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Bohdan hmelnitskiy

In fact the history of the Ukrainian state is the history of national movement for freedom and independence any movement has its heroes. Bohdan Hmelnitskiy is one of them.

He is known as a public figure, a general and the Ukrainian Hetman from 1648. He was born in 1595.

Bohdan Hmelnitskiy was a well-educated, brilliant man. He knew such languages as Turkish and Tatar. He had great knowledge on history, geography, law and other sciences. He was good as a soldier. In 1620 both he and his father took part in a campaign of the Polish army against the Turks in Moldova and he was taken prisoner by the Turks. It lasted two long years. Later he served in the army and participated in the rebellions of

1637-1638. In 1637 he occupied the post of the army clerk, in

1638-1646 he took the position of Chygyrynskiy sotnik. The Polish authorities persecuted him and at the end of 1647 he ran away to the Zaporizhska Sich. Here he was at the head of revolt in 1648. It was the time of the beginning of the war for liberty and independence of Ukraine against Poland (1648-1654). Under his leadership the army had got great number of successful battles.

On June 8, 1648 Hmelnitskiy sent a letter to the Russian tsar Aleksey Myhailoviych with the request to take Ukraine into Russian authority and to render assistance in the war. As a result of tremendous afford the union of the Russian and Ukrainian lands became a reality The agreement was signed in 1654 on the Pereyaslavska Rada.

Bohdan Hmelnitskiy remained a chief of the Hetman Administration till his death in 1657. Folk, historical songs and legends are devoted to him. This hero of the war for liberty in 1648-1654 is shown in the works of Shevchenko, Hrebinka, Franko. The image of B.Hmelnitskiy is widely reflected in literature, music, movie and theatrical art.

LlNa kostenko

Lina Kostenko is a worldwide known Ukrainian poetess. Her biography is reflected in her poems. They are both works of art and the possible explanations about poet's life and understanding of the era she lives in. In one of her verses she has such words: "Your suffering is your personal affair, your art! Is a holiday for all".

Her life story is not exactly happy. During the period of our social stagnation there was her almost fifteen year silence It was a sad episode in the history of Ukrainian literature. The new generation of people grew up and knew nothing about Lina Kostenko's poetry.

She published the book of verse "On the Banks of the Eternal River", where she showed the force of feeling and concentration of thought. It literally breathed sincerity in everything - feelings, thoughts and words. Such works are very important for literature because they restore the creative impulse and moral wholesomeness in fiction.

Then Lina Kostenko wrote a historical novel in verse "Marusya Churai", which can be called an encyclopedia of Ukraine’s cultural life in the 17th century. Publishing books "Inimitableness" and "The Garden of Unmelting Sculptures" Lina Kostenko has become the most popular of the modern poets.

Her personality has greatly contributed to the development of our modern Ukrainian literature.


Граматика: Perfect Tenses (Active and Passive)

Текст: Heinrich Schlieman

Тема для обговорення: The Right Job for You

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