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Chapters XVI-XVII Active vocabulary:

Get in the way, shirk one's work, a hackneyed story, dim days, to ravage the land, to follow suit, to rout the troops, to come up with sb/sth., delightful, confoundedly impertinent, a blanched face, a drawn face, a stamp of pinch and poverty, a look of restful peace, to take charge of sth., to close the doors against sb., drudgery, to procure, the erring outcast, unheeded voice, to betray emotion, to hug the knife that stabs you, gall, to woo one for a sunny sail, to lure sb. to linger, to slip off without paying your bill, to bear out a statement, to have gumption for sth., an angler, a haul, to stick to the arrangement, to grow dissatisfied with sth., to put sb. at a disadvantage, to gain no credit, a whopper, to play the wag from school.


1. Guess the words from the active vocabulary by their definitions. Recall the situations in which they are used.

1) be slow to depart; 2) devastate; 3) defeat; 4) hard, laborious work; 5) blanched face; 6) looking strained from fear or anxiety; 7) stress, hardship; 8) mental soreness; 9) hold closely, usually with affection; 10) to confirm; 11) common sense, resource; 12) unattended; 13) tempt; 14) anything unusually big.

2. Translate the following words and phrases and use them in sentences of your own.

1) Улов (риби); 2) порівнятися з ким-то, наздогнати когось; 3) наслідувати якомусь прикладу; 4) утекти, не заплативши за рахунком; 5) приводити у порядок; 6) величезне чудище, страхіття; 7) прогулювати школу; 8) лупцювання; 9) чучело форелі; 10) захоплюватися; 11) дотримуватися якогось плану; 12) порватися; 13) пивниця, бар; 14) потягувати пунш.

3. Translate the passage on p.131: «Goring on the left bank…» up to the end of the chapter.

Elements of text analysis

1. Work individually. Highlight the words and word-combinations pertaining to the thematic group of fishing and comment on their use in the text.

2. Arrange the contents of Ch.XVI-XVII into logically complete parts.


Work in pairs. Discuss the following topics using the given lexical units.

a) The history of Reading (date from, anchor the warships, ravage, a handy place to run down to, to follow suit, to hold the courts).

b) Being towed up by a steam launch (to come up with a steam-launch, to get in the way of the launch, easing and stopping, running down, confoundedly impertinent, to trouble oneself to hurry).

c) A sad story of a dead woman (prematurely aged-looking, thin and drawn, the stamp of pinch and poverty, a look of restful peace, to sink lower and lower, twelve hours' drudgery a day, a very slight bond between body and soul, the erring outcast, to stretch her arms out to the river).

d) Washing day (to get one's clothes washed, to be wearable, to charge sb., without a murmur).

e) A young man who took to fly-fishing (not to work well at all, to increase the percentage, to be awkward, to make up one's mind, to stick to the arrangement, to put sb. at a disadvantage).

f) A fishy story (pipe-claying, to call in at a little inn, a monstrous fish, a whopper, stolid, to play the wag from school, to save from wacking, to clutch wildly at the front-case, to come down with a crash, shattered into fragments, a stuffed trout, plaster-of-Paris).