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Теми 1 курс техн.сп.(Коробейко).doc
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10 Look at these four people. Describe their appearance and character.

11 Read the text and check your understanding. On "Do's and Don'ts" in Greetings and in Addressing People

When you come to the USA for the first time it is necessary to know most of the do's and don'ts.

Here we are going to speak about the forms of greetings. The very formal "How do you do?" is not a question, that is why it doesn't need any other answer than "How do you do?" This form of greeting is used when you are introduced to someone or if you meet someone for the first time. If you often meet someone you usually say, "How are you?" The answer to such a greeting must be short, for example: "Very well, thank you, and how are you?"

But that is not all. You can, of course, say "Good morning" when you enter and leave, for example, a store, a classroom or an office in the morning. You can say it till noon (till about 12 o'clock in the afternoon). Till about 6 o'clock in the evening you say, "Good afternoon", and from that time on "Good evening". But all these are formal greetings.

If you meet a friend of yours you may say just "Hello, Mary", or "Hi, Bob", "Hi, Suzy".

The manner of addressing people in America is different from ours.

A usual form of addressing people is "Mr. Smith", "Mrs. Smith" but you must remember that "Mrs." is the form of addressing a married woman, while "Miss" is used for an unmarried woman. Ms. is the form of address for a woman who is married or unmarried.

Comprehension check

1 How would you answer to "How do you do?"

2 What do you say if you meet a person you know well (a stranger)?

3 Is it polite to say “Hello” to the authority person?

4 How would you address a woman if you do not know whether she is married?

5 In what part of the day we say “Good morning”?

12 Fill in the gaps in the conversations. Use the words in the box. Read the dialogues in pairs. Make up the same dialogues.

Do you do; myself; this is; are; name; excuse me; thank you; glad; nice; may; hear; right; introduce

1 TOM: Jake, I’d like to .......1........ my friend Alice.

ALICE: How do you do?

JAKE: How ......2.......?

2 ANN: Andy, ........3........ is Louise.

ANDY: Hello, Louise. I'm ......4......... to meet you.

3 JOE: Hello, Phil. How .....5.... ?

PHIL: Fine, .......6........, Joe. .......7.... to see you again.

4 JUDY: .....8..... I introduce ......9.....? My ......10...... Judy Gower.

RUTH: Hello, I’m Ruth Collins. I'm sorry, I didn't .....11...... your name.

5 STEVE: ….12…. me. ……13…. you Liz Bush?

LIZ: Yes, that's .......14......

13 Read the questions. Match the questions and the answers.

1. What nationality are you?

2. What sports do you go in for?

3. What kind of music do you like?

4. What kind of books do you read?

5. Are you shy?

6. Can you play the piano?

7. What do you like doing in your spare time?

8. Why are you learning English?

9. Where do you live?

10. Do you like watching football matches?

11. What does your rather look like?

12. What's your mother like?

13. Have you got any sisters or brothers?

14. How do you feel about snakes?

a. Knitting and reading.

b. Mostly novels; sometimes history books.

c. Austrian.

d. She's very calm and cheerful.

e. In a small town near Vienna.

f. No, I'm self-confident.

g. They don't interest me.

h. I prefer playing games to watching them.

i. Classical music.

j. He's tall and fair.

k. Long-distance running.

  1. I'd like to travel more, and I think it's a useful language.

  2. Yes, two sisters.

n. Yes, but not very well.

Go over Unit 1 and get ready for the written test:

a) a spelling test

b) a multiply choice test

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