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6. Задайте собеседнику вопросы по тексту, требующие краткие ответы (yes/no questions), предложите ему ответить на них.

Образец: 1. Are construction sites hazardous? Yes, they are.

  1. Are the hazards easy to control? No, they aren’t.

7. Закончите следующие предложения, исходя из содержания текста.

1. The problem is that the hazards and risks are very … to control. 2. … pose a health threat to construction workers. 3. Many construction sites include … and … equipment. 4. To make your construction site safe, you can … . 5. Identify and … any workplace hazards. 6. It’s necessary to label and … hazardous materials in proper containers. 7. Personal protective equipment includes hard hats, safety goggles and boots, …, ear plugs. 8. The construction site should be … during work hours.

8. Расскажите, какие меры безопасности нужно предпринимать, чтобы свести к минимуму опасность на строительной площадке.


Грамматика: modal verbs.

Словообразование: суффиксы – ly, -ty.

Текст: Common Safety Rules on Construction Site.


1.Обратите внимание на следующую словообразовательную модель

а) прилагательное + суффикс –ly – наречие – properproperly

и образуйте от данных прилагательных соответствующие наречия:

special, sharp, typical, constant, correct, safe, possible, easy, different;

б) прилагательное + суффикс –ty – существительное – safesafety

и образуйте от данных прилагательных соответствующие существительные:

stable, safe, possible, proper, severe, eternal, final, equal, real, honest.

2.Подберите русские эквиваленты к следующим английским словам:

general, construction, result, machinery, operators, visual, contact, stability, typically, material, manufacturer.

3.Что вы можете сказать по поводу следующих слов: may, must, should, could, can. Каковы их эквиваленты в русском языке? Существуют ли модальные глаголы в русском языке?

а) Переведите следующие предложения с модальными глаголами:

1. You may open the window. 2. We must visit the doctor. 3. He shouldn’t go there. 4. It must be remembered about danger. 5. Escape routes must lead away.

б) Найдите в тексте предложения с модальными глаголами и переведите их на русский язык.

4.Выучите предложенные слова.

To observe – соблюдать

injury – травма

to keep – держать, сдерживать

garbage – мусор

to improve – улучшать

to reduce – снижать

sharp – острый

a nail – гвоздь

a screw – винт

a ladder - лестница

to extend – расширять, простираться

to toss – откидывать, скидывать

weight - вес

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст.


There are some common safety rules which should be observed by workers.

1.General Regulations.

Construction workers must always keep their mind on the job. Otherwise it could result in the serious injury of themselves or others. Safety equipment may differ from job to job, although basics like hard hats, safety glasses, gloves, and safety shoes should be worn at all times. Workers must stay properly hydrated and know the locations of water in case of fire or a chemical burn.

Construction sites should be kept clean. Keeping the work site free of garbage will improve work efficiency and reduce the chances of an injury due to falling. Workers should be especially conscious of sharp objects, such as nails, screws or glass.

Workers must be properly trained in their jobs. Only the drivers of heavy machinery should ride on the vehicles. People who are working on the ground near heavy machinery must be sure that machinery operators have visual contact with them at all times.

  1. Working Aloft

First, it's important for workers who are afraid of height to stay on the ground. Ladders must be equipped with safety feet in order to improve stability. Ladders must also extend three feet above their landing, for safe entry and exit.

Scaffolds should be assembled according to the specifications set by the manufacturer. In addition, it's important to observe the weight limits specified on scaffolds. No materials should ever be tossed off a roof, ladder or scaffold, because other workers might be passing underneath.

6.Заполните пропуски подходящими по смыслу словами, данными ниже.

1. Construction workers must always keep their mind on the … .

2.Workers must know the locations of … in case of fire or a chemical burn.

3. Construction sites should be kept … .

4. Only the … should ride on the vehicles.

5. Workers who are afraid of … must stay on the ground.

6. Ladders must be equipped with … in order to improve stability.

Safety feet, water, drivers of heavy machinery, job, clean, height.

7.Задайте собеседнику следующие вопросы:

1. What must construction workers always keep their mind on?

2. What basics should be observed all times?

3. Why should constructions be kept clean?

4. Who should ride on the vehicles only?

5. What is important for workers who are afraid of height?

6. What must ladders be equipped with?

7. What is important to observe on scaffolds?

8. Расскажите об общих рекомендациях, которые должны соблюдать рабочие на строительной площадке, используя следующие ключевые слова и фразы:

keep their mind on the job, basics, the locations of water, free of garbage, sharp objects, trained, drivers of heavy machinery, visual contact.

9. Каковы основные рекомендации при работе на высоте? Для своего ответа используйте следующий план:

- workers

- ladders

- scaffolds.


Грамматика: Simple Active и Passive.

Словообразование: суффикс – tion.

Текст: Hazard and Risk.


1.Образуйте от следующих глаголов существительные при помощи суффикса tion. Переведите их на русский язык.

Образец: to locate – location; располагать – расположение

To prevent, to coordinate, to produce, to apply, to protect, to operate, to form, to install, to construct.

2.Найдите в тексте существительные с суффиксом –tion, от каких глаголов они образованы?

3.Что необходимо для образования отрицательных и вопросительных предложений в Simple Active? В соответствии с приведенным образцом преобразуйте утвердительные предложения в отрицательные и вопросительные.

Образец: Many construction sites include dangerous equipment. - Many construction sites do not include dangerous equipment. Do many construction sites include dangerous equipment?

1. Control measures include actions to reduce the potential of the hazard. 2. Engineering Controls involve redesigning a process to place a barrier between the person and the hazard. 3. Administrative controls include adopting standard operating procedures. 4. The construction industry covers a wide range of activities, hazards, materials and technique. 5. Personal protective equipment includes gloves, glasses, safety footwear, dust masks.

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