boy saved by his dog, help offered by the teacher, the lecture read by a well-known professor, the research made in the laboratory, the film shown to the students, the letter sent to his parents, the book left on the table, the news brought by him, the land discovered by Columbus.

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