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Неособові форми дієслова


Форми інфінітива


Active Voice

Passive Voice


to study

to be studied


to have studied

to have been studied


to be studying


Perfect Continuous

to have been studying

Функції інфінітива у реченні

  1. Підмет

To read much is to know much. Багато читати значить багато знати.

  1. Підмет після звороту із займенником it

It is necessary to read this article. Необхідно прочитати цю статтю.

  1. Частина простого присудка

I'll read much in summer. Влітку я буду багато читати.

  1. Частина дієслівного складеного присудка

We must read much. Нам треба багато читати.

I began to read much when I was ten. Я почав багато читати, коли мені було десять років.

  1. Іменна частина складеного присудка

My wish is to read much. Моє бажання - багато читати.

(Моє бажання (складається) полягає в тому, щоб багато читати. )

  1. Додаток

I decided to read much. Я вирішила багато читати.

  1. Означення

This is an article to be read very attentively. Ось стаття, яку треба читати дуже уважно.

In my grade I was the first to read this article. У моєму класі я перша прочитала цю статтю.

  1. Обставина

I went to the reading-hall to read this article. Я ходила в читальний зал, щоб прочитати цю статтю. Exercises (Вправи)

Ex.1. Визначте форми інфінітива:

to manage, to be represented, to have determined, to be improving, to have been distributed, to have expended, to be ensured, to pay, to be solved.

Ex.2. Перекладіть наступні речення, звертаючи увагу на форму інфінітива.

I am happy to help you.

I am glad to have helped him.

He was glad to have been helped.

He is happy to have been helping them.

I am glad to be helping them.

I am glad to be helped.

Ex.3. Знайдіть еквіваленти таких англійських речень.

I was glad Я був радий

  1. to read your new article 1. що прочитав вашу нову статтю

  2. to have read your new article 2. читать вашу нову статтю

  3. to be read your new article 3. що мені прочитали вашу нову статтю

  4. to have been read your new article 4. що мені читали вашу нову статтю

We are happy Ми щасливі

  1. to take part in the conference 1. що взяли участь у конференції

  2. to be taking part in the conference 2. взяти участь у конференції

  3. to have taken part in the conference 3. що беремо участь у конференції

4.to have been taking part in the conference 4. що брали і беремо участь у


She is pleased Їй приємно

  1. to meet him 1. зустріти його

  2. to be met by him 2. що вона його зараз зустрічає

  3. to have met him 3. що він її зустрів

  4. to have been met by him 4. що він її зустрічає

  5. to be meeting him now 5. що вона його зустрічала

  6. to have been meeting him 6. що вона його зустріла

Ex.4. Перекладіть речення з інфінітивом на початку речення. Пам'ятайте, що інфінітив у функції обставини цілі перекладається на українську мову зі словами: щоб; для того, щоб, а інфінітив у функції підмета перекладається іменником або неозначеною формою дієслова.

1. To master English it is necessary to work hard. 2 To prove our statement we give you this information. 3 To meet the needs of export-oriented small and medium enterprises is important for the development of a private sector. 4. To secure the bank's stability the National Bank of Ukraine resolved to increase the amount of operating banks. 5. To manage - means to foresee. 6. To have a strong dollar doesn't necessary mean to have a strong economy. 7. To earn a living he became a salesman. 8. To satisfy the needs of consumers means to achieve the objectives of the firm and of society as a whole. 9. To arrange shipment the manufacturer must give full details of the products to the freight forwarder. 10. To get a better understanding of marketing means to look at things from the point of view of the marketing manager. 11. To achieve the objectives of the firm these managers had to make many decisions. 12. To form a North American Free Trade Area the United States has free-trade agreements with Canada, Mexico and Israel.

Ex.5. Перекладіть такі словосполучення і речення. Зверніть увагу на те,що пасивний інфінітив у функції означення перекладається, як правило, підрядним означальним реченням з відтінком майбутності або модальності .

Зразок: The experimental data to be discussed …

Експериментальні дані, що будуть обговорюватися (які повинні бути обговорені)

1... The data to be obtained... 2. The systems to be tested... 3. The money to be paid... 4. The salaries to be delayed... 5. The problem to be settled... 6. The results to be received may vary considerably... 7. Goods to be transported to Poland are stored at the railway station. 8. The items to be discussed at the next session were already agreed upon. 9. This was not a matter to be easily agreed upon. 10. The Secretary general was the first to raise this question. 11. This question will be discussed at the conference shortly to open in Paris. 12. A few years ago New-York became the first state to provide day care. 13. The need to choose is imposed on us all by our income, wealth and ability to borrow. 14. Safety, rate of return and liquidity are factors to consider. 15. One of the first things to think about when you save money is safety. 16.Eсonomic linkages, currency control and price liberalization are all issues to be determined. 17. Goods to be exported are kept in a warehouse. 18. Importers may wait for up five days for goods to be delivered once they have arrived in the UK.

