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5.Выберите правильную форму слова.

1. The main types of accidents causing/caused death during construction activities are…2. During excavation the contractor providing/provided a safe work environment for employees and pedestrians. 3. Engineers, electricians, and other workers dealing/dealt with electricity directly are subjected to hazard. 4. Employees working/worked on temporary scaffolds and ladders are needed in fall protection. 5. Poor management of the construction process caused/causing most of the deaths, injuries and illness in the construction industry.

6. Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу предлогами, данными ниже:

of, to, with, for, from, at, in.

1. The construction industry covers a wide range … activities. 2. One of the death reasons during construction activities is contact… overhead electricity lines. 3. Fall … height is the leading cause of injury in the construction industry. 4. Fall protection is needed … areas and activities that include ramps, excavations; hoist areas. 5. Protection is also required when the employee is … risk of falling onto dangerous equipment. 6. The employee or employer will be responsible … providing fall protection systems. 7. Construction workers dealing with electricity indirectly may also be exposed … electrical hazards.

7. Ответьте на вопросы, используя вводные фразы, - it should be said, it is noted that, it is important to stress (underline).

1. What does the construction industry cover?

2. What is a prime cause of most of the deaths?

3. Can trench accidents cause death?

4. Fall from height is the leading cause of injury in the construction industry, isn’t it?

5. Where is fall protection needed?

6. Who is responsible for providing fall protection systems?

7. What are the most common items associated with non-fatal injuries?

8. When is the contractor responsible for providing a safe work environment for employees and pedestrians?

9. Who is exposed to electrical hazards?

8. Расскажите о безопасности в строительстве, используя следующие ключевые слова и фразы:

Poor management, prime cause, accidents causing death, falls, site vehicles, falling or collapsing material, overhead electricity lines, injury, fall protection, responsible for, non-fatal injuries, safety hazard, safe work environment, be exposed to electrical hazards.



Грамматика: Imperative mood, Infinitive.

Словообразование: Plural

Текст: Hazards to Construction Workers (1). Fall Protection.


1.А)Обратите внимание на образование множественного числа имен существительных. Сделайте вывод на основе приведенных примеров.

System – system, surface – surfaces, fatality – fatalities, box – boxes.

б) Найдите в тексте примеры множественного числа существительных, от какой формы единственного числа они образованы?

2.Обратите внимание, что форма повелительного наклонения в английском языке (Imperative mood) совпадает с первой формой глагола. При образовании отрицательной формы повелительного наклонения добавляем вспомогательный глагол do и отрицательную частицу not.

Образец: open –открой (откройте), do not open – не открывай (не открывайте); use – используй (используйте), do not use – не используй (не используйте).

Найдите в тексте примеры повелительного наклонения.

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