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to quantify objectively

об’єктивно визначати кількість

electromagnetic force

електромагнітна сила





to reflect an intuition

відображати уявлення/знання

Unit 7


precise and concise statements

точні та стислі ствердження

common language

загальна мова

to conceal the meaning

приховувати значення

in this capacity

в цій якості

spoken language

розмовна мова

to influence our reasoning

впливати на наші міркування

signs and symbols

знаки і символи

purposefully designed

спеціально розроблений

to pervade / to permeate




literal notation

буквене позначення

successively through three stages

послідовно через три етапи

certain words of frequent use

певні слова частого використання

a similar metamorphosis

аналогічні/подібні метаморфози

abbreviated algebra

скорочена алгебра

to denote the unknown magnitudes

позначати невідомі величини

vowels and consonants

голосні та приголосні

the given quantities

задані величини

calculus symbol

символ обчислення

to grasp


insoluble by other methods

нерозв'язний іншими методами





to superscribe

робити надпис зверху

a product of social development

продукт суспільного розвитку

a convenient shorthand

зручне скорочення

a powerful technique

могутній спосіб/потужна техніка

to take the form (of)

набирати вигляду


Unit 8





to fascinate


захоплювати, викликати захват

mesmerizing pattern


візерунок, що заворожує

a cell of a grid


елемент сітки

row / column


рядок / стовпчик

consecutive natural numbers


послідовні натуральні числа

magic square's order


порядок магічного квадрату

magic constant


магічна стала, константа

adjacent entries


зміст суміжних граф



державний діяч

matrix / matrices


матриця, форма

to trace back



protective charm


захисний амулет

to equate with planets


ототожнювати з планетами

millennium / millenia



to encapsulate the harmonies of the


утримувати в собі гармонію












квадрат, квадратний




an angle



triangle (acute / equilateral /


трикутник (гострокутний /

isosceles / obtuse )


рівносторонній / рівнобедрений /




an array


сукупність, масив, сітка

face / edge / side


грань / ребро / сторона




regular / irregular polygon


правильний / неправильний
















cube / cubic


куб / кубічний

cone / conical


конус / конусоподібний, конічний

plane / arc


площина / арка, дуга

area / volume


площа / об’єм




Unit 1

Exercise 26



Ask your partner the questions about Oxford University:

1)about the history of Oxford;

2)about quantity of colleges;

3)about the structure and organization of colleges;

4)about notable scientists of Oxford University;

5)about teaching;

6)about the most well-known and oldest clubs and societies;

7)about the department where your friend studies;

8)about the degree course that your friend takes at Oxford.

Here are the answers to your partner's questions:

1.On August 31 1898, the order of the Russian Emperor Nicolai II on the opening of Kyiv Polytechnic Institute was proclaimed. Four Colleges: Mechanical (109 students), Engineering (101 students), Agricultural (87 students) and Chemical (63 students). Professor V. L. Kirpichov, an outstanding scientist in the field of mechanics and strength of materials.

2.The Civil Engineering Institute, the Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, the Institute of Civil Aviation, the Automobile and Road Building Institute, the Agricultural Institute.

3.118 specialities

4.E. O. Paton, the founder of electric welding; M. L. Konovalov, a well-known chemist; L. P. Bardin, the greatest metallurgist in the country; A. M. Liulka, the designer of aerocraft engines and S. P. Korolyov, the great designer of spaceships. The President of the First Examining Board at the chemical faculty was D. I. Mendeleyev.

5.Training of full-time students lasts 5 years and 6 months (bachelor’s degree

4 years, masters' degree − 1 year and 6 month). Tuition by correspondence

5 years 10 months.

6.Physics and Technology Institute.

7.Applied Mathematics / Applied Physics / Information Security.



Here are the answers to your partner's questions:

1.Oxford − the oldest university in Europe; mentioned in the Anglo-Saxon Chronicle (911 A.D.); earliest charter is dated to 1213

2.38 colleges and 6 Permanent Private Halls of religious foundation.

3.Each college has its name, its coat of arms; governed by a Master; each college has a chapel, a dining hall, a library (total number of libraries − 102), rooms for undergraduates, the Master, for teaching purposes.

4.Robert Hooke, Robert Boyle, Albert Einstein, Erwin Schrödinger, Sir Timothy John "Tim" Berners-Lee (a British computer scientist, MIT professor and the inventor of the World Wide Web) and others.

5.Undergraduate teaching is centered on the tutorial (1–4 students spend an hour with an academic discussing their week’s work); e.g. an essay

(humanities, most social sciences, some mathematical, physical, and life sciences) or problem sheet (most mathematical, physical, and life sciences, and some social sciences). Students usually have one or two tutorials a week. Lectures, classes and seminars. Graduate students undertaking taught degrees are usually instructed through classes and seminars, though there is more focus upon individual research.