Ex.6. Перекладіть наступні речення на українську/ російську мову. Зверніть увагу на переклад інфінітива як іменної частини складеного присудка.

Зразок: Our aim is to give them economic support.

Наша мета полягає в тому, щоб дати їм економічну підтримку.

(складається в тому, щоб)

1.The task of management accountants is to give management information it needs to make wise decisions. 2. The task of marketing research is to provide management with accurate, reliable, valid and current information. 3. The most important function of the Federal Reserve System is to manage the country's supply of money. 4. The goal was to research new customers of all economic levels. 5. The objective is to establish a leadership position in the market. 6. The first step in any marketing research project is to define the problem. 7. Management creates a team of workers whose specific task is to eliminate the bottleneck. 8. The basic purpose of a business is to produce goods or to provide services and to trade profitably. 9. The main lesson for traders is to avoid dealings with high-risk companies. 10. Britain’s intention is to increase its market share significantly. 11.The aim of this company is to capture a 30 per cent market share. 12. The main purpose of markets and middlemen is to make exchange easier and allow greater time for production, consumption and other activities – including recreation. 13. The objective of a marketing exchange is to receive something that is desired. 14. One purpose of accounting is to help managers evaluate the financial condition and the operating performance of the firm so that they may make better decisions. 15. Another purpose is to report financial information to people outside the firm such as owners, creditors, suppliers, employees. 16. The trend today is to use computers since the process is often repetitive and complex and computers greatly simplify the task.

Ex. 7. Перекладіть речення на українську/ російську мову. Зверніть увагу на переклад інфінітива як частини дієслівного складеного присудка.

Зразок: We are to give them economic support.

Ми повинні дати їм економічну підтримку.

1.They are to provide management with reliable information. 2. A system of internal control is to prevent fraud in the company.3. Something had to be done to increase the productivity.4.I'm sure that nobody is to object to this plan. 5.They are to comment on these proposals. 6.He is to promise that the matter will be looked into.7.The time of shipment was to be agreed upon.8.The terms of payment are to be agreed upon during negotiations.9.The article of the agreement objected to during the negotiations is to be reconsidered.10.It is also important to have a time period established when goods are to be met.11. Managers must constantly decide what to do, how to do it, and whether the results match the original plans. 12. Many goods began to be produced overseas. 13. They tried to foresee all of the things that may happen in the forthcoming year. 14. Exporters and importers have to be certain of receiving documents in good order as quickly as possible. 15. They had to improve quality and expand distribution, all at once. 16. Firms have to restructure and change their management styles to become equally responsive and equally able to produce new products quickly. 17. Periodically you are to evaluate and control your progress to decide whether or not you are meeting your objectives.

Ex.8. Перекладіть речення на українську/ російську мову. Зверніть увагу на функції інфінітива.


1. To achieve these goals means to work much and successfully. 2. To help keep track of income and expenditures, many people use personal budgets. 3. Further education, a car, a business of your own cost far more than you could hope to pay out of current income. 4. For that reason you will want to have a saving plan to help you achieve such goals in the not-too distant future. 5. The next step in preparing a personal budget is to draw up a list of all your sources of income. 6. The next right to which the consumer is entitled is the right to choose. 7. In the 1960s Americans began to express concern about the impact of industrial growth on their nation and on the world. 8. The federal government justified intervention into the economy to protect the environment. 9. Since the mid-20th century, U. S. Policy-makers have attempted to use a mixture of monetary policies and fiscal policies to promote the twin goals of full employment and price stability.10. The idea is to speed up customs clearance so that to reduce it to minimum.11. To achieve the valuable BS (British Standards) 5750 approval, the applicant has to examine all its procedures and then open its doors to BSI (British Standards Institute) inspectors who will assess every aspects of the operation in relation to the standard. 12. They will have to increase their freight rates to compensate for the loss of revenue. 13. This book is valuable because it can help enterpreneurs to avoid expensive mistakes. 14. Marketing is done to satisfy the needs of consumers and achieve the objectives of the firm and of society as a whole.


1. It is difficult to save enough money to start a business and keep it going. 2. The basic concepts are rather easy to understand because you have some experience in organizing. 3. It is essential to ensure that the product or service you wish to promote in each of your selected markets is suited to local requirements. 4. It is much easier to own and manage a business with one or more partners. 5. The papers to be filled to start a cooperation are just the beginning. 6. These describe how the firm is to be operated from both a legal and managerial point of view. 7. Indicate the amount of capital needed to commence or continue operations and describe how these funds are to be used. 8. It also is wise to seek this counsel of other small business people. 9. The problem with some large organization is that communication among units and among managers is simply too slow and complex to compete with smaller companies. 10. The formal system is often too slow and bureaucratic to enable the organization to adapt quickly. 11. It is safe to say that such developments will be as significant as the industrial revolution.