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Додаток цикл і Етап V

Вправа 1.

  1. Your friend is a medical student.

  2. Your friend is 17 years old.

  3. Your friend’s family is very large.

  4. Your friend is married.

  5. Your friend’s father is an economist.

  6. Your friend’s mother is an accountant.

  7. Your friend’s house is far from the center.

  8. Your friend’s got four sisters.

  9. Your friend’s got an elder brother.

  10. Your friend’s got a lot of cousins.

  11. Your friend’s got a car.

  12. Your friend’s got a telephone.

  13. There’s a lift in your friend’s house.

  14. There are five rooms in your friend’s flat.

  15. There’s a post-office near your friend’s house.

  16. There are many flowers near your friend’s house.

  17. There’s a swimming-pool in your friend’s house.

  18. There are a lot of green parks in Dniepropetrovsk.

Вправа 2.

  1. There’s a good gym at our Institute.

  2. There’s a dormitory at our Institute.

  3. There’s a good swimming pool at our Institute.

  4. There’s a restaurant at our Institute.

  5. There’s an underground in Dniepropetrovsk.

  6. There’s an Opera House in Dniepropetrovsk.

  7. There are some foreign students in our group.

  8. There are a lot of green parks in our city.

  9. There are a lot of trees and flowers in the streets of our city.

  10. There are a lot of monuments in our town.

  11. There are thirty-one days in September.

  12. There are thirty-one days in October.

Вправа 3.

  1. I’m a student of Mining Academy.

  2. I’m interested in Mathematics.

  3. I’m 22 years old.

  4. I’m married.

  5. I’m at home now.

  6. I’ve got a lot of cousins.

  7. I’ve got two grandfathers and two grandmothers.

  8. I’ve got two nieces.

  9. I’ve got a lot of friends in Kyiv.

  10. I don’t have enough time to see my friends very often.

  11. I have a shower every morning.

  12. I have lunch in a cafeteria.

Цикл іі етап V

Вправа 1.

  1. I always do my morning exercises.

  2. I have a shower and wash my hair.

  3. I have tea and a sandwich for breakfast.

  4. I leave home at 8 o'clock.

  5. I go to the Institute by trolley-bus.

  6. It takes me 15 minutes to get to the Institute.

  7. Sometimes I walk to the Institute.

  8. There are thirty students in my group.

  9. Our classes start at 8-30 a.m.

  10. I have lunch in the Institute cafeteria.

  11. Sometimes our classes finish at ten to 3 p.m.

  12. I arrive home at a quarter to 4 p.m.

  13. I have dinner at about 4 o'clock.

  14. I do my homework till 8 o'clock.

  15. In the evening I watch TV and read books.

  16. I go to bed at 11p.m.

Вправа 2.

  1. Does your mother wake you up in the morning?

  2. Do you get up early on Saturdays?

  3. Do you take a bath in the morning?

  4. Does your mother cook breakfast for you in the morning?

  5. Do you sometimes walk to the Institute?

  6. Did you go by bus today?

  7. Have you ever been late for your classes?

  8. Do you go home for lunch?

  9. Do you sometimes stay late in the Institute?

  10. Do you often go to the library after classes?

  11. Are you going to the library today?

  12. Does it take you long to do your homework?

  13. Does your friend come to your place in the evening?

  14. Do you sometimes go to the disco in the evening?

  15. Do you like classical music?

  16. Have you ever been to the Opera House?

Вправа 3.

  1. Does your mother cook your breakfast or do you cook it yourself?

  2. Did you have tea or coffee for breakfast this morning?

  3. Do you walk to the Institute or do you take a trolley-bus?

  4. Do you have 3 or 4 classes on Monday?

  5. Did you go home or to the library after classes yesterday?

  6. Did you go out or stay at home last night?

  7. Do you like reading or watching TV in the evening?

  8. Are you having your English lesson or are you doing your homework now?

  9. Does your friend learn English or French?

  10. Are you going to be a manager or a financier?

  11. Will the examination session be in January or in February?

  12. Are you going to stay in town or go somewhere on holidays?

Вправа 4.

