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Is your home computer a target?

Ih your home computer a popular target for computer rubbers? Why? It is so, because intruders want what you’ve

  1. о red there. They look for the numbers of your credit cards,

bank account information, and anything else they can find. By stealing that information, all thefts can use your money buying themselves goods and services.

But they need not only the money-related information. These thefts also want your computer, it means your hard disk space, your fast processor, and your Internet connection. They use resources to attack other computers on the Internet. In fact, the more computers an intruder uses, the harder it is for law enforcement to find out where the attack is really coming from. If they can’t be found, they can’t be stopped, and they can’t be prosecuted and imprisoned.

Why do criminals pay attention to home computers? Home computers are typically not very secure and are easy to break into. When combined with high-speed Internet connections that are always turned on, they can quickly find and then attack home computers. While thefts also attack home computers connected to the Internet through dial-in connections, high-speed connections (cable modems and DSL modems) are a favorite target.

No matter how a home computer is connected to the Internet, attacks of such people are often successful. Many home computer owners don’t realize that they need to pay attention to computer security. In the same way that you are responsible for having insurance when you drive a car, you also need to be responsible for your home computer’s security.

The purpose is to keep computer robbers and their programs off your computer. How do they break into your computer? In some cases, they send you an e-mail with a virus. When you read such e-mail you activate the virus, creating an opening that use to enter or access your computer. In other cases, they take advantage of a defect or weakness in one of your computer’s programs — a vulnerability — to gain access.

Once they’re on your computer, they often install new programs that let them continue using your computer-even after you closed all the holes they used to get onto your computer in the first place. These backdoors are usually cleverly

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disguised so that they blend in with the other programs running on your computer.

  1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту:

  • Why are computer robbers paying attention to home computers?

4- What are they looking for?

  • Is it difficult to find a thieve?

  • Why are the attacks of such people often successful?

  • How do intruders break into your computer?

  1. Просматривая текст, найдите эквиваленты выра­жений и составьте с ними свои предложения:

Использовать ресурсы, место на жестком диске, высо­коскоростное подключение к интернету, обращать внима­ние на безопасность, иметь при себе страховку, быть от- иетственным за что-либо, посылать электронное сооб­щение, активировать вирус, изъяны компьютерных про- грамм.

  1. Определите истинность или ложность следующих предложений:

  • All thefts can use your money buying themselves goods and services.

  • These thefts also want your computer.

  • They use resources to attack other computers on the Internet.

  • The more computers an intruder uses, the easier for law enforcement to find him out.

  • Home computers are typically very secure.

  1. Закончите предложения:

  • They look for ... they can find.

  • These thefts also want your computer, it means ...

  • In fact, the more computers an intruder uses, the harder it is ...

  • When ... intruders can quickly find and then attack home computers.

  • Many home computer owners ...

  • ... you also need to be responsible for your home computer’s security.

  • The purpose is to ...

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