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7. Change the underlined nouns into the plural.

1. Jack received a copy of his last order. 2. The last car was sold yesterday. 3. This red glove is too large for her hand. 4. What is his neighbor`s name? 5. You have to buy a pencil and a drawing block for Henry. 6. The little girl singing a song is a daughter of my sister. 7. Yves has bought a very uncommon present for his wife. 8. The copy-book was on the bookshelf. 9. This beautiful house is made of bricks. 10. Valery has hurt her leg.

8. Paraphrase the following using the possessive case.

The son of our manager – our manager’s son

The house of Mr. Smith, a doll of the girl, a meeting of the employees, the books of the children, the cottage of my parents, the influence of the sun, the arrival of the ship, the policy of the company, the children of my aunt Ann, the times of Ivan the Terrible, the wives of Henry the Eighth, the gravitation of the planet.

9. Paraphrase the following using the possessive case.

1.There is a swimming-pool of their workers. 2. Your colleagues will discuss the proposals of Mrs. Smith next week. 3. The mobile phones of Jack and Mary are not very modern. 4. Our company has not yet discussed the viewpoint report of the customer. 5. George taught the son of Mr. Brown to read. 6. The country house of her parents is very modest. 7. The old computer of their chief is now upgraded. 8. Elisabeth is hanging the wet clothes of her daughters on the drying rack. 9. His son read very many fantastic stories of Robert Sheckley. 10. The leaky boat of the old man was near the lake.

10. Change the nouns in italics into plural form in the sentences.

1. Put the box on the shelf.

2. I have hurt my foot.

3. Where is the knife?

4. The last leaf fell from the tree.

5. The roof of the house was covered with snow.

6. A copy of the contract was sent to Moscow.

7. I like his new play.

11. Change the nouns in italics into singular form in the sentences.

1. Women and children are coming to the shore.

2. The keys to the boxes were lost.

3. The wolves were shot.

4. These factories produce furniture.

5. The mice were caught.

6. Copies of these letters will be sent to New York.

7. These stories are very long.

What do you remember?

Choose the right variant of the noun in the plural form (1-10) and the right variant of the noun in the possessive case (11-15).

  1. Bad … don’t make people happy.

a) news b) new c) new’s

2. Can I borrow your …?

a) scissor b) scissors c) scissorses

3. My … is clean.

a) hairs b) hair c) hair’s

4. There are a lot of … in the field.

a) sheep b) sheeps c) sheepes

5. Last Sunday we went fishing? But we didn’t catch many … .

a) fish b) fishs c) fishes

6. The sunlit … look wonderful.

a) rooves b) roofs c) roof

7. … are made of bronze.

a) pence b) pennies c) pennys

8. What is your … ?

a) address b) addresses c) adreses

9. … are wild animals.

a) fox b) foxs c) foxes

10. I have two different … .

a) umbrella b) umbrellas c) umbrellas

11. the rabbits / the cage

a) the rabbitts’ cage b) the rabbits’s cage c) the cage of the rabbits

12. Charles / the book

a) Charles’ book b) the book of Charles c) Charles’s book

13. My parents / the friends

a) the friends of my parents b) my parents’s friends c) my parents’ friends

14. Tom and Alice / the car

a) Tom’s and Alice’s car b) Tom and Alice’s car c) the car of Tom and Alice

15. the title / the novel I lent you yesterday

a) the title of the novel I lent you yesterday b) the novel’s I lent you yesterday title c) the novel’s title I lent you yesterday

Complete Claire’s postcard to her sister. Choose the correct form.

The island is very peaceful. Life/A life is good here. Everybody moves at a nice slow pace. People have time/a time to stop and talk. It’s experience/an experience I won’t forget for a long time. There aren’t many shops, so I can’t spend all my money, although I bought painting/a painting yesterday. Now I’m sitting on the beach reading paper/a paper. The hotel breakfast is so enormous that I don’t need to have lunch. I’ve just brought orange/an orange with me to eat later. I’ve been trying all the different fruit/fruits grown in this part of the world, and they’re all delicious.


(The Adjective)

Именем прилагательным называется часть речи, которая обозначает признак предмета и отвечает на вопрос what? какой? Например: red красный, good хороший, interesting интересный, Russian русский. Имена прилагательные в английском языке не изменяются ни по родам, ни по числам, ни по падежам: a young man молодой человек, a young woman молодая женщина, young people молодые люди, with a young man с молодим человеком. Имена прилагательные в английском языке могут изменяться только по степеням сравнения.

В предложении имя прилагательное стоит перед именем существительным, к которому оно относится.

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