  1. You got up very early today, didn't you?

  2. You do physical exercises every morning, don't you?

  3. You make your breakfast yourself, don't you?

  4. You don't like being late for your classes, do you?

  5. You walked to the Institute today, didn't you?

  6. You have three classes today, don't you?

  7. You're going to be a financier, aren't you?

  8. You have already passed the examination in Economics, haven't you?

  9. The examination session will be in January, won't it?

  10. You went to the Opera House yesterday, didn't you?

  11. It's snowing now, isn't it?

  12. It wasn't very cold yesterday, was it?

Вправа 5.

  1. Children go to school on the 1st of August.

  2. The spring will come in a month.

  3. You are going to be a doctor.

  4. You have been learning English for 12 years.

  5. You have English classes three times a week.

  6. Our lesson started two hours ago.

  7. Your teacher is reading a newspaper now.

  8. Your friends are playing football at the moment.

  9. You have been to many foreign countries.

  10. It takes you two hours to get to the Institute.

  11. You went to the Opera House yesterday evening.

  12. You were flying in a plane at 6 p.m. yesterday.

Вправа 6.

  1. I wash my hair every morning.

  2. I have coffee and toast for breakfast.

  3. I leave for the Institute at half past 7.

  4. It takes me about 45 minutes to get to the Institute.

  5. After classes I go to the sports club.

  6. I like playing chess in my free time.

  7. I go for a walk in the park every evening.

  8. I went to the theatre yesterday.

  9. I'm going to stay at home tonight.

  10. I will be writing letters to my friends the whole evening.

  11. I have been living in Dniepropetrovsk for two years.

  12. I have been to Kyiv many times.

Вправа 7.

  1. What time do you usually get up on week-days?

  2. When did you get up today?

  3. What do you usually have for breakfast?

  4. What did you have for breakfast this morning?

  5. Who cooks your breakfast?

  6. What time do you usually go to the Institute?

  7. What time did you go to the Institute today?

  8. How much time did it take you to get to the Institute?

  9. What time do your classes start?

  10. How many classes do you usually have at the Institute?

  11. Where do you have lunch?

  12. What time do your classes usually finish?

  13. What are you going to do after classes today?

  14. What time did you arrive home yesterday?

  15. When did you last go to the cinema?

  16. What time are you going to go to bed today?

Вправа 12.

P = Peter M = Mary

P: Gosh! All these people, and I don't know any of them!

M: Don't worry! First things first. What would you like to drink?

P: A glass of wine, please. Thank you. Could you tell me one or two names?

M: Of course. Right. Can you see that man over there, sitting at the table? His name's Paul and he's really nice. He's a musician and he works in LA.

P: Sorry, where?

M: Los Angeles.

P: Uh huh.

M: And he's talking to Kathy. She's on the other side of the table. She's wearing a red and white T-shirt. Kathy's very interesting. She has an art gallery in London, she's incredibly rich, and she lives in a beautiful house. Married, unfortunately for you.

P: Yes.

M: And then on Kathy's right there's Suzie. She's drinking some wine. She's one of my oldest friends. We were at school together.

P: And what does she do?

M: She's a writer, actually.

P: Oh! What does she write?

M: She writes children's stories. Not very successful ones, but never mind. Now, she's talking to Alex. Alex is smoking a cigar, and Alex travels all over the world. He's a film producer.

P: And who are the children?

M: They're Suzie's girls, Laura and Ellie. They go to St Mary's School. Do you know it?

P: Yes, I do.

M: And they're eating crisps and dropping them all over the carpet, aren't you?

Вправа 14.

L = Lilian F = Father

L: We're having a lovely time, Dad.

F: I'm sure there's a lot to do!

L: There is! We've been for a walk in Central Park. It's so big! Everything here is big. And we've climbed the Empire State Building. The view was fantastic. We haven't been to Greenwich Village yet, and we haven't been to Chinatown, either. We're going to do that tomorrow.

F: Have you seen the Statue of Liberty yet?

L: Oh, yes, we have. We've just had a helicopter tour of the city, and we flew really close to it.

F: What about a show? Have you seen a show on Broadway yet?

L: No, we haven't. We're going to one on our last night here, but we haven't decided what to see yet.