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Analogue and Digital Computers

An analog computer is a device that simulates the behavior of another (system, person) usually a physical system. A very

simple and widely used analogue (computer, car) is the slide- rule on which distances are equivalent to logarithms of numbers. The (devices, pictures) known as analogue computers are assemblies of electronic or electrical circuits the behavior of which is analogous to another (mechanical) system’s (behavior, progress).

The evolution of the adding (machine, glass) has culminated in electronic digital computers in which electronic (signals, system) are used as the operative discrete signals. The simplest (digital, electronic) computer is the human hand, from which the decimal (system, pictures) is derived. The first man-made digital computer was probably the abacus, which is still used in many (countries, signals). The basic sections of digital computers are therefore:

Input: receives the “raw data” and (instructions, person) from external sources and converts them into a suitable form for a computer to work on.

Store: memorizes (numbers, countries) and instructions.

Calculator: does mathematical operations.

Control: initiates and follows the (operations, countries).

Output: presents the result of the calculations in an acceptable form.

When an ordinary (desk, pictures) calculating machine is used, the operator controls the sequence of (operations, signals). He supplies the input data and records the results. Also he may have to provide additional (information, numbers) from tables and other sources during the calculation. In the case of electronic (computers, glass) working at extremely high speeds, the human operators are replaced by automatic devices. It is necessary to provide a store to hold both the numbers that are fed into the (computer, countries) and the operating instruction. The digital computer differs from the analogue computer in that it deals with numbers and not physical quantities.

  1. Соотнесите следующие ключевые слова с соответ­ствующим переводом:

♦ to simulate

4 цифровой

♦ circuits

4 превращение

♦ a'quantity

4 последовательность операций

♦ to derive

4 обеспечивать

♦ an instruction

4 калькулятор

4 to provide

4 величина

4 input data

4 устанавливать

4- raw data

4 команда

4 to supply

4 снабжать

4 a sequence of operations 4 входные данные

4 to convert

4 необработанные данные

4 digital

4 цепи

4 a calculator

4 моделировать

5. Найдите в тексте предложения, содержащие ниже-

следующие слова и выражения:

  • a decimal system

4 operative discrete signals

  • a calculating machine 4 automatic devices

  • a sequence of operations

  • electronic signals

  • external sources

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