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3. Complete the sentences using some/any/no, etc.

1. There is______ milk in that jug. 2. I'm afraid there isn't... coffee left. 3. Is there_____ one here who speaks Italian? 4. I'd like to buy________ new clothes but I haven’t______ money. 5. Are there______ letters for me? 6. I can't see my glasses_____ where. 7. She put her handbag down_______ where and now she can't find it. 8._______one can tell you how to get there (i. e. everyone knows the way). 9. Is there_______ one moving about downstairs? I heard______ thing falling. 10. _______thing tells me you've got________ bad news for me.

4. Choose the appropriate pronoun.

1.She was said that (someone/anybody) was waiting for her in the street. 2. He was standing by the window and was looking (nobody/somewhere) on the right. 3.1 don't remember (someone/anyone) else. 4. Have you read (something/anything) by Oscar Wilde? 5. Could you give me (something/anything) to eat? 6. If (someone/anyone) comes, let me know immediately. 7.1 haven't heard from her for a month. I am afraid, (nothing/something) has happened to her. 8. Have you read (something/anything) about this author? — No, I've read (something/nothing).

5. Complete the sentences using few/a few/little/ a little.

1.My sister likes_______ sugar in her tea, but I like a lot in mine. 2. There was still______ time before the lesson began. 3. He has________ knowledge of the subject. You’d better ask somebody else. 4. We got______ pleasure from the trip, the weather was bad all the time. 5. Are there many vacant rooms in the in the hotel? – No, there are only_______.6. There is________ sunshine in this rainy place. 7. She said she wanted to buy_______ rice and_________ oranges. 8. Do many people know about this new shop? —No, only_______.

6. Complete the sentences using the necessary pronouns.

1.She says she needs it, so give it to___. 2. Is it the Smiths' car? Yes, it is___. 3. Let's visit Ann and Bill. I haven't seen___ for weeks.___ house is not very far from here. 4. You say you dislike our town. And do you like (ваш)? 5. You, silly boy! You can't do all the work (сам)! You must ask for help. 6. Let's buy some chocolates for Jane and a fruit cake for___(себя).

7. Complete the sentences using the necessary pronouns

1.That morning Jane had … light in her flat. 2. Elisabeth has … potatoes at home to make chips for our children. 3. My cousin didn`t receive … letters from Spain. 4. James read many books written by German authors but he read … by Austrian ones. 5. Alice didn`t inform … about her decision. 6. This stately mansion was really beautiful. Unfortunately we knew … about it. 7. Jack couldn`t remember … from the last lecture. 8. The water in that river was very cold. … dared swim over. 9. My brother saw … soldiers near the bridge. 10. Sarah didn`t translate … articles in the morning.

8. Complete the sentences using the necessary pronouns.

1. My colleague sent them … postcards from Tunisia. 2. … Robert`s neighbors have orange trees in their gardens. 3. Our chief didn`t fire out … worker yesterday. 4. Did she find … hat for her evening gown? 5. Elisabeth didn`t add … ink to the inkpot. 6. Could you buy some white bread, please! 7. … the juice is in the jar. The jar is in the kitchen. 8. Her uncle let her choose … car she wanted. 9. Our visitors want to see our apple-trees. You have to show them …. 10. Sarah haven`t seen … our tourists there.

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