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  1. Islamization and the introduction of Shari’a law by the end of the seventeen century.

The Battle of Talas in 751 between the Abbasid Caliphate and the Chinese Tang Dynasty for control of Central Asia was the turning point initiating mass conversion into Islam in the region. Islamization of the region has had profound impact on the native cultures in the region moulding them as a part of Islamic civilization. Islamization in the region has also had the effect of blending Islam into native cultures, creating new forms of Islamic practices, known as folk Islam. Until the Mongol invasion of Central Asia in 13th century, Samarkand, Bukhara and Urgench flourished as centers of Islamic learning, culture and art in the region. Mongol invasion halted the process for a half century.Central Asian Islamic scientists and philosophers, including Al-Khwarzimi, Abu Rayhan Biruni, Farabi, and Avicenna made an important impact on the development of European science in the ensuing centuries.

Sharia is an Arabic word meaning ‘way’ or ‘path’. In Arabic, the collocation ‘Šarīʿat Allāh’ (God’s Law) is traditionally used not only by Muslims, but also Christians and Jews. Sharia refers to the legal framework within which the public and private aspects of life are regulated for those living in a legal system based on Islamic principles of jurisprudence and for Muslims living outside the domain. Sharia deals with many aspects of day-to-day life, including politics, economics, banking, business, contracts, family, sexuality, hygiene, and social issues.

Islamic law is now the most widely used religious law, and one of the three most common legal systems of the world alongside common law and civil law. During the Islamic Golden Age, classical Islamic law may have influenced the development of common law, and also influenced the development of several civil law institutions.

When sharia began its formation in the deserts of Arabia about 1,400 years ago, the time Islam was born, a sense of community did not exist. Life in the desert was nomadic and tribal, thus the only factor that tied people together into various tribes was through common ancestry. However, the nature of Islam challenged that ideology and brought all those who professed their submission to Islam into the Ummah. Additionally, Islam was not just a religion but a way of life. Laws had to be instilled so the doctrines of sharia took root. All who are Muslim are judged by sharia – regardless of the location or the culture.

  1. The role and place of “Alash Orda” movement in the history of Kazakhstan. A. Bokeihanov and his role in the history of Kazakhstan.

In order to develop a program of action in the circumstances prevailing after the October Revolution of 1917 December 5-13 in the second Orenburg. All Caucasian congress. It was attended by delegates from all over Kazakhstan: Bukeevskoy Horde Uralskaya, Turgay, Akmola, Semipalatinsk, Semirechje, Samarkand, from the Altai region. The organizers were A. Bukeyhanov, A. Baytursynov, I. Omarov, S. Doschanov, M. Dulatov. Chairman of the congress was B. Kullman, with the opening of the congress delegates to reports from the field, which basically said that the south of Kazakhstan is covered hunger. The people scattered, local authorities are not able to bring order, having discussed these reports the first exit point of the resolution called for "the people for an end to partisan combat and for unity." On the agenda were made following issues: related to the autonomy of Siberia, Turkestan and South-Eastern Union, the autonomy of the Siberian regions, the police, the national council, education, the National Fund, the People's Court, auls’ management, the food issue. The central issue at the convention was the establishment of the Kazakh autonomy. Report on the autonomy Bukeyhanov made his report and the issue of autonomy of the Kazakh were transferred to the special commission. It was formed by the interim Council on «Alash Orda» of 25 members, 10 seats, of which offered Russian and other peoples of the province. The seat of Alash-Horde was determined Semipalatinsk. for the post of Head of Government, the President of All the Kazakh people's council was elected on a competitive basis A. Bukeyhanov.

  1. The role of the Great Silk Way on the territory of Kazakhstan and it’s in cultural and economic development of the region.

The Great Silk Road - one of the most significant achievements in the history of world civilization. Extensive network of caravan routes crossing Europe and Asia from the Mediterranean to China and served in an era of Antiquity and Middle Ages an important means of trade relations and dialogue between the cultures of East and West. The most extensive part of the road passed through the territory of Kazakhstan and Central Asia. Asian Silk Road station, if it move from west to east, coming from Shashai (Tashkent) via Turbat in Isfidzhab, Sairam. From Isfidzhaba caravans were on the east through the town of Taraz in Sharab and Buduhket. From Taraz eastward path walked by Kulanu, passed through Suyab through the Issyk-Kul, Ili Valley, Kayalyk (capital karlukskih dzhagbu). From Isfidzhaba in Arsubaniket to Arysi through Shavgar, Yangikent. The Silk Road served initially for the export of Chinese silk. In turn, of Rome, Byzantium, India, Iran, the Arab

Caliphate, and later from Europe and Russia went on the myrrh and frankincense, cardamom and nutmeg, ginseng and gall python, carpets and paintings, diamonds and jasper, ivory and «rybi tusks», ingots of gold and silver, furs, coins, and many others On the Silk Road extended cultivated crops: grapes, peaches and melons, spices and sugar, fruit and vegetables and herbs. Silk Road extending not only products but also the fashion for art styles, and getting to the prepared soil in a particular ethno-cultural environment, are widely available. Along with the proliferation of products, scientific and technological innovation, culture samples in applied arts, architecture, wall paintings Silk Road on the east and west spread the art of music and dance, visual representations, a kind of "stage" the Middle Ages. For example, Iranian, Sogdian and Turkish actors brought a lot of choreographic culture of China. When the excavation of historical monuments throughout the Silk Road found numerous tangible confirmation of the development and cross-fertilization of musical and theatrical cultures of different peoples. The Silk Road spread religious teachings and ideas, various missionaries transferred their faith in the overseas country. From India via Central Asia and East Turkistan came to Buddhism, from Syria, Iran and Arabia, spread Christianity and then Islam. Along with Buddhism on the Silk Road coming from the West to the East, Nestorian Christianity spread wing.

