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Теми 1 курс техн.сп.(Коробейко).doc
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8 Read the text.Compare English and Ukrainian food. An Englishman's View of Ukrainian Food.

When living in Ukraine I never cared for cabbage and beet-root soup, ‘borshch’ as they call it, even though it includes a large portion of meat. I always, when possible, choose the alternative. But I found that my Ukrainian friends always plumped for the cabbage, day after day, like Scotsmen after their porridge.

Personally I don't like buckwheat ‘kasha’ whether eaten with salt or sweet. This is the Ukrainian equivalent of porridge.

But now some of my likes. First, the wonderful variety of milk products which you can get in Ukraine. Here in Britain we have our milk, cream, cream cheese, and sometimes yogurt and a variety of hard cheeses.

In Ukraine there is a large choice of such products, as sort of dry, granulated cream cheese, called 'syr', thick sour cream called "smetana", and several types of sour milk products of the yogurt type.

Smetana can be used with almost everything: borshch, dumplings (varenikys) with cherries, potatoes (mashed potatoes with onions) or sauerkraut; pancakes or potato pancakes, called "deruny".

The most common third course in Ukraine is "uzvar". It is a stewed fruit made of dried fruit.

To sum it up I enjoy Ukrainian food.

9 Try to combine each adjective from the left-hand column with as great a number of nouns from the right-hand column as possible































10 Read: "Table Manners. A List of Do's and Don'ts." Think of manners you stick to.

  • Never stretch over the table for something you want, ask your neighbour to pass it.

  • Take a slice of bread from the bread-plate by hand, don’t harpoon your bread with a fork.

  • Do not bite into the whole slice, break it off piece.

  • Never spoil your neighbour's appetite by criticizing what he just happens to be eating or by telling stories which are not conductive to good digestion.

  • Chicken requires special handling. First cut as much as you can and when you can’t use knife and fork any longer, use your fingers.

  • Never read while eating (at least in company).

  • When a dish is placed before you, do not eye it suspiciously as though it were the first time you had seen it, and do not give the impression that you are about to sniff it. No matter how surprised you are take it all in your stride.

  • Don't use a knife for fish, cutlets or omelettes.

  • When you are being served, don't pick. One piece is as good as the next.

  • The customary way to refuse a dish is by saying, "No, thank you" (or to accept "Yes, please"). Don't say "I don't eat that stuff”, don't make faces or noises to show that you don't like it.

  • In between courses don't make bread-balls to while the time away and do not play with the silver.

  • Don't lick your spoon. If you really feel that way about it ask for a second helping.

  • Sit facing the table, don't sit sideways. Keep your feet under you, don't stretch them all the way under the table.

  • After stirring your tea remove the spoon, and place it on the saucer.

  • Don't use a spoon for what can he eaten with a fork. The forks are placed at the side of the dish in the order in which they are to be used (salad fork, fish fork, meat fork, etc.)

  • If there is a napkin on the table unfold it and spread it on your lap. Do not tie it around your neck. Use your napkin often and skillfully.

  • Don't use your napkin as though it were blotting paper.

  • Don't eat off the knife.

  • Vegetables, potatoes, macaroni are placed on your fork with the help of your knife.

  • Cut your meat into small pieces that can he chewed with ease. Cut off one piece at a time.

  • If your food is too hot don't blow on it as though you were trying to start a camp fire on a damp night.

  • Your spoon, knife and fork are meant to eat with, they are not drumsticks and should not be banged against your plate.

  • Try to make as little noise as possible when eating.

  • Don't sip your soup as though you wanted the whole house to hear.

  • Don't shovel food into your mouth. Take small maneuverable pieces.

  • Don't talk with your mouth full. First chew and then swallow.

  • Don't put your elbows on the table.

  • Don't pick your teeth in company after the meal even if tooth-picks are provided for this purpose.

  • And finally, don't forget to say "Thank you" for every favour or kindness.

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