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1. Supply the English equivalents for the following:

  1. прихильний до жалю; 2) огидливий, відворотний вузол; 3) в’язання крючком; 4) серветка; 5) плутанина; 6) прогульник, ледар; 7) дужі хлопці; 8) такий шум, ніби розірвали сорок тисяч простирадлів; 9) прогнати корову; 10) це було їй Господнє покарання за те, что вона поїхала зі мною; 11) все починало здаватися дивним й моторошним; 12) я не хочу никого обижать; 13) надмірне покарання; 14) з зусиллями протягнутись 10 міль; 15) хвилювання й турботи.


1. Work in pairs. Discuss the following questions:

Who was the first to tow? Did George mind it? What would he prefer to do instead?

2. Expand on “the heathening instincts of tow-lines”.

3. Work with a partner. Discuss the following episodes using the given words and phrases:

  1. The story of a couple of men whose boat was gone when they were disentangling the towline (.

  1. The towers and the towed: “Much haste, less speed” (.

  1. Being towed by girls (.

  1. The story of the missing lock (.

Unit 9. Chapter 10


1. Work in pairs. Explain the meaning of these words and phrases within the context they are used:

harrow, contrariness, to haul up, grope into bed, to chuck sb. out, fret and care, wayworn knight, rip up, to dispense with sth., doleful, hovering, yearn for the picturesque.

2. Insert the appropriate lexical units into the blanks.

a) I’m … to make myself useful.

b) These men could be ….


Lexical units to be used: yearn, dispense with,.


1. Translate these word-combinations and recall the context in which they are used:

1) a comfortably-appointed well-drained desert island; 2) the contrariness of tea-kettles; 3) a restless night; 4) a spot to haul up in; 5) smothered language; 6) steady grinding of four sets of molars; 7) to chuck sb. out; 8) to grope into bed in the dark; 9) fret and care; 10) a stately maiden; 11) wayworn knight; 12) to yearn for the picturesque.

2. Supply the English equivalents for the following:

Поспешишь – людей насмешишь;

3. Translate the following passages: 1) pp. 76-77 from: “It is very strange, this domination of our intellect…” to “…a noble, pious man”; 2) p.79 from “It was a glorious night…” to “…tell the mystery they know”.


1. Expand on the following statement: “It is very strange, this domination of our intellect by our digestive organs”.

2. Describe the following episodes using the given words and phrases:

  1. George’s father at the inn (a jolly evening, to lurch up against the wall, tp grope into bed, to chuck sb. out, a doleful voice);

  2. J’s first night in a boat (to turn in, cramped position, the lapping water, restless and disturbed, the interest would accumulate, to give the gimlet an excruciating wrench);

  3. Putting up the canvas (the hoops, to fit into the sockets, hinges, to nip, delicate parts of the body, to fix, to arrange the covering, smothered language);

  1. The contrariness of tea-kettles (to take no notice of, to sputter away, to boil over, to put the stove out).