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activities will not only improve your memory, it can also afford your brain greater

protection against 10) ........

or injury as you age.

20. Match 1−5 with a−e to make sentences.


Your brain needs




your ability to think and learn will













If you use it often and in the


such as the capacities for abstract


right ways,




thought, understanding,







communication, reasoning, learning,







planning and problem solving.






But if you never use your brain,


exercise just like a muscle.


or abuse it with harmful
















Intelligence is




psychometric testing.


term describing

a property of





mind including















A popular theory of intelligence


you will become a more skilled


is based on




thinker and increase your ability to















21. Put the words in the correct order to make sentences. The first word is


1.brain. / a / Science / of / is / product / the

2.study / Tom / but / mind. / wanted / to / changed / physics / he / his

3.of / natural / in / intelligence / Nature / brain / way. / produces / the / a

4.1983 / was / Multiple / in / by / Intelligence / developed / Theory / Dr. Howard Gardner.

5.functions / have / Neuroscientists / explain / the / trying / human / to / decades. / the / been / cognitive / of / brain / for


6. suggested / Howard Gardner / that / kinds of / all people / have / "intelligences." / different

22.Choose the correct answer.

1.Computer scientists already _____ various criteria for deciding if a machine is intelligent.

A have proposed

B proposed

C propose

D have been proposing

2.The most fascinating question about artificial intelligence _____ whether machines can have minds or not.

A has been remaining

B remained

C remains

D remain

3.The possibility of human-created, non-living intelligence ______ a fantasy or goal of humans for years.

A has been being

B has

C has been

D have

4.Clearly, if we ________ the physical organ or device that controls human consciousness, and therefore do not fully understand it, we cannot attempt to set up such a device in a machine.

A have not even been discovering

B have not even discovered

C are not even discovering

D do not even discover


5.We __________ the problem about AI for a long time.

A are studying

B have been studying

C study

D studied

6.The scientists _______ hard these days.

A are working

B work

C have worked

D worked

7.Simon _________________.

A already has solved his equation

B has solved already his equation

C has solved his equation already

D has already solved his equation

23.Put the verbs in brackets into the correct present tense.

1.Mark ......... (study) intelligence at Oxford University. He is a scientist.

2.Now he .......... (study) brain visual mechanisms of reading.

3.Mark already ............ (study) some works of famous scientists about this problem.

4.He ............ (study) this problem since last year.

5.At the moment Mark ............ (write) a paper to analyse known approaches.

6.He ............ (write) this paper since Monday.

7.Mark .......... (not, write) it yet.

24.Correct the mistakes. There is one mistake in each sentence.

1.A computer consist of many parts ... all of them have their own roles in the computer's processes.

2.Like all machinery, computers are breaking down with time.


3.Now the computer rapidly changes with technology.

4.But does the computer really superior to the human brain in terms of ability, processing power and adaptability?

5.Computers are probably the most great achievement and pride of the human race.

6.Organizing and ordering information can a significantly improve memory.

7.You can have organize material by grouping related ideas together.

8.Repeating information aloud can help you encode in the information and identify how well you have learned it.

25.Fill in a, an, the where necessary.

1."...... existence of forgetting has never been proved: We only know that some things don't come to ....... mind when we want them."






Friedrich Nietzsche


"Memory is what tells

...... man that his wife's birthday was yesterday."






Mario Rocco


"The two offices of memory are ......

collection and .......







Samuel Johnson



observation is .......

old man's memory."







Jonathan Swift



clear conscience is .....

sure sign of a bad memory."







Mark Twain



things that were hard to bear are sweet to remember."


7."If you wish to forget anything on the spot, make ..... note that this thing is to be remembered."

Edgar Allan Poe


26. Fill in the gaps with for (1), on (2), by (1), in (3), of (3).

People who believe that the mind can be replicated 1) ..... a computer tend to explain the mind 2) ...... terms of a computer. When theorizing about the mind, especially to outsiders but also to one another, defenders 3) ..... artificial intelligence (AI) often rely 4) ...... computational concepts. They regularly describe the mind and brain as the "software and hardware" 5) ..... thinking, the mind as a "pattern" and the brain as a "substrate," senses as "inputs" and behaviours as "outputs," neurons as "processing units" and synapses as "circuitry," to give just a few common examples.

Those who employ this analogy tend to do so with casual presumption. They rarely justify it 6) ..... reference to the actual workings of computers, and they misuse and abuse terms that have clear and established definitions 7) ..... computer science − established not merely because they are well understood, but because they 8) ..... fact are products of human engineering. An examination of what this usage means and whether it is correct reveals a great deal about the history and present state 9) ..... artificial intelligence research. And it highlights the aspirations of some of the luminaries of AI − researchers, writers, and advocates 10) .... whom the metaphor of mind-as-machine is dogma rather than discipline.

