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86) The crimes of totalitarian regime in Kazakhstan: the mass repressions of 1920-1930ss years.

Nation-building in Kazakhstan (1920-30-e gg.).

One of the major projects of industrialization was the construction of the Trans-Siberian Railway (Turksib). Construction of road connecting Siberia to Central Asia, stretching 1,445 km commenced in April 1927. Construction has become a popular character. 25 April 1930., 17 months ahead of time it was completed. Largest construction project of that period were: Chimkent lead plant, Balkhash copper and polymetallic Achisaysky plants, construction began Tekeli Jezkazgan polymetallic and copper-smelting plant, Ust-Kamenogorsk lead-tsinkovoo plant. It was the largest non-ferrous metals not only in Kazakhstan but also in the USSR.

The construction of the chemical industry in Shymkent, Aktobe and other regions. Uvelchilos electricity: Karaganda CES, UlbinskayaGES, CHP Balkhash copper-smelting plant - were constructs of the time. It developed Embinsky oil region. Been expanded old crafts: Kosshagyl, Makati; developed new fields: Kulsary saghyz. Kazakhstan has the second largest in the Union for the production of nonferrous metals, the third oil extraction Karaganda coal has become the third base.

In the years of industrialization have been constructed food industry: Semipalatinsk myasokominat, Gurvsky fish-canning factory, Alma-Ata canning factory, sugar factory in Jambul, Merka, Taldy-Kurgan.

87) The creation of ‘Alash Orda’ government. The first experience of nationhood as an autonomous republic.

In February 1917 Tsar was overthrown by bourgeoisie and workers. The Provisional government consisting of bourgeoisie and workers was established as result of February Revolution. The revolution means something which is completely new and has nothing to do with the past. So in this revolution the structure and administration of the state was changing. Now people were rule through different commissions and committees. The first commissioners of then Provisional government were Bokeihanov, Tynyshbaev, Shokai etc. In this period old system was struggling with new system. Everything was in huge mess. In this mess Central Asian intelligentsia organized themselves to establish “Alash” party. The party had its program. The program was touching issues of 1) Russia has to be democratic Federation; 2) Kazakh autonomy has to be created within Russian Federation; 3) Equality of rights among citizens of Russian Federation; 4) secularism; 5) Judicial power ; 6) Law enforcement and military field; 7) taxes have to be per income; 8) status of workers; 9) Education and science; 10) Land. A. Bokeihanov was elected as first chairman of the Party. However Alash had no long life. It was smashed once Bolsheviks got power. Alash was seen as symbol of national bourgeoisie and nationalism. The dream of independence and regional/national identity came true only in 1991.

88) The famine of 1932-1933 years in Kazakhstan.

Forced collectivization and is inextricably linked with her so-called liquidation of the kulaks as a class, which resulted in the most capable and hard working layer of the peasantry was expropriated and deported a large part of it, led to a drop in agricultural production. As a result, grain procurement, and anti-peasant policies of the Stalinist leadership in autumn 1932 - spring 1933 in the country erupted unprecedented hunger. On the Famine of 1932-1933. Perhaps the first time in Soviet literature was said in 1940 in a collection of articles, published in connection with the 60-year anniversary IV Stalin, MA Sholokhov wrote that under the guise of fighting against sabotage by farmers was confiscated all the grain, including those issued in advance for workdays, resulting in "a collective famine. True, the blame for this is attributed not to the center, but on the boundary direction of the North Caucasus. Also in 1940, September 9, Stalin at a meeting in connection with the discussion of the film "The Law of Life" by A. Avdeyenko was forced to admit that "we have, for example, 25-30 million hungry, the bread was not enough, but now have become live well "2. But neither the causes of hunger, not its perpetrators, he did not name, but his speech was not published in the press. His attitude to this issue has not changed and Stalin in 1932, when the country's famine. Moreover, while millions of people starved and died, the Soviet leadership not only refused to import grain and grain exports, in order not to undermine the credit abroad "and" does not aggravate the difficulties of the international situation. " On the famine in the USSR were forbidden even to mention. Truly it was a "top secret famine"!

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