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  2. Сделайте сообщение по теме: “Shadow Data”.

1. Прочтите, вставьте пропущенные слова, переведи­те следующий текст и ответьте на вопросы:

  • What is the most effective step in reducing your vulnerability to shadow data?

  • What are the other steps to protect from shadow data?

How to protect against shadow data security risks

Probably the first, ... (наиболее эффективный), step in reducing your vulnerability to shadow data leakage is I. nowledge that is exists (on your storage device). Knowing Unit shadow data potentially exists will ensure that you ... (no крайней мере) weigh the risks and make informed decisions concerning the scrubbing of data, degaussing storage devices and in managing the risks.

U. S. government classified data handling instructions cull for a certain specifications concerning the disposal of computer ... (накопительные устройства). Data scrubbing I ln ough the use of multiple overwrites is on potential solution. While this procedure is not 100% fool-proof; it does ... (зна­чительно снижает) the likelihood of shadow data becoming it threat in your organization. Using old RLL-encoded drives, Peter Gutman of the University of Auckland speculated, in In . document “Secure Deletion of Data from Magnetic Memory Devices”, that overwriting a drive 35 times with varying hexadecimal values may force the write head to vary magnetic effect on the iron oxide particles to such an extent as to remove the shadow data. Still, there is ... (нет гарантии) that software solutions will effectively wipe out all this information because the process relies on the drive’s controller, which is not suited for this purpose.

High-intensity degaussing of a hard drive platter, floppy diskette, zip disks and tape is probably the ... (лучший спо­соб) to ensure the elimination of threats associated with shadow data. This is an effective process to use when storage devices are being retired from service. Be mindful that the degaussing of a hard disk drive must be performed after the platters have been removed. Otherwise, the hard disk drive will act as a protective shield and some shadow data may survive. The complete incineration of floppy diskettes, zip disks and tapes also ... (может быть использовано) to remove any security threats associated with shadow data.

Corporate and government policies concerning the disposal of computer storage devices should always ... (принимать во внимание) the potentials of shadow data as a potential data security risk. With knowledge and proper controls in place, shadow data should not become a security problem for most government agencies and corporations.

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