27. Edit the Ukrainian translation.

A new brain-computer-interface technology could turn our brains into automatic image-identifying machines that operate faster than human consciousness. Researchers at Columbia University are combining the processing power of the human brain with computer vision to develop a novel device that will allow people to search through images ten times faster than they can do on their own. DARPA, or the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, is funding research into the system with hopes of making federal agents' jobs easier. The technology would allow hours of footage to be very quickly processed, so security


officers could identify terrorists or other criminals caught on surveillance video much more efficiently.

Новий мозок-комп'ютер-інтерфейс технології можуть перетворити наш мозок в автоматичному зображенні виявлення машин, які працюють швидше,

ніж людська свідомість. Дослідники з Колумбійського університету поєднують обчислюваної потужності людського мозку з розробки нового пристрою, який дозволить людям шукати за допомогою образів в десять разів швидше, ніж вони можуть самі по собі. DARPA, або досліджень передових оборонних проектів агенства, фінансування досліджень в системі з надіях на створення робочих місць федеральних агентів простіше. Технологія дозволить годин відеоматеріалів, дуже швидко опрацьовуються, тому співробітники служби безпеки могли ідентифікувати терористів або інших злочинців спіймали на відеоспостереження набагато більш ефективно.

28.Translate into English.

1.Мозок потребує в десять разів більше крові, ніж інші органи.

2.Існує схожість між мозком людини і комп'ютером.

3.Комп'ютери можуть виконувати складні розрахунки з неймовірною швидкістю.

4.Мислення чоловіків є абстрактне і символічне, а у жінок − конкретне і образне.

5.У жінок більш розвинутий емоційний і вербальний інтелект.

6.Чоловіки краще за жінок орієнтуються в просторі і часі і мають певні переваги в розумінні механічних відносин та математичних дій.

7.Органiзацiя людської пам'ятi суттєво вiдрiзняється вiд комп'ютерної,

передусiм, наявнiстю семантики та контексту.



29.Read the text "HOW TO BOOST YOUR MEMORY" (see the EXTRA READING section to Unit 3) and role play the conversation. Student A − a journalist who asks about the memory's capacity of the human brain, declarative and non-declarative memory and the ways of improving memory; Student B − a scientist.







30.Work in pairs. You are talking with your friend about the multiple intelligences. Act out the conversation using information from Exercise 3 and the suggested scheme below.










31.At the symposium "Innovations in Science and Technologies", you are going to talk about 10 differences between brains and computers. Give a comparative analysis. Use the suggested prompts and information from the text "THE MIND MACHINE?" to cover this topic.

1.Brains are analogue; computers are digital.

2.The brain uses content-addressable memory.

3.The brain is a massively parallel machine; computers are modular and serial.

4.Processing speed is not fixed in the brain; there is no system clock.

5.Short-term memory is not like RAM.

6.No hardware / software distinction can be made with respect to the brain or mind.

7.Synapses are far more complex than electrical logic gates.

8.Unlike computers, processing and memory are performed by the same components in the brain.

9.The brain is a self-organizing system.

10.Brains have bodies.


32.There are different methods of memorizing information. One of them is

Cicero Memory Method. Find the required information about this method on the Internet and share it with your groupmates.

Useful words and phrases:

to memorise long, and impressive, speeches; to place objects within an imagined visual space; for example, your room; a means to remember; to retain the order of memorized information

33.You are a famous scientist and you are going to represent information about the techniques that can improve your memory. Tell about these techniques.

34.On the Internet you have found an interesting article. The author of this article says: "Treating your body well can enhance your ability to process and recall information. Healthy habits that can help to improve memory include: regular exercises, managing stress, good sleep habits, not smoking, drink plenty of water". Express your opinion.


You are going to listen to some information about Human Brain vs. the Computer. Be ready to do the tasks below:

35.Before you listen, check if you know what the following words and phrases mean: sodium, potassium, to transmit electrical signals, to be corrupted, simultaneously, to be upgraded, sensory data, censoring.

36.Put the titles of the paragraphs in the correct order.






37.Complete the sentences with necessary information.

1.The human brain uses chemicals ................. .

2.The information never goes away unless the data ................... .

3.A computer can manage ......................... .

4.The brain is also able to intuitively adapt .......................... .

38.Imagine you are a journalist. Using information from the text tell about its key points.


39.Fill in the gaps with one word. The first letter is given.

1."Belief is the death of (i - - - - - - - - - - - )."

Robert Anton Wilson

2."If the human (m - - -) was simple enough to understand, we'd be too simple to understand it."

Pat Bahn

3. "The (b - - - -) is the most complicated kilo of matter in the universe."


4."The microwave oven is the consolation prize in our struggle to

(u - - - - - - - - -) physics."

Jason Love

5."The whole of science is nothing more than a refinement of everyday

(t - - - - - - -)."

Albert Einstein

40. Write comments on the quotations (40−60 words). Follow the instruction.

When you write comments, try to keep these things in mind:

Write only relevant information.

Express your ideas logically.

Use the correct spelling, punctuation, grammar.