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Кармин Новиелло - Освоение STM32.pdf
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E. Изменения книги


Выпуск 0.9.1 – 28 марта 2016

This release contains the following changes:

Installation instructions have been updated to the latest CubeMX 4.14, which now officially supports MacOS and Linux.

Выпуск 0.10 – 26 апреля 2016

This release adds the following chapter:

Chapter 12 about low-power modes. This release contains the following changes:

Explained in paragraph 6.2.2 why the field GPIO_InitTypeDef.Alternate is missed in CubeF1 HAL.

Fixed example 3 in Chapter 9. The example contained two errors, one related to the EXTI2_3_IRQHandler() and one to the priority of IRQs. The code in the book examples repository was instead correct.

Added few words about I/O debouncing at page 207.

The paragraph 7.6 has been completely rewritten to cover also the BASEPRI register.

Added the paragraph 11.3.3 about how to generate timer-related events by software.

ST engineers have changed the way a peripheral clock is enabled/disabled: now all the

__<PPP>_CLK_ENABLE() macros have been renamed to __HAL_RCC_<PPP>_CLK_ENABLE().

The whole book has been updated. However, they are still laving the old macro available for compatibility.

Выпуск 0.11 – 27 мая 2016

This release adds the following chapter:

Chapter 14 about FreeRTOS.

This release contains the following changes:

Changed Figure 16 in Chapter 7: the temporal sequences of ISR B an C were wrong.

Changed Figure 17 in Chapter 7: the sub-priority of ISRs B and C were wrong, because according that execution sequence, the right sub-priority is 0x0 for C and 0x1 for B.

Added another figure in Chapter 7 (the actual Figure 20), which better explains what happens when the priority grouping is lowered from 4 to 1 in that example. Thanks to Omar Shaker that helped me in refining this part.

Paragraph has been completely rewritten to better describe the update process of TIMx->ARR register.

Clarified in Chapter 9 that, when using the UART in DMA mode, it is also important to enable the corresponding UART interrupt and to add a call to the HAL_UART_IRQHandler() from the ISR.

Added an Eclipse intermezzo at the end of Chapter 6: it shows how to customize Eclipse appearance with themes.

Added paragraph 12.3.3 regarding an important issue encountered with STM32F103 MCUs.