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Способы перевода страдательного залога на русский язык:

1. Сочетанием глаголы «быть» с кратким причастием:

The letter was sent. – Письмо было отправлено.

2. Неопределенно – личным предложением:

The letter was sent. – Письмо отправили.

3. Глаголами на –ся:

The letter is being sent. – Письмо отправляется.

4. Глаголом действительного залога, если указан субъект действия:

The letter was sent by the secretary. – Письмо отправил секретарь.

Подлежащее предложения, стоящего в страдательном залоге, обычно переводится формами косвенных падежей, т.е. не именительным, а родительным, винительным, дательным, творительным, предложным:

1. He was asked to come in. – Его попросили прийти.

2. He was given an interesting book to read. – Ему дали почитать интересную книгу.

3. The film will be talked about. – О фильме будут говорить.

4. She was laughed at. – Над ней смеялись.


I take – Я отвожу – I am taken – Меня отводят

She told – Она сказала – She was told – Ей сказали

I read – Я читал – I was read – Мне читали

We ask – Мы спрашиваем – We are asked – Нас спрашивают

1. Complete “to be” in the right form.

1. The tractors ______ produced at the Tractor Plant.

2. Two new departments ______ _____ in our university next year.

3. Last year she ______ sent to Cambridge.

4. Where _______ the book bought?

5. These letters ________ brought in the morning.

6. When _____ the car _____ serviced?

7. The cat ______ given milk every morning.

8. Where _______ bread bought in this area?

2. Make sentences in simple present tense.

posting a letter

The letter is posted.

1. emptying the post box ______________________________________________

2.postmarking the stamps at the post office ________________________________

3. sorting the letters into the different towns ________________________________

4. loading the mail into the train _________________________________________

5. unloading the mail bags after their journey _______________________________

6. taking bags to the post office __________________________________________

7. sorting the letters into different streets ___________________________________

8. delivering the letters _________________________________________________

3. Answer the questions using the past simple passive and by + agent.

Who invented radio? Bell, Edison or Marconi?

It was invented by Marconi.

1. Who wrote stories about a French detective called Maigret? Agatha Christie, Ellery Queen or Georges Simenon?


2. Who invented television? John Logie Baird, Alexander Graham Bell or Thomas Edison?


3. Who built the pyramids? The Egyptians, the Greeks or the Romans?


4. Who spoke the words “To be or not to be”? Alexander, Hamlet or Julius Ceasar?


5. Who played James Bond in the first Bond film? Sean Connery, George Lazenby or Roger Moore?


6. Who invented the telephone? Alexander Popov, Alexander Graham Bell or Alexander the Great?


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