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Теми 1 курс техн.сп.(Коробейко).doc
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Unit 4 travelling. Hotel. Custom-house

1 Learn the topical vocabulary:

to travel (abroad)

a voyage, trip, journey

to stay at the hotel

to reserve, to make/cancel a reservation

to go through customs /passport control

a customs (inspector, regulations, declaration)

a flight (domestic, international, direct, non-stop)

to register (examine) luggage

free of charge, excess luggage charge

belongings/for one’s personal use

to declare

to be duty-free, to be liable to duty

to have nothing to declare

a single (one way) ticket, a return (round trip) ticket

a departure/arrival


подорожувати (за кордон)


зупинятись у готелі

резервувати/відміняти бронь

проходити митний/паспортний контроль

митниця (інспектор, вимоги, декларація)

переліт (у межах/за межі країни, прямий, безпосадковий)

оглядати багаж

безплатно, плата за надлишок багажу

особисті речі


не підлягати/підлягати митному збору

не мати речей, що підлягають декларуванню

квиток в один бік, зворотній квиток, квиток туди і назад

від’їзд/ прибуття

розклад (руху)

2 Read the text. Travelling

One travels on business or for pleasure. There are many ways of tra­velling. Some people travel by car, others by air and a good many by train. The railway still takes care of the major part of passengers. Trains are more convenient for most people in some ways. Now travelling by air is becoming more and more popular. It is absolutely the quickest way of getting from place to place.

The first railway in Russia was opened, in 1837 and since that time people have covered millions of kilometres travelling from one part of the country to another by train.

Long-distance trains are fast trains. Local trains make all the stops, and you can get on or off a local train at a very small station. If you are going to a distant place, a sleeping compartment is very comfortable. People travelling long distances have to decide whether to go by land, sea or air. Not anyone can enjoy sitting in a train for move than a few hours. Reading is only a partial solution for the rhythm of wheels lulls you to sleep.

Long car journeys are even less pleasant, for it is quite impossible even to read.

But nevertheless many people like to spend part of their holiday on a motor tour. Usually they choose to go to interesting places they have not been before of the weather is fine they think they will have a very plea­sant holiday.

The pleasantest way of travelling is by sea. If you are a good sailor and do not get seasick, there is nothing so restful as to go on a voyage. Water ways are serviced by different kinds of ships such as ocean liners, passenger steamers, river boats, motor ships and others. Travelling by sea is very comfortable and enjoyable. A sea voyage or a sea trip has a charm of its own. In fine weather when the sea is calm, everyone is breathing in the fresh air, enjoys the beauty of the sea, lies in the sun in comfortable deck-chairs or has a swim in the pool. But even if you travel in ideal weather, sea journeys take a long time-Few people are ready to sacrifice up to a third of their holidays for the pleasure of travelling on a ship.

Airplanes have the reputation of being dangerous and are the most ex­pensive form of transport. But nothing can match them for speed and com­fort. Travelling at a height of 50000 feet, far above the clouds and at over 500 miles an hour is an exhilarating experience. An airplane offers you an unusual and breathtaking view of the world.

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