The basis of the Silk way carry to II century BC when the Chinese ambassador Chzhan Tsjan has visited the countries of the Central Asia with diplomatic mission. Till II century BC the way from Europe to Asia broke at borders of China as ranges of Asia - Tien Shan, Kun-Lun, Karakorum, Hindu Kush, the Himalayas - hid the most ancient Chinese civilization from other world. To open the richest western direction the case has helped. The goods on the Great Silk Way went basically from the east on the West. And, as it follows from the name, silk was the main goods in this list. Thanks to the ease, the compactness, enormous demand and dearness it was an ideal subject of trade for long-distance transportation. In the Middle Ages the Venetian merchant Marco Polo named these caravan tracks silk. And into a scientific turn the term «Great silk way» in 1877 was entered by German researcher Ferdinand Rihtgofen in the fundamental work "China".

41. Development prsvescheniya. I. Altynsarin.

The development of the education system. At the end of XIX century. many towns, villages and mountain villages offers many schools, was the beginning of polytechnics and female education. In many schools were boarding. By the end of XIX century. Kazakhstan was more than 100 two-year schools with an enrollment of over 4 thousand students.

I. Altynsarin. Organizer of public education in the second half of XIX century. was a prominent Kazakh educator Ibrahim Altynsarin (1841 -1889). He was born near Kostanai family known beating Balgozhi, in 1857, he graduated from Kazakh seven-year school in Orenburg. As a result of systematic self-education he became a highly educated man of his time. A deep study of the history and current state of Russian pedagogy enabled him to become an educator of the native people. With the help of the people he succeeded in January 1884 in Torgau, in 1888 in Irgiz in 1884 in southwestern Moscow to open Kazakh schools. The name I. Altynsarin connected and the beginning of female education in Kazakhstan. He opened several schools for girls in boarding schools, which in 1886 enrolled 211 students. Its merit is also the opening of agricultural, trade schools, the development of didactic principles of training and education of children, the creation of learning and teaching aids. He had written "Kyrgyz reader", "Training Guide Kyrgyz Russian language", "Maktubat" had great significance in the history of Kazakh culture. In these textbooks for Kazakh schools to use the Russian alphabet. "Only with the use of the Russian alphabet Kirghiz (Kazakh) language to get rid of the Arab, Tatar words that are inappropriate to include in the Kyrgyz language. Only use the Russian font Kazakh books will be written correctly," wrote I. Altynsarin.

School he believed the key to true enlightenment of the people. "Schools - Education is the mainspring of the Kazakhs on them, especially on their promise, in which only the future of the Kyrgyz people", - wrote the educator. Given the nomadic life of the Kazakhs, he proposed to open boarding schools for schools.

42. Chagatai Khanate and Mughulistan in the history of Kazakhstan (area, economy, social organization).

The collapse of the Chagatai ulus in the middle of the XIV century in the territory of South-Eastern Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, a new nomadic state. Political history Moghulistan second half of XIV century. remains obscure,

especially its inner life. In the sources there is no reliable information about events in the northern areas Zhetisu and the Tien Shan. The most detailed results Mirza Muhammad Haidar Dulat on the history of his tribe. After the death of shagataida Kazan Khan, the nomadic life of the enemy, 'the tribal elite and the Kazakh kyrgizskih birth Zhetisu decides to establish an independent state from shagataidov.

However, in all states of the Mongol tradition of supreme ruler could only be Chingizid. Therefore, the Emir of Pu-ladchi, head of the tribal nobility Dulat tribe, made a name-renniem create an independent khanate with protege - Khan of Genghisides. Chingizids, which chose aulaty, was 18-year-Togluk-Timur ''

Having Khan, his protege, dulatskie emirs and strengthened its authority as the leading political forces of the country. With the support of the tribal elite Dulats managed to some extent to stabilize the situation in the country, to unite under his rule the whole vast territory Moghulistan, to subordinate the tribes inhabiting it. Rate Togluk-Timur was in Almalik. The struggle for the unification of all areas under the auspices of the central government was the main content of the internal life of the state. Nomadic know some tribes stubbornly resisted attempts by the Khan to limit its independence.

Hiking Timur on Moghulistan. The first campaign of Timur Moghulistan took place in 1371-72 gg. However, it beat the so-called "reconnaissance" trip that took to the demonstration of force and the seizure of captives and booty. More serious campaign began with in 1375 and were directed against the Amir Qamar ad-Din,

Hike in 1375 ended in complete victory of Timur, but Qamar-al-Din managed to retain power. In 1376 a new army of Timur acted on Moghulistan, but Kypchak voenona-chalniki mutinied and went over to Orys Khan.

The next campaign was undertaken in 1377, when he was captured Sygnak, where Khan was Toktamys. Troops Moghulistan twice defeated, but Qamar-al-Din escaped once again. In the 80's. Kamar-al-Din made an alliance with Toktamysom, Yonge torus and Hizir Hodge v. Khan, Tamerlane. In 1389, Emir Timur took a further hike in Zhetisu. Moghul rulers were unable to organize resistance, and the troops of Timur were all over the country, ruining the pastures and gorotsa. Another hike in 1390 ended in defeat again Moghulistan. In 1404 Timur decided to finally subdue Zhetisu and led a huge army went into the campaign. Only death tremor of the universe "in Otrar in early 1405 withdrew the threat.

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