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1. Translate the passage containing a historical digression (p.64): “Caesar, of course, had a little place at Walton…” ending with “round the backwaters now”.

2. Translate the passage in small type beginning with “Murmurs of delight…” (p.59).

3. Translate the following phrases:

a)розглянути справу досить докладно; b) мати доброзичливу натуру; c) непогано заробляти тиняючись по берегах та шантажуючи недоумкуватих дурнів; d) посміхатися смакуючи наперед; e) випереджати акомпанимент на два такти; f) кидати погрожу вальні погляди; g) непомітно піти з дому.


1. Work in pairs. Translate and explain the following maxim:

“We never ought to allow our instincts of justice to degenerate into mere vindictiveness”.

2. Work with a partner. Discuss the following episodes using the given words and phrases:

a) Blackmailing (to trespass, to give the matter sufficient consideration, to arrive at a conclusion, to give sb. the required assurance, to be of a chummy disposition, to decline sth. gruffly, the best means for accomplishing sth., to turn sb. off, to slouch about, the proper course to pursue, to encourage the imposition).

b) Selfish boorishness of river-side landowners (to have one’s way, to rouse evil instincts, to tear sth. down, to slaughter, to take a more Christian view on the subject, to spare sb.).

c) Harris sings a comic song (the beaming cheeriness of a generous-minded man, conservatory, to smirk in anticipation, to be two bars in front of the accompaniment, to ease up in the middle of a line, to break off in the middle of a line, a sense of injustice rankling inside sb., to make an ass of oneself).

d) Herr Slossen Boschen sings his great German comic song (commonplace young men, restless and uncomfortable, air of seriousness, irresistibly amusing, to yearn to hear, to take up an unobtrusive position, to roar, to titter, to snigger now and then, an air of annoyance and indignation, to scowl fiercely round upon sb., to send sb. into convulsions (fits), to surpass oneself, a look of concentrated ferocity, a shriek of laughter, to swear at sb., to jilt sb, to leave the house in an unostentatious manner).

Unit 8. Chapter 9


1. Work in pairs. Explain the meaning of these words and phrases within the context they are used:

Callous, prone to sth., in conscience, to tow, a soul-revolting tangle, to unravel, to disentangle, to be insulting, crochet-work, swaddling-clothes, a muddle, a slap-dash style, scaffolding pole, human countenance, ease up, , truant, frantic signs of distress, affably, oblivious, hulking chaps, restraining influence, to give way to violent language, at a tremendous pace, mishap, recline, keep on steady, to chivy the cow, trudge along, a judgement on sb., weird, uncanny.

2. Insert the appropriate lexical units into the blanks.

a) “I’m afraid I’ve been rather tactless to Peter”. – “Don’t worry, he’s quite … to insults”.

b) Man … error.

c) You always do your work in such a … manner !

d) I don’t know what to do with John: he’s always … such … his appointments!

e) They were looking at each other with as … and helplessly miserable expression as I have ever witnessed on any human … .

f) A pair of towers can be utterly oblivious.

g) If it had not been for ….. of the sweet woman at his side, the young man might… … .

Lexical units to be inserted: countenance, give way to violent language, callous, bewildered, make a muddle of, utterly oblivious, to be prone to, slap-dash, restraining influence