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  1. Kazakhstan within the Russian empire (administrative reforms of 1822, 1824, 1867-68 years and their colonial character).

«Charter of the Siberian Kyrgyz» 1822. The creation of fortifications restrict traditional nomadic Kazakhs, creating tension between the administration of the Siberian and Kazakh sultans. Increased military action in the region, the threat of invasion, medical troops in the territory of Kazakhstan led Ablai take suzerainty medical bogdyhana while maintaining Russian citizenship. Politics lavirovaniya Russia and the medical empire, which had the receiver Ablai Uali Khan approved the ruling circles of Russia in view of the Abolition of khan and power in the Middle zhuze. According to its reform of Siberia was divided into two parts - east to the administration of Irkutsk and the West in the heart of the center in Tobolsk, and in 1839 in Omsk. This part became known as «Siberian Region Kyrgyz» for the charter was drawn up in 1822, according to which the Kyrgyz region of Siberia was divided into districts, districts were divided into townships, townships in auly. The organization of the districts based on nomadic taken the winter.

In 1824. Government of Russia was adopted «Charter of Orenburg Kyrgyz», developed by the Governor-General of Orenburg PK Essen. As in the Middle zhuze in younger khan off the power. Zhuz divided into parts, headed by the sultan - ruler of Zhuz, who was appointed governor of Orenburg. The judiciary, as well as on «Charter on the Siberian Kyrgyz», predusmatrivovala maintenance of all major military court or the Boundary Commission. It was dismantled khan power in junior and middle zhuzah.

  1. The uprising of the Kazakhs of Small Horde under the leadership of Isatai Taiman uli and Makhambet Otemys uli (1836-1838).

Movement has been organized against feudal oppression and the Russian colonial policy. In the development revolt has endured three stages: 1st (1833-36), preparatory, 2nd (beginning of 1837 – middle of November 1837), performance and defeat, 3rd (middle of December 1837 – middle of July 1838), transition of group of insurgents under the direction of Isatai and Mahambet on a left bank of Ural Mountains, a regrouping of forces, definitive defeat in fight at the river Akbulak.

First stage of movement is characterized by following lines: actions of local governors more and more aggravated a life of the simple people owing to what the discontent of the population has amplified; work on creation of national home guards was actively conducted; the discontent of the population was expressed in attacks on auls of bies and sultans.

The group of the population consisting of nomads and the poorest social classes was the basic force of liberation movement. Auls with kin berish led by Isatai Taimanov became the main organizers and ­ inspirers of revolt. To insurgents has joined Mahambet, akin, the fighter for freedom of the simple people who was one of ideologists of people's liberation movement. The main ideological and political grounds of revolt underlay a social status of their participants - peasants.

In the spring of 1837 after form the basic centers of military operations insurgents have begun active attack to the khans headquarters. On October, 15-20th, 1837 camp of Isatai was in 60-70 versts from the headquarters of the khan in natural boundary the Terekty-godfather. On October, 24th insurgents number of 1500 persons have promoted to distance of 4-8 versts from khans headquarters; the siege, lasting has begun two weeks. On struggle against ­ insurgents the regular and Cossack parts, separate military divisions of Kulaginsky, Mountain fortresses have been involved. Against the risen large-scale military operations have been organized, the basic exits for deviation of insurgents have been blocked. Over operation lieutenant colonel Geke supervised. The headquarters siege has been removed after negotiations; however armies of the tsar, having violated conditions of negotiations, have attacked insurgents. On November, 15th, 1837 the army of the risen has suffered defeat from armies of Geke, 100 persons have been killed nearby. Isatai and Mahambet in December, 1837 Have made the way through an environment near to the Jamanha-Linsky advanced post and have left in Zaurale steppe.

  1. The national movement of a Kazakh people for independence under the leadership of Kenesary Khasym uli (1837-1847 years).

Belonging to a top of the steppe nobility, Kenesary achieved restoration of the Kazakh statehood and the liquidated Russia by khans power. The khan Kene has continued struggle of his father, the Kasym-sultan, against imperial colonization, building of the Russian fortresses and oppression by colonizers of the Kazakh population. Struggle of Kenesary has become complicated that the Russian government operating from a principle "divide and dominate" has entered in under control territories an imperial post aga-sultans. Thus, the imperial government has yielded the power to certain group submitting to them of people and has pitted them against Kenesary. In a current about ten years Kenesary struggled against regular imperial armies and grouping aga-sultans. First half of revolt has been marked by set of victories, including a brilliant capture of an imperial Akmolinsk fortress. Part of revolt of Kenesary in Younger zhuz hardly was Isatai and Mahambet who with might and main flared in the meantime on the western boundaries Younger zhuz, in the Bukeis Horde was not closed with revolt of "two fierce wolves". On peak of the liberation movement of Kenesary supervised all Kazakhstan. B 1841 on kurultai of all Kazakh zhuz’s Kenesary has been selected the Supreme khan.