6.Oxford A.F.C. (association football club), Oxford University Boat Club (rowing club), Oxford University Cricket Club (Cricket team whose matches are accorded First Class Status.), Oxford University Newman Society (Catholic speaker and debating society), Oxford University Scientific Society and others.

7.The Department of Computer Science.

8.BA in Computer Science. Computer Science is about learning and understanding the mathematical, scientific and engineering principles underlying every kind of computing system, from mobile phones and the internet, via systems that interpret natural language, to the supercomputers that forecast tomorrow’s weather or simulate the effects of disease on the human heart.

Ask your partner the questions about the KPI:

1)about the history of the KPI (date, colleges, rector);

2)about institutes that were organized on the KPI basis;

3)about quantity of specialities and specializations;

4)about famous scientists of the University;

5)about training;

6)about the institute where your friend studies;

7)about the degree course that your friend takes at the KPI.


Unit 2

Exercise 1



Ascension is a part of the UK as a dependency of Saint Helena.

Botswana was a Crown Colony until 1966. Besides English, Setswana is the other official language, and Bantu is spoken as well.

Cameroon was a Crown Colony until 1961. English and French are the two official languages, plus 24 major African language groups exist here.

The Gambia gained independence from Britain in 1965, English is the official language but Mandinka, Wolof, Fulani and other indigenous vernaculars are spoken.

Ghana became an independent country from the UK in 1957. English is the official, but African languages (Akan, Moshi-Dagomba, Ewe and Gг) are native.

Lesotho was a protectorate until 1966. Sesotho is official besides English, and Zulu and Xhosa are other important languages.

Liberia is the country where liberated slaves from the US were settled from 1822. It has been an independent country since 1847. English is the native tongue of about the 96% of the population, and 20 local languages from the Niger-Congo language group are spoken.

Malawi was a protectorate until 1964. The two official languages are English and Chichewa.

Mauritius became independent from Britain in 1968. English is official, but Creole, French, Hindi, Urdu, Hakka and Bojpoori are spoken.

Namibia used to belong to South Africa. Its final independence was gained in 1990. Although English is the official language, it is spoken only by 10% of the population. Afrikaans is the language of 60%, and German and some indigenous languages like Oshivambo, Herero and Nama are spoken.

Nigeria was a Crown Colony until 1960. English is official and spoken as a first language by about 50% of the population (that is 44,000,000 people). The other native languages are Hausa, Yoruba, Ibo and Fulani.

Saint Helena is a dependent territory of the UK, English is the native language.

Seychelles gained independence in 1976. English, French and Creole are all official, and English is the first language of about the 2% of the population (2000 people).


Sierra Leone was a dependency of Britain until 1961. English is official, but regular use is limited to minority. Mende, Temne and Krio are native languages. South Africa: The two main official languages are English and Afrikaans, plus other nine languages including Ndebele, Pedi, Sotho, Swazi, Tsonga, Tswana, Venda, Xhosa and Zulu. English is the first language of only 10% of the population: about 3,000,000 people.

Tristan da Cunha is a part of the UK as a dependency of Saint Helena.

Uganda has been independent from Britain since 1962. Besides English, Swahili is official, and several indigenous languages such as Luganda, Bantu and Nilotic languages are spoken.

Zambia was a colony of Britain until 1964. English is the official, but about 70 indigenous languages (Bantu) are spoken.

Zimbabwe gained independence from Britain in 1980. English therefore is official, and Bantu languages like Shona and Sindebele are native.


Belize was called the British Honduras until 1981. Spanish, Maya and Garifuna are the languages besides English, which are spoken by 65% of the population (123,000 people).

Bermuda is a dependent territory of the UK, English is native here for 95% (56,000 people).

Canada: English and French are both official and native here. 60% of the population speaks English, that is about 16,000,000 people.

Caribbean islands

Falkland Islands is a dependent territory of the UK, English is the native language.

Guyana used to be a Crown Colony (until 1966). English is native here for 75% of the population (567,000 people), and other Amerindian dialects, plus Hindi, Urdu, Chinese and Portuguese are spoken as well.

United States of America: Besides English that is the native language of about 88% (221 million people), Spanish is the one that is spoken by a sizeable minority.


Hong Kong became independent from Britain in 1997. English and Chinese are the official languages.

India: Besides English and Hindi, which is the primary tongue of 30%, there are several official languages: Bengali, Telugu, Marathi, Tamil, Urdu, Gujarati, Malayalam, Kannada, Oriya, Punjabi, Assamese, Kashmiri, Sindhi, Sanskrit.


Most of them are mutually unintelligible, that is why English has an important role in national, political and commercial communication.

Pakistan: English is the official language, the lingua franca of Pakistani elite and most government ministries. Urdu, Punjabi, Sindhi and Pashtu are official as well, and Balochi and other languages are spoken.

Philippines gained independence from the US in 1946. English and Philippino are official, but Spanish and Visajan are spoken as well.

Singapore gained final independence from Britain in 1965. English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil all official languages, and Malay is national.


