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Chapter XIII Active vocabulary:

Winding glades, a tapestry, the king-maker, a bogus abbey, to clout sb's head, the rowdiness, an air of calmness and resignation, canine nature, the fray, a perfect pandemonium, pluck, to revictual, to forage round, curs, aggravation to sth., to get aground, in a state of frantic commotion, a bean-feast, to be foolhardy, a stolid reply, germs of poison, the gravy, a small gully, calumny.


1. Match the lexical units with their definitions and recall the context in which they are used:

1) glade a. Rough and noisy behaviour

2) tapestry b. A false statement about a person made

to damage his character

3) rowdiness c. A clear, open space in a forest

4) fray d. Irritation

5) pluck e. Courage

6) aggravation f. Fight, contest

7) calumny g. Cloth into which threads of coloured

wool are woven by hand to make

designs and pictures used for covering

walls and furniture

2. Translate the following phrases recalling the situations in which they are used:

1) фіктивне абатство; 2) Ми запаслися продуктами харчування на 3 дні; 3) вульгарна самовпевненість; 4) механичні страховища; 5) пробуджувати усі погані схильності; 6) нахилитися й почухати кота за вухом; 7) справжнє пекло.

3. Translate the 3d and 4th paragraphs of the Chapter (p. 99).

Elements of text analysis

1. Work individually. Highlight stylistically labelled lexical units and account for their contrastive use in the text under analysis.


Work in pairs.

1. Expand on the following statements:

a. «There is a blatant bumptiousness about a steam-launch that has the knack of rousing every evil instinct in my nature…».

b. «What the eye does not see, the stomach does not get upset over».

2. Discuss the following episodes using the active vocabulary units:

    1. George's talk with the lock-keeper about drinking water (winning smile, stolid reply, not to seem a sufficiently good advertisement for the brand, what the eye does not see, thestomach does not get upset over);

b) Harris's disappearance with the pie (to want a spoon to help the gravy with, to discard the heavenly theory, our blood froze in our veins and our hair stood up on end, to sit on the very verge of a small gully, to conjecture in the slightest what had happened);

c)The moral victory the cat had over Montmorency (to dart out, to trot across the road, a disreputable-looking cat, a would-be assassin, not to lack pluck, to fit one's tail into its groove);

d)The rowdiness of the fox-terrier nature (an air of calmness and resignation, a meek-looking fox-terrier, to make things lively all round, perfect pandemonium, to lay the tyke up for a month).