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  1. Saks tribal unity (location, economy, culture, social organization).

Since the beginning of 2 millennium BC in Kazakhstan were Aryan tribes. In the 1 st millennium BC their successors have been Saks. Names of Saks tribes and tribal groups appeared in Persian sources. In the work of Greek authors they can be met with the name “Skiffs”, which was widely used as a synonym of the word “nomads’. In the sources Tigrakhaud Saks (with cone-shaped caps), Khaomovrag Saks (khaoma drink producers), Paradaraiya Saks (inhabited the lake and river sides) were called the Saks. According to Herodotus, who is the principal source of information on these events, the Scyths (or at least some of them) claimed to have migrated from the Altai Mountains at the eastern extreme of the Western Steppe. Greek and Latin sources mentioned the names of tribes: Massagets between the Syr Darya and Amu Darya, savromaty (later Sarmatians) - to the west of Kazakhstan, as well as issedony, argipeyi, sarakauly Saki and others were worthy rivals of the mighty powers as a Persian Aheminid’s state, Assyria, Urartu. Saks played an important role in world politics of that time; they were active participants in historical events. They fought on the side of the Persians in the Greco-Persian wars. In an era of Saks cattle-breeding economy finally formed. Saks’s society was not homogeneous. At its highest stage were «kings», he has considerable power, they address the issues of war and peace, sent ambassadors, entering into alliances, led the troops. There was «royal» clan, whom were hereditary rulers. Important role in society played Saks military aristocracy. The main role in the management of the society played an ancestral ruler, each Saks man was free and a full-fledged person. Clusters of Saks graves found on the shores of Talas, Chu, Ili, in the foothill areas of Kyrgyz, Zaili and Jungar Alatau. The most famous monument - the Issyk Kurgan, located on 50 km east of Almaty in the foothills of Zailisk Alatau in 1969 - was found buried «Golden Man», dated V century BC. Saks culture has reached a high degree of development. The main component in the art of Saks was «savage style», established in the VII - VI century BC. There are images of various animals, which decorated household items, clothing, utensils, and weapons.

  1. Huns in the history of Central Asia (location, economy, social organization, political history).

Hunnu first mentioned in written sources referred to 822 BC. In 209 BC Mode declared himself as a leader and started to work actively to create hunns state. The war between hunnu and China ceased to 188y BC Han (China) troops was defeated. In 47 BC hunnu because of the strife divided into two parts - north and south. The first take citizenship of Chinese empire, the second retained independent. Ghuns were a nomadic pastoralist people who invaded southeastern Europe c. AD 370 and during the next seven decades built up an enormous empire there and in central Europe. Appearing from beyond the Volga River some years after the middle of the 4th century, they first overran the Alani, who occupied the plains between the Volga and the Don rivers, and then quickly overthrew the empire of the Ostrogoths between the Don and the Dniester. About 376 they defeated the Visigoths living in what is now approximately Romania and thus arrived at the Danubian frontier of the Roman Empire. They were apparently primitive pastoralists who knew nothing of agriculture. As warriors the Huns inspired almost unparalleled fear throughout Europe. In 445 of Attila became the sole ruler. Attila the first blows struck the Eastern Roman Empire, which forced to pay for 448 of the annual tribute. Then, combining the Germanic tribes’ geruls, Ostrogoths and gepids, started a war against the Western Roman Empire. The battle occurred in 451 of the two armies, the defeat of Attila ceased, but in the next year, his troops came to Rome and forced the emperor to flee the capital. After the death of Attila in 453 hunnus power collapsed. Hunnu were well-organized army. It is based on mobile cavalry. There was a private family ownership of livestock. Materials excavations indicate wealth inequality. Each hunnus clan owned strip of land, which led economy. Mountains, forests were considered common property and were used by individual deliveries. Hunnu, like other nomads of Eurasia, lived in yurts (nomad's tent), winter shelters. Hunnus clothes were made mostly of leather and wool. The main role in the hunnus economy played cattle-breeding. The hierarchy of officials was very cumbersome and complex. Totally in public administration were 24 senior officials. Hunnu had code of law. For example: In hunnu society for the violation of military discipline and the avoidance of military service the death penalty was fixed.

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