Australia, the British "prison island": English is the native language of about 90% (15 million people), but other native languages of the aborigines are spoken as well.

Cook Islands are in free association with New Zealand, English is official and Maori is spoken as well.

Fiji gained independence from Britain in 1970, but English is not the only official language. Fijian is official as well, and Hindustani and Chinese are spoken.

Kiribati was a Crown Colony until 1979. Besides English, the native Gilbertese language is official as well.

Nauru gained independence from Britain in 1968. English is official and widely understood, but used for government and commercial purposes only and is the first language of only 7% of the population (600 people). The other official language is Nauruian.

New Zealand became independent in 1907. Besides English (first language of 93% − 3 million people), Maori is the language of the aborigines.


Papua New Guinea gained independence from Australia in 1975. English is official, but spoken only by 1−2%, however, Pidgin English is widespread (66%). Motu and 715 (!) indigenous languages are spoken as well.

Solomon Islands were part of Britain until 1978. English is the official language but used only by 1−2%, and Melanesian pidgin is the lingua franca amongst 120 indigenous languages.

Tuvalu was a colony until 1978. Besides English, Tuvaluan is official.

Vanuatu gained independence from Britain in 1980. English, French and Bislama (Pidgin) are all official, and Melanesian languages are spoken as well.

Western Samoa belonged to New Zealand until 1962. English and Samoan (Polynesian) are both official languages.


Channel Islands (Guernsey and Jersey) are British crown dependencies, and besides English, French is official, and Norman French is spoken as well.

Gibraltar is a dependent territory of the UK, English and Spanish are the official languages, but Italian, Portuguese, what is more, Russian are spoken as well. English is spoken by the 35% of the population: 10,800 people.

Irish Republic: Irish Gaelic is the other official language besides English (spoken by 3,334,000 people).

Isle of Man is a British crown dependency. Besides the native English, Manx Gaelic is spoken.

Malta has been independent from Britain since 1964. There are two official languages: English and Maltese, and Italian is spoken as well. English is the native language of 70,600 people, 20% of the poulation.

Orkney is a part of the UK. Shetland is a part of the UK.

United Kingdom: Besides the native English language (spoken by 56,236,000 people, 98% of the population), Welsh is spoken by 26% of the population in Wales, and Scottish Gaelic by about 60,000 in Scotland.


Unit 5

Exercise 29


Graham Bell

Bell actually had many inventions and did the experimentation in many areas of science. Some of these include:

The Metal Detector. Bell invented the first metal detector which was used to try and find a bullet inside of President James Garfield.

The Audiometer. It is a device used to detect hearing problems.

He did experimental work on aeronautics and hydrofoils.

He invented techniques which helped in teaching speech of deaf people.

He made a device to help find icebergs.

Thomas Edison

Thomas Edison had the patents and credits for many inventions. Three of his most famous include:

The Phonograph. This was the first major invention by Edison and made him famous. It was the first machine that was able to record and playback sound.

The Light Bulb. Although he did not invent the first electric light, Edison made the first practical electric light bulb that could be manufactured and used at home. He also invented the other items that were needed to make the light bulb practical for use at home including safety fuses and off / off switches for light sockets.

The Motion Picture. Edison did a lot of work in creating the motion picture camera and helping move forward the progress of practical movies.

Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein laid much of the foundation for modern physics. The most known discoveries are:

The Theory of Relativity. This theory changed much in the way scientists look at the world and set the foundation for many modern inventions, including the nuclear bomb and nuclear energy.

Photons. In 1905 Einstein came up with the concept that light is made up of particles called photons. Most scientists of his day didn't agree with him, but later the experiments in 1919 showed this to be the case. This became an important discovery for many branches of science and he was awarded the Nobel Prize for Physics in 1921.

Bose-Einstein Condensate. Together with another scientist, Satyendra Bose, Einstien discovered another state of matter.


The Atomic Bomb. The name of Albert Einstein is closely associated with the bomb. Because his scientific work and discoveries were the key in the bomb's development, specifically his work on energy and mass and his famous equation: E=m.

Unit 6

Exercise 32


Student A

Ask your partner the questions:

about Mathematics

about Arithmetic

about the difference between Mathematics and Arithmetic

Student B

The answers to your partner's questions:

Mathematics: a difficult term, the study of measurements and properties of quantities using numbers and symbols; to include proofs of theorems, other than the numbers and symbols; an essential tool in many fields; two main branches; applied mathematics and pure mathematics; to be categorized as arithmetic, algebra, calculus, geometry and trigonometry.

Arithmetic: to be the most fundamental category; to involve basic calculations with numbers; addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; to be defined as the mathematics of numbers (real numbers, integers, fractions, decimals and complex numbers) under the operation of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division; a part of human life; counting, purchasing, preparing accounts and budgets; some higher level; scientific or mathematical calculation as well.

Arithmetic: to use numbers for calculation; to deal with four basic operations.

Mathematics: the study of measurements and properties of quantities; to use numbers, symbols and proofs; explanations.