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Оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом»

The Complex Subject

Оборот «именительный падеж с инфинитивом» состоит из сочетания: существительное или местоимение + инфинитив( в различных формах).

The delegation is said to arrive on Monday. — Говорят, что делегация пребывает в понедельник.

1. Употребляется, когда сказуемое выражено следующими глаголами в страдательном залоге:

to say говорить

to report сообщать

to know знать

to expect ожидать

to believe полагать

to consider считать

to see видеть

to think думать

to hear слышать

to state заявлять, сообщать

He is said to study at Oxford University. — Говорят, что он учится в Оксфорде.

2. Когда сказуемое выражено глаголами:

to seem, to appear казаться

to prove оказываться

to happen, to chance случаться

Эти глаголы употребляются в действительном залоге.

Не proved to be a good barber. — Он оказался хорошим парикмахером.


глагол to be после некоторых глаголов часто опускается.

She appears (to be) tired. — Она по-видимому устала.

3. Когда сказуемое выражено сочетанием глагола to be и прилагательным:

likely вероятный

unlikely невероятный

certain несомненный

sure несомненный

They are sure to win this game. — Они, несомненно, выиграют эту игру.

(Indefinite Infinitive обычно выражает действие, относящееся к будущему.)

Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for

Инфинитивный оборот с предлогом for состоит из сочетания предлога for с существительным или местоимением в объектном падеже + инфинитив (Active/Passive).

It is difficult for me to translate this article. — Мне трудно перевести эту статью.

It is necessary for the telegram to be sent urgently. — Необходимо, чтобы телеграмма была послана немедленно.


Exercise 1 .Choose the right answer:

1. The article is difficult (перевести).

1. to have translated 2. to be translating 3. to translate

2. They proved unable (решить) the dispute.

1. to settle 2. to have been settled 3. to be settled

3. You do not seem (иметь) a good knowledge of Russian History.

1. to have had 2. to be having 3. to have

4. Let the children (собраться) in the hall.

1. to have been gathered 2. gather 3. to be gathering

5. They are known (награждать) with medals recently.

1. to have been awarded 2. to be awarded 3. to award

6. The children are glad (обучать) music.

1. to be taught 2. have taught 3. to be teaching

7. He waited for the paper (опубликовать).

1. to publish 2. published 3. to be published

Exercise 2. Translate into English.

1. Мне не случалось бывать в Сибири. 2. Его спросили первым. 3. Нам бы хотелось, чтобы вы взяли эту тему для курсовой работы. 4. Кажется, они приняли приглашение. 5. Я никогда не видел, как она играет в теннис. 6. Мы надеемся, что статья будет отпечатана в срок. 7. Вот вопрос, который надо обсудить. 8. Пусть кто-нибудь поможет ему. 9. Она, оказывается, ничего не знает о наших планах. 10. Я оказался очень занятым в тот момент. 11. Это невозможно доказать. 12. Вопрос в том, как им сказать об этом. 13. Ваш вопрос трудно решить. 14. Известно, что он живет в Риме. 15. Говорят, что ее послали в командировку. 15. Желательно, чтобы вы это знали.

Теst 1

Choose the right answer:

1. As for me, I’d prefer … TV.

a) watch

b) watching

c) to watch

d) have watched

2. Why not … them to the party?

a) to invite

b) inviting

c) you inviting

d) invite

3. It’s simple … with people due to the Internet.

a) to communicate

b) communicate

c) to be communicating

d) to have communicated

4. I want my brother … the work as soon as possible.


b) finishing

c) finishes

d) to finish

5. They expected the meeting … in a conference hall.

a) to hold

b) to be holding

c)to be held

d) to be hold

6. The government intend … social programmes.

a) to start

b)at starting


d) starting

7. He didn’t answer the phone yesterday. He must … sleeping.

a) have been

b) has been

c) be

d) to have been

8. I hope … Moscow State University.

a) for entering

b) to enter

c) of entering

d) entering

9. My parents never let me … in bed.

a) to read

b) reading

c) read

d) to reading

10. His aunt is a very fussy person. She wants everything … in its right place.

a) being

b) to be

c) be

d) to being

11. Can you hear the two men … an argument?

a) have

b) to have

c)are having

d) having

12. I’ve never seen anyone … as little as you do.

a) eats

b) eat

c) in eating

d) to have eaten

13. He persuaded her … to the doctor’s.

a) not go

b) not to go

c) to going

d) going

14. The teacher made him … the test.

a) to rewrite

b) to rewrote

c) rewrite

d) rewrites

15. When she looked out of the window she saw a stranger … on the bench.

a) sitting

b) sit

c) siting

d) to sit

Теst 2

Choose the right answer:

1. The rain seems … .Call the children in. I don’t want them … .

a) to be, to be got wet through

b) to be starting; to get wet through

c) to have started; to have got wet through

d) to have been started; to be getting wet through

2. The English colony, Plymouth, in Massachusetts, is known … by the Pilgrims who arrived on the Mayflower in 1620.

a) to be established

b) to have established

c) to have been establishing

d) to have been established

3. Look, they are likely … to the news. They seem … .

a) to be listening; to be excited

b) to listen; to be excited

c) to have been listening; to have excited

d) to have listened; to be being excited

4. He is sure … a liar. Everybody heard him … that in so many words.

a) to be; to say

b) be; say

c) to be; say

d) be; to say

5. When I came in, the discussion seemed … to an end. They appeared … patience because they turned out … for it.

a) to have been coming; to have been losing; be ready

b) to be coming; to be losing; not to be ready

c) to come; to lose; to be ready

d) to have come; to have lost; not to be being ready

6. Jack, you seem … too fast. The speed is already 100 miles. I’m afraid. I want you … the speed till 40 miles.

a) to have driven; slow down

b) to drive; to slow down

c) to be driving; to be slowing down

d) to be driving; to slow down

7. Do you happen … how to get to the Tower?

a) to be knowing

b) to now

c) to know

d) to be known

8. She is unlikely … us go there.

a) to let

b) let

c) to allow

d) to be allowed

9. She looks nice. - Yes, but she seems … on weight.

a) to have put

b) to put

c) to be put

d) is putting

10. Is he still abroad? – No, he appears … two months ago.

a) to return

b) to be returning

c) to returns

d) to have returned

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