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МУ по грамматике для экономистов.doc
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Ex.6. Перекладіть речення на українську/російську мову.

1. This contract is accepted by the partners without delay. 2. The draft contract was prepared by the new team of the staff. 3. All the points under dispute will be settled by us. 4. Costs are reduced by the suppliers though it is not easy at this period. 5. No doubt financial control will be tightened by the new authorities.6.Valuable metal is replaced by paper notes.7. Small business are affected by the problem of organizing an affective distribution strategy. 8. Europe is still regarded by many small business an another planet – referring to the Continent. 9. In many cases the speed of transport is determined by the type of cargo. 10. The importance of transport is now more widely accepted by larger firms but the massage has to spread to business of all sizes. 11. The automobile industry was helped by the government restrictions on Japanese imports.

2. Якщо за присудком у пасивному стані слідує прийменник , що відноситься до дієслова, то підмет англійського речення перекладається іменником (або займенником) із прийменником, який ставиться перед ним. Всі речення перекладаються на українську мову неозначено-особовими реченнями.

1) These terms will be insisted on. - На цих умовах будуть наполягати.

2) This man can be depended on. - На цю людину можна покластися.

Такі пасивні звороти можливі тільки з деякими дієсловами:

to act on/upon - впливати,впливати на

to deal with- мати справу з

to look at - дивитись на

to refer to- посилатися на

to rely on/upon- покладатися на

to send for- посилати за

to speak of(about)- говорити про

to work at- працювати над

to experiment on/upon- експериментувати над

to pay attention to- звертати увагу на

to agree upon- домовитися про

to depend on- покладатися на

to insist on/upon- наполягати на

to object to- заперечувати проти

Ex.7. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на дієслова, що потребують після себе певних прийменників.

1.The terms were agreed upon. 2. These terms were insisted upon. 3.This proposal was objected to. 4.I think that this information can be relied upon. 5. I am sure that this business plan won't be objected to. 6. We cannot change the terms of payment which were agreed upon during the negotiations. 7. The terms agreed upon were advantageous for both the parties. 8.The article of the agreement objected to during the negotiations must be reconsidered .9. The alterations and amendments to the contract are insisted on.10. They hoped that the commercial part of the contract would be paid much attention to. 11. The Acceptance Report (акт прийомки)signed in the presence of your experts must be referred to.12. Mr.Smith assured that decisions of the members' meeting were paid special attention to by the consorthium leader.13.He confirmed that the draft of the consorthium agreement was being worked at. 14. Licence materials were sent for. 15. The latest rise in metal price in London is much spoken of in business circles. 16. Frederick W.Taylor is referred to as “the father of scientific management.”

Ex.8. Перекладіть речення на українську мову, звертаючи увагу на дієслова, що потребують після себе певних прийменників.

1.The best-known predecessor of Taylor was Charles Babbage, who is remembered today mostly for the development of the “Difference Engine”. 2. An illustration of Babbage’s scientific attitude is found in the preface to on the Economy of Machinery and Manufactures. 3. And after some critics and negative evaluation the faith in the new philosophy of management was strengthened. 4. In this philosophy the emphasis is made on human relations in industry. 5. The research carried on at the Hauthrone Works, under the direction of Elton Mayo, is considered as the classic work in the area. 6. New approaches, based primarily on the quantitative techniques of maths and statistics were applied to the management of industrial enterprise. 7. Operations management is connected with the directing of the activities required to produce the product or service of an enterprise. 8. The liability or compensation payments of these conventions cannot be relied upon. 9. Hanging garment services are insisted upon by exporters and importers of clothes. 10. Supplies delivered as hanging garments are insisted on by many retailers.