Kenesary successfully was at war not only with the Russian armies, but also and with southern aggressors - Kokands and Khivan khanates. He almost has completely recreated the state of his grandfather Abylai. The Russian armies, the Cossacks could not mock with impunity at the Kazakh population any more. The khan Kene became protection and a support for Kazakh people. Those days its army totaled 20 000 soldiers, they had fire-arms and some guns. Requirements of Kenesary about restoration of territorial integrity of Kazakhstan, preservation of its independence have been stated in its correspondence addressed to tsar Nikolay I, the Orenburg governors V.Perovskomu, V.Obruchevu, the Siberian governor P.Gorchakovu, the chairman of the Orenburg boundary commission A.Gensu.

In 1845 the Russian authorities, being afraid of scope of movement of Kenesary against Russia and wishing to supersede it from limits Younger and Middle zhuz, have urgently constructed fortresses of Yrgyz and Turgaj. In 1846 Kenesary was necessary to wander on the south, in limits of the Ulu zhuz. Expecting it, the large group of imperial artillery there has been directed. Under the pressure of superior forces, having left half of subordinates in steppes of the Sary-arch, Kenesary has passed to the right river bank Or and has approached to the Kirghiz possession.

  1. The February bourgeois-democratic revolution of 1917 in Russian and its influence on Kazakhstan.

The February revolution was greeted with delight in Kazakhstan. The Interim Government, instead of the previous power structures began to create regional and county commissioners. Commissioner Torgays oblast became Alikhan Bokeikhan, Semirechje - Muhamedzhan Tynyshpaev, Uralsk - Halel Dosmuhameduly, Kostanay county-Ahmed Birimzhanuly. On 6 March of 1917 all participants in the rebellion 1916 Amnesty has been declared. The spring of 1917 in all areas of the Kazakh were held congresses to discuss the future of Kazakhstan. Already in March, the newspaper group «Cossack» became registered in the political party. After a long training in July at the Congress in Orenburg, it was decided on the formation of the party, producing programs and nominate candidates for the Constituent meeting, October 5, got the name «Alash» - the name of legend progenitor of Kazakhs. Alash Party led leaders of the national liberation moving of Alikhan Bokeikhan, Ahmet Baytursun, Myrzhakyp Dulatuly, Halel and Zhahansha Dosmuhameduly, Muhamedzhan Tynyshpaev, Eldos Omirov, Abdulhamit Zhuzhdybay, Magzhan Zhumabay. Party Program adopted at the congress in December 1917. Includes the claims of autonomy Kazakhstan universal selective of law, freedom of speech, press, unions, personal integrity, changes in agricultural policy in favor of Kazakhs. Regional conference in Tashkent in August, 1917 has developed more radical project of an autonomy of Kazakhs and has suggested to make national body the newspaper «Бiрлiк туы» Mustafa Shokaj was which editor. 37. Kazakhstan during the civil war in 1918-1920 years and establishment of Soviet power.

Using the Czechoslovak uprising ataman Dutov took Orenburg in July 1918. against the Soviet authorities, together with the Government Alash Horde. Most whites have had foreign help interveners. Night March 29, 1918 belokazaki mastered the Urals. In Kazakhstan, formed part of the local population, called «Muslim» .29 in May 1918 released a decree ARCEC Kremlin on the mobilization of workers on the basis of universal conscription. In autumn 1918, in Bukeevskoy Horde was the first exemplary Kazakh Soviet cavalry regiment. In 1920 in Turkestan was proclaimed the first forced recruitment of indigenous people. In May 1920, by decision of the Council of Labor and Defense of the Russian Federation were called to the army of 25 thousand workers of non-Russian National children aged 19-35 years. Much organizational work was carried out by an extraordinary Commissioner steppe edges Dzhangildin, voenkom Turgai county Imanov, as well as Argancheev Aliev, Rozybakiev and others help Aktyubinsk Front expedition was sent Dzhangildin transmitted fighters ammunition and weapons. In January. 1919, the spacecraft was liberated Orenburg and Uralsk. Politics «military communism» in the years of civil war in Kazakhstan. (1918-1920gg). «Military Communism» - a system of temporary, emergency, civil war also forced up. Measures that amount is the peculiarity of the economic policy of the Soviet State in 1918-1920. In other words - it Superfast conversion to communism with the help of emergency measures. The main features of policy of military communism were: Nationalization of the entire industry. The transition in ownership of all former Soviet state of private enterprises. Centralization of economy, when the economy is subject to all necessary fronts. The prohibition of private trade. Food allotment, ie, must surrender all peasants State fixed price all «surplus» of bread, except required needs to families. Countervailing wage workers and employees. Politics «Military Communism» not only withdraw Soviet state of economic ruin in the years of civil war, but also greatly exacerbated it. By the end of civil war, the livestock population has declined by 11 million. A gross yield of grain decreased by 3 times. The situation in the economy has affected the lives of people. Especially farmers - the main producers of food. Evidence of dissatisfaction with the peasants have become widespread unrest in the villages. Go to the NEP has helped to redress the situation.

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