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Тема 29. 2. Санкции за невыполнение контрактов

Study the words and the word-combinations.

make available — предоставлять;

fail [feɪl] to perform — не удаваться совершить;

money damages ['mʌni 'dæmɪdʒɪz] — денежная компенсация ущерба;

erasure [ɪ'reɪʒǝ] — уклонение;

damages — компенсация за убытки;

occur [ǝ'kǝ:] — происходить;

punitive ['pju:nɪtɪv] — карательный;

award [ǝ'wɔ:d] — присуждать;

seek damages — требовать возмещения убытков;

restitution [restɪ'tju:∫ǝn] — возвращение утраченного;

breach [bri:t∫] – нарушать;

expectancy [ɪks'pektǝnsi] — ожидание;

reward [rɪ'wɔ:d] — вознаграждать;

anticipate [æn'tɪsɪpeɪt] — предвидеть;

seek a sanction — требовать применения сакции

I. Read and translate the text.

Sanctions for non-fulfilment of contractual obligations

Another branch of contract law deals with the sanctions that are made available to a contracting party when the other party fails to perform his contractual obligations. These sanctions usually take the form of money damages. In case of delay in the fulfilment of contractual obligations or erasure in the fulfilment of contractual obligations a damaged party can bring an action of damages against the responsible party. The court imposes damages as compensation in money for detriment sustained by a plaintiff. The purpose of damages is to place the person in the same position before the action occurred. Damages may be classified as nominal, where no actual damage has been suffered, or substantial which represents compensation for actual loss suffered. Damages can also be punitive. Punitive damages are damages imposed by the court as a punishment of the defendant rather than compensating the plaintiff. Money damages are generally awarded under contract law. When one party to a contract fails to perform his obligation, the other can seek damages by two ways: (1) restitution, which restores to him whatever goods, services, or money he has given the breaching party, (2) expectancy, which rewards him as if the contract had been fully performed; expectancy includes profits anticipated on the contract. Contract law seeks a sanction against contracting parties for non-fulfilment of contractual obligations.

II. Restore the word order in the following statements.

1) Contract law with sanctions deals. 2) Sanctions the form of money take damages. 3) In case of delay an can bring action of in the fulfilment of contractual obligations a damaged party party damages against the responsible. 4) In case of a damaged party party can bring an action of damages erasure in the fulfilment of contractual obligations against the responsible. 5) Restitution to the party damaged party money he has given the breaching restores. 6) Expectancy the damaged party as if the contract had been fully rewards performed.

III. Agree or disagree with the following statements.

1) Contract law deals with damaged parties and responsible parties. 2) When one party to a contract fails to perform his obligation, the other is not to seek damages. 3) In case of delay in the fulfilment of contractual obligations a responsible party can bring an action of damages against the damaged party. 4) In case of erasure in the fulfilment of contractual obligations a responsible party can bring an action of damages against the damaged party. 5) Expectancy restores to the damaged party money he has given the breaching party. 6) Restitution rewards the damaged party as if the contract had been fully performed.

IV. Translate the following words and phrases from Russian into English.

Потерпевшая сторона; предъявить иск за убытки; виновная сторона; компенсация за убытки; понести ущерб; истец; происходить; номинальные убытки; фактические убытки; карательный; ответчик; присуждать; договорное право; требовать возмещения убытков; реституция; нарушать; ожидание; вознаграждать; предвидеть; требовать применения санкции; санкции за невыполнение контрактных обязательств; договаривающиеся стороны; денежная компенсация ущерба; задержка в выполнении контрактных обязательств; уклонение от выполнения контрактных обязательств.

V. Complete the following statements. Retell the text “Sanctions for non-fulfilment of contractual obligations”.

1) Contract law deals with … when … 2) Sanctions usually take … 3) In case of … a damaged party can … 4) The court imposes … 5) The purpose of damages is … 6) Damages may be … 7) Punitive damages are … 8) Money damages are awarded under … 9) When one party to a contract fails … the other can … 10) Restitution restores … 11) Expectancy rewards … 12) Expectancy includes … 13) Contract law seeks …

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