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The Atacama desert - the perfect place for people who are looking for adventure

The Atacama desert in Chile is a spectacular place. There is very little vegetation, and it looks like the moon – in fact NASA tested their lunar vehicles here. There are some very big volcanoes. Almost nobody lives there, but there are some small villages on the edge of the desert. Life is hard and everything needs to be imported – food, building materials, and of course water.

In 1971 it rained in the Atacama. People were amazed because the last time it rained there was 400 years earlier, in 1570! It is the driest place in the world. But in the village of Chungungo they are now getting water from the fog clouds which come in from the sea. Daisy Sasmaya, a villager, says, ‘We are very happy because now we can have a shower every day, and we can water our planets every week.’

The sky over the Atacama desert is hardly ever cloudy, so it is one of the best places in the world to see the stars. The biggest observatory in the world is being built on top of a mountain. ‘It’s the purest air in the world,’ says journalist Hugh O’Shaughnessy. ‘At night the sky is incredibly clear – you feel that there is nothing between you and Mars.

Read the article again. Choose a, b or c.

1. In the Atacama desert ...

a) it hardly ever rains. b) it never rains. c) it sometimes rains.

2. The only people who live there are…

a) NASA scientists. b) villagers. c) builders.

3. The people in Chungungo…

a) have more water than before. b) have a lot of water. c) can’t water their plants.

4. The Atacama is a very good place to go if you want to…

a) see clouds. b) see mountains. c) see stars.

Раздел II

Глагол to be

Глагол to be является одним из наиболее часто употребляемых глаголов, поскольку он может выступать в роли всех четырех типов глагола: смыслового глагола, глагола-связки, вспомогательного глагола и заменителя модального глагола must.

Глагол to be в отличие от всех других глаголов, изменяется по лицам и числам.

Спряжение глагола to be

Present Simple

Past Simple

Future Simple

I am

You are

Line 259He

Line 260She is

Line 261It

We are

They are

I was

You were

Line 268He

Line 269She was

Line 270It

We were

They were

I shall be

You will be

Line 277He

Line 278She will be

Line 279It

We shall be

They will be

I am not

You are not (aren’t)

Line 262He

Line 263She is not (isn’t)

Line 264It

We are not (aren’t)

They are not (aren’t)

I was not (wasn’t)

You were not (weren’t)

Line 271He

Line 272She was not(wasn’t)

Line 273It

We were not (weren’t)

They were not (weren’t)

I shall not be (shan’t be)

You will not be (won’t be)

Line 280He

Line 281She will not be (won’t be)

Line 282It

We shall not be (shan’t be)

They will not be (won’t be)

Am I?

Are you?

Line 265he?

Line 266Line 267Is she?


Are we?

Are they?

Was I?

Were you?

Line 274he?

Line 275Line 276Was she?


Were we?

Were they?

Shall I be?

Will you be?

Line 283he be?

Line 284Line 285Will she be?

it be?

Shall we be?

Wll they be?

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