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13. Match the phrases.

1. If you hadn’t reminded me, A. if you’d seen what happened.

2. This wouldn’t have happened B. we wouldn’t have got lost.

3. If they hadn’t worn their seat belts, C. if it hadn’t rained.

4. We wouldn’t have been late D. you would have seen him.

5. We would have gone to the beach E. if I’d known you didn’t like it.

6. If you hadn’t told me it was him, F. if we’d bought tickets on the Internet.

7. You would have laughed G. if you’d been more careful.

8. I wouldn’t have bought it H. they would have been killed.

9. If you’d arrived two minutes earlier, I. I would have forgotten.

10. If you hadn’t forgotten the map, J. I wouldn’t have recognized him.

11. It would have been cheaper K. if we hadn’t missed the bus.


14. * Below is the story of what happened when four people went on a long walk last week. Rewrite the underlined parts of the story using if-clauses type 3.

If it hadn’t rained most of the morning, it would have been a pleasant walk.

Last Saturday Trevor, Alison, Gary and Emma went on a twenty-mile walk over the Northland Hills. Trevor likes walking, and it was his idea. They walked from Oscroft at the eastern end of the hills to Raveley in the west. The day didn’t go at all as planned. It rained most of the morning, so it wasn’t a very pleasant walk. The weather is often wet in the Nothland Hills, in fact. But they decided to go because the forecast wasn’t bad. Trevor and Alison wore their anoraks, but Gary and Emma got wet because they didn’t have their anoraks. The four friends had other problems too. They forgot to bring a map, and they lost the way. They wanted to stop for lunch in the village of Rydale. They finally got there at two o’clock. They were late because they didn’t go the right way. They had planned to eat at café in Rydale, but they weren’t able to eat there because the café was closed for the day. It was very annoying. They didn’t have any food with them, so they were hungry. But the weather was better by this time, and they decided to go on to Raveley. Five miles further on Alison had an accident. She fell and hurt her leg. So they had to go more slowly after that. They lost even more time. They missed their bus home because they got to Raveley so late. There wasn’t any other transport, so they rang their friend Adam. Luckily he was at home, so he was able to come and to fetch them in his car. They were glad to get home.

What do you remember?

Choose the correct answer a, b, c or d.

1. Please do not speak to anyone before the police ______.

a) come b) are coming c) '11 come d) came

2. His parents will be very glad if she ______ the university.

a) enter b) '11 enter c) enters d) entered

3. We won't discuss the matter until the headmaster ______.

a) '11 arrive b) won't arrive c) doesn't arrive d) arrives

4. You'll understand nothing unless you ______ the book yourself.

a) read b) won't read c) don't read d) '11 read

5. You'll understand this rule after your teacher ______ it to you.

a) '11 explain b) explain c) explains d) don't explain

6. You ______ English fluently if you ______ hard.

a) speak; work b) speak; '11 work c) '11 speak; work d) '11 speak; '11 work

7. We'll make a good progress in English provided we ______hard.

a) '11 study b) are studying c) study d) won't study

8. Would you mind if I ______ your pen?

a) use b) had used c) have used d) am using

9. If I ______ that you were busy, I ______ interrupted you.

a) knew; wouldn't have b) had known; wouldn't have c) know; wouldn't have

d) has known; wouldn't have

10. I am going to look for another job, unless the company ______me more money.

a) offers b) doesn't offer c) didn't offer d) offered

11. You ______ achieve anything unless you ______ hard.

a) wouldn't, tried b) won't, try c) wouldn't, try d) won't, tried

12. I wasn't tired last night. If I ______ tired, I would have gone home.

a) has been b) were c) had been d) am

13. If I lost my job, I ______ abroad for a while.

a) would go b) would have gone c) will go d) might go

14. Unless Mary ______ the projects on time, she ______ her job.

a) does, loses b) will do, loses c) does, will lose d) did, loses

15. If I had the book you need, I ______ it to you. But I don't have it.

a) will give b) would give c) give d) gave

16. If this novel ______ more interesting, it ______ pub­lished.

a) will be; would be b) were; will be c) would be; would be d) were; would be

17. If I ______ you, I would never give up.

a) were b) were c) am d) have been

18. If he'd come two minutes later, we ______ the plane.

a) had missed b) would miss c) will miss d) would have missed

19. If I ______ on holiday now I would go to Spain with my friend.

a) had been b) have been c) were d) am

20. When you go abroad ______ very attentive.

a) are b) will be c) be d) were

21. Whenever she goes, she ______ friends.

a) had made b) making c) made d) makes

22. If I ______ more patient, I would not have quarreled with Diana.

a) will be b) was c) were d) had been

23. Nick would continue his education abroad, if he ______ money to pay for it.

a) had b) have had c) had had d) has

24. If I were you I ______ a contract with this firm.

a) would not sign b) would not have signed c) will not sign

d) will not have signed

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Read the article and mark the sentences T (true) or F (false). Correct the wrong sentences.

  1. Miranda got angry because her husband asked her to make the tea.

  2. Miranda had to teach him to say sorry when something wasn’t his fault.

  3. Her husband thinks English people are too polite.

  4. Alexander wasn’t surprised when people said they liked the food at the dinner party.

  5. Miranda didn’t mind when her mother-in-law criticized her cooking.

  6. Alexander thought his mother was right.

  7. In Russia it isn’t normal to smile all the time when you speak to someone.

  8. His friends thought Miranda was very friendly because she smiled a lot.

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