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Dynastic a crisis


between the feudal lords of the South and the center

Deficit of peasant labor force aggravation of relations between patrimonial landowners and the service class

Background of the Troubles

The enslavement of the peasants and the deterioration of the situation of the Holopov

Household. crisis and a decrease in the draft population; an increase in tax and feudal oppression

Boris Godunov comes to power. On March 18, 1584, Ivan the Terrible died while playing chess.

Сыновья Ивана IV

With the death of the childless Федора Иоанновича in 1598, the old dynasty ended. A new tsar was elected at the Zemsky Sobor. The predominance of supporters of Boris Godunov at the council predetermined his victory

Dmitry (was 2 years old) Then in 1591 he died in Uglich, allegedly having run into a knife in the make-up of epilepsy, the last straight line heir)

Ivan senior

son, was killed by his father in the attachment (neva (1581).

Fyodor Ioannovich (1584-1598), soft by nature and incapable of government affairs (under him the regency council headed

B. Godunov)

In the center, the uprising of slaves (1603-1604) under the leadership of Hoti Kosolam feared. It was brutally piled up, and Cotton catena in Mosk

Crop failure 1601-1603 Rise of the Cotton

The situation in the country of oborga keurok. In 1601, more than two months very early, in mid-August, pestilences hit and snow fell, which led to the death of the Ur. Prices have increased several times. In the next 1602, the sowing of winter crops did not come again. NIP prices and rumors that the country has grown more than 100 times. for kara da harusheniye it's time for the succession to the throne for the sins of Golunsk

Domestic policy:

Fortifications were being built in Moscow (White City, Earthen City). Establishment of the Patriarchate in Russia The Russian Church has finally become equal in relation to other Orthodox churches. Job was elected the first Russian patriarch in 1589. Subordinate to him were four metropolitans (Novgorod, Kazan, Rostov, Krutitsky) and archbishops. six

had military forces x TBOM neighbors and Turkey.

Foreign policy:

promotion to Siberia; the southern regions of the country were mastered;strengthened Russian positions in the Caucasus.

- 1595 Peace of Tnsk with Sweden. Russia regained the lost lands on the shores of the Baltic Ivangorod, Yam, Koporye, Korela.

- Crimean Tatars' attack on Mockey was prevented.

1598 Godunov with a 40-thousandth noble ode against the khan Kazy with the addition of Tirey, who did not dare to enter the Russian lands.

However, a weakened Russia did not have the strength to conduct large-scale military operations. This circumstance was used by its strengthened neighbors Rzeczpospolita, Sweden, Crimea and Turkey.


The Board of B. Godunov (1598-1605)

continued the policy of Ivan the Terrible, but with less severe measures

Stage II of the Troubles:

End of the reign of False Dmitry I

CUNTAR COMOSH SAROHHIM heir to the thronethe oiling of the southwestern outskirts supported the False Dmitry. Considering these sentiments, which penetrated the central regions and the troops, the tsarist governors hesitated, and after the unexpected death of Boris Godunov in April 1605, part of them went over to the side of False Dmitry.In Moscow, Boris's heir was overthrown and killed, 16-year-old Fyodor, educated and well prepared for the performance of his tsarist duties. And after Maria Nagaya he learned that he had finally convinced MOSCOW-SI to post the tsar, False Dmitriy drove to the capital and on June 30 was married to the tsar

In 1602, Lithuania appeared the person who pretended to be Tsarevich Dmitry was monk Grigory Otrelev). In 1604, False Dmitry with with the help of Polish tycoons,recruiting 2 thousand mercenaries and using discontent Cossacks, undertook a campaign againstMoscow. He became engaged to the daughter of the Sandomierz governor Marina Mnishek converted to Catholicism. In October 1604 with a small detachment. ended up on the southwestern outskirts. In January 1605 at False Dmitry crossed the Russian border near Chernigov and Dobrynichy tsarist troops inflicted a crushing defeat to joy self-mosaic. Polaki him polykuli, and he himself was about to run to Poland, but there is a role here the mood of the people played.