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          1. 2. Write the plural form of the following nouns.

    1. A fallen leave (опавший лист), the stupid student (глупый студент), the German guest (немецкий гость), a difficult subject (трудный предмет), the broken window (разбитое окно), the good marks (хорошие отметки), an interesting example (интересный пример), a modern plane (современный самолет), the old coin (старая монета), a beautiful glass (красивый стакан), the driving license (водительское удостоверение), a fresh tomato (свежий помидор), a white ceiling (белый потолок), the biggest river (самая большая река), an interesting proposal (интересное предложение), a standing person (стоящий человек), the important addition (важное дополнение), a tasty supper (вкусный ужин), the endless day (бесконечный день), the recorded talk (записанный разговор), an angry goose (злой гусь), a bitter drink (горький напиток), the new teapot (новый заварочный чайник).

3. Divide the following words into two columns: countable and uncountable nouns.

Furniture, coffee, leaf, food, computer, list, blood, job, work, language, country, advice, information, money, progress, permit, permission, baggage, luggage, beach, traffic, weather, window, knowledge, air, water, holiday, damage, accommodation, scenery, scene, pigeon, bread, mountain, luck, news, accident, laugh, flour, laugher.

4. Make the following sentences in the plural form.

1. That was a cowboy. 2. Mary found a flight to Delhi. 3. Robert made this bookshelf himself. 4. The window and the door are closed. 5. There is a mouse in the kitchen. 6. It is a white goose. 7. That was not a sheep. That was a donkey. 8. It is not an interesting story. 9. Is that Eric`s knife? 10. There was a beautiful bright star in the sky. 11. It was not the selected song. 12. Is that a studious pupil?

5. Make the following sentences in the plural form.

1.It’s very difficult question to answer. 2. That was a cookie jar. 3. What is that child’s name? 4. The cat has caught a mouse. 5. There was a lady, a gentlemen, a boy and a girl in the room. 6. We could see an ox, a sheep, a cow and a goose. 7. Is this worker an Englishman or a German? 8. Why don’t you eat this potato? 9. This strawberry is still green. 10. Can you see a bird in that tree? 11. Does your tooth still ache? 12. His child studies very well. 13. There is a new house in our street. 14. This story is very interesting. 15. Put this knife on the table. 16. He keeps his toy in a box.

6. Choose the correct form of the verb, singular or plural. In one sentence either the singular or plural verb is possible.

1. Gymnastics is/are my favorite sport.

2. The trousers you bought for me doesn't/don't fit me.

3. The police want/wants to interview two men about the robbery last week.

4. Physics was/were my best subject at school.

5. Can I borrow your scissors? Mine isn't/aren't sharp enough.

6. Fortunately the news wasn't/weren't as bad as we expected.

7. Where does/do your family live?

8. Three days isn't/aren't long enough for a good holiday.

9. I can't find my binoculars. Do you know where it is / they are?

10. Do you think the people is/are happy with the government?

11. Does/Do the police know how the accident happened?

12. I don't like very hot weather. Thirty degrees is/are too warm for me.

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