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II. Выберите прилагательные, которые могут сочетаться со следующими существительными:




performing, fine, applied, intellectual, academic, decorative, considerable, functional, abstract, commercial, creative


commercial, creative, alternative, business, vocal, visual, professional, graphic, printed, mixed, strong


beautiful, mass, electronic, ambient

III. Поместите следующие термины в соответствующие колонки.

Industrial design, decorative art, decorative art bench, glass, a cup figuring a tortoise, advertising, photography, textile, information architecture, copywriting, a magazine, web design, cars, children’s toys, animation, ceramics, performing arts, typography, graphic design, furniture, fashion design, editing, functional art, jewelry, illustration, interior design, electric guitars, visual identity design, architecture.

Applied arts

Applied arts objects

Decorative art bench

IV. Составьте предложения со следующими словами:

1. Applied, of, objects, is, application, arts, of, function, the, and, aesthetics, to, design.

2. Applied, are, arts, arts, and, terms, decorative, alternative.

3. Many, are, arts, collected, applied, objects.

4. Communication, is, intermission, with, with, design, concerned, people, how, communicate, media.

Communication, to, to, to seeks, people, design, motivate, respond, messages, the.

Грамматические упражнения

I. Заполните пропуски формами will/’ll and won’t.

1. A: I want to go camping next weekend at Blue Bird Lake.

B: Who … drive you there?

A: Tom’s mother.

B: Alright. But you … be careful, … you?

2. A: I need to go shopping.

B: OK, I … give you a lift.

A: That would be great. It … take me long, so afterwards we … have time to go for lunch.

B: That sounds wonderful!

3. A: There’s something wrong with Rocky.

B: Oh, poor thing. I … take him to the vet.

A: I … go with you. He … bark if I’m not there.

B: I hope he … bite the vet!

4. A: I think I … a barbecue at the weekend.

B: That’s a good idea. Who … you invite?

A: I don’t know yet. …. you help me make a list?

B: Of course.

II. Используя подсказки постройте предложения в Future Simple или Present Continuous (be going to).

1. A: Look at the little boy!

B: He /fall/swimming pool. (He’s going to fall into the swimming pool).

2. A: It’s cold in here.

B: I/turn on/heat.

3. A: Mum, I’m hungry.

B: I/make/you/a sandwich.

4. A: What are Maggie’s plans for the summer?

B: She/travel/Italy.

5. A: Jimmy didn’t study hard for his history exam.

B: He/not pass/it.

6. A: I have a headache.

B: I/turn off/CD player.

7. A: Dad, I don’t feel well.

B: I/take/you/doctor.

8 A: Are you coming to Maria’s party?

B: Yes, I/take/Jim/with me.

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