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Text 3 Clean energy - Earth's only chance against global warming

Unfortunately for all of us, Earth is already faced with global warming because of dangerous greenhouse gases that are result of fossil fuels combustion. Oil, coal and natural gas are still something modern world can't live with and clean energy (renewable energy sources) are still very negligible on global scale and are satisfying very small percentage of world's total energy need.

Fossil fuels are traditional and dominant in many countries (especially in US since US emits most greenhouse gases into the atmosphere) and renewable energy sources which could provide clean energy that isn't harmful for environment are really lacking necessary attention of world's leading countries like USA, China and India.

Not only our air is polluted but there's also the worst ecological problem in history of the mankind - global warming which is mainly caused by carbon dioxide that gets released into atmosphere during the fossil fuels burning. Earth's temperature increased significantly (this particularly refers to Antarctica), ice is melting and obvious signs of climate change already showed us what we could expect in years to come.

There's lot of talking about renewable energy sources and their researching is taking place in many countries, but the real question is do we have enough time to wait for these clean energy sources? As current situation points out fossil fuels will be dominant force in the next 50 years as well and since our population will grow, there'll be also increased need for energy so we could expect even more greenhouse gases in atmosphere in years to come. Some countries, especially in Europe are doing its best, investing large funds in renewable energy sources and their progress is already remarkable (i.e. Germany and Scandinavian countries). On the other side there are countries like USA that are reluctant to give major boost to clean energy sector because of its traditional dependence upon fossil fuels and very influential fossil fuels industry. We also have countries like China and India that are lately experiencing amazing economical growth and mainly because of its coal powered plants since coal is the cheapest (and also the dirtiest) fossil fuel and they lack necessary funds to invest in some other ecologically more acceptable energy sources.

This all means one big problem because efforts that some (smaller) countries put into their renewable energy sector are overshadowed by these big countries' dependence on fossil fuels, and there is really no exit from this enchanted circle. And it won't be until world's leading countries take this problem more seriously and what's more important start to do something noticeable about it. Only with clean energy sources we have a real chance stopping ever-increasing global warming levels and make safe future for our kids. So what are we waiting for?

Text 4 Wildlife management - Definition and its main role

Wildlife management is term very often used by the environmentalists all around the globe. The best way to define wildlife management would be to say that wildlife management is all about finding the balance between the needs of wildlife and the needs of people by using different scientific methods.

Wildlife management is these days mostly focused on wildlife conservation, and this requires help of many other scientific disciplines such as chemistry, biology, ecology, climatology and geography to get the best possible results.

Biodiversity loss is huge problem around the globe, and as you already know many plants are at the brink of the extinction. The ultimate goal of wildlife management is to stop extinction of many endangered species but in today's situation this is almost an impossible task due to many different ecological problems such as climate change and pollution.

Many animals are in trouble due to habitat loss, and some are threatened with the invasive species. Improving animal habitat is the key to success and this can be achieved with several different techniques such as reforestation, pest control, irrigation, hedge laying, etc. Wildlife management also needs to find balance between the species, and ensure the perfect food chain functioning. Achieving this delicate balance sometimes even involves using certain unpopular methods such as hunting and culling that are criticized by environmentalists. Wildlife management is multidimensional task that needs to view things from many different perspectives before choosing the perfect technique for given wildlife habitat. This makes wildlife management very complex science, which makes things very difficult for wildlife managers. If we look at current situation in United States we can see that US wildlife management practices are often implemented by a governmental agency to uphold a law, the best example to this is the Endangered Species Act of 1973. Wildlife management is also the main preoccupation of U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.