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Participle 1

Причастие 1

  1. строящийся

  2. строя

формальные маркеры;

when (while) building

при строительстве


когда (пока) строят

The working motor (какой?)-работающий мотор

Applying the method the technologists will get the results desired - Применяя метод технологи получат желаемые результаты (ф.обст.)

Verbal noun

Отглагольное существительное



формальные маркеры:

артикли a, the

Vings – множественное число






глагол + ing-форма

предлог + ing-форма


предлог +сущест.

деепричастие (а, я, ав, ив)

the working model (для чего?) – рабочая модель, модель для работы

Applying the method will give the results desired – Применение этого метода даст желаемые результат

Контрольная работа n 3

Вариант 1

I. Определите время и залог глагола-сказуемого и переведите предложения на русский язык

  1. The pipe runs in a continuous loop from the boiler to the radiators and back to the boiler.

  2. While the pipework and sanitary fittings are being installed, some of the doors and windows are manufactured.

  3. The people don’t feel comfortable in this room because the temperature is too low.

  4. These experiments will have been carried out by midnight.

II. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции слов it”, “that”, “one

1. It is climate which determines the shape and the construction of most buildings.

2. The density of hot water is lower than that of the colder water.

3. That is the last problem to be solved and it should not be a difficult one.

4. If a boiler is a heavy one, it can be assembled on the stand.

III. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на разные функции глаголов “to be”, “to have

1. Radiators are made of material which has the property of high thermal conductivity.

2. When architect designs a house he often has to find a balance between adequate ventilation and noise level.

3. The protection of building materials is to be increased.

4 A new heating engineering complex has been installed in our office recently.

IV. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции Ving форм и инфинитива

  1. In order to understand what civil engineering is you must consider the development of different branches of engineering.

2. A safety valve serves to relieve the pressure in the boiler if it is too high.

3. The boiling point of water is raised by increasing the pressure.

4. The members to be connected by welding must be held rigidly in position.

V. Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнение после текста.


1. The boiler is generally placed at the lowest available point in the building, having regard at the same time to convenience of stoking and delivery of fuel.

No difficulties exist in the fixing of independent boiler. A good level concrete foundation is needed, and common-sense fire precautions should be observed.

2. Sectional boilers can be almost any size to as much as 5 or 6 tons in weight. They are usually delivered in separate parts requiring assembly. Heating by hot water is traditionally plumber’s work but in latter years specialist heating engineers have evolved, and it is true to say that larger heating jobs have become mainly their concern. However, a great deal of domestic heating and other smaller systems are carried out by the plumber; some of this work involves the use of sectional boilers.

The stand should be fixed on the level concrete foundation, and it is a good plan to raise the stand either on a course of brick-work or on a concrete curb of similar height.

It is advisable to assemble the sections on the floor rather than on the stand, so that it will not get pulled about and may be damaged. If, however, the boiler is a heavy one, it can be assembled on the stand if care is taken. The front of the stand can be removed for assembly of the front section.

3. The boiler may be one of a number of types. It may be a solid one-piece casting, rectangular in form; it may be sectional; or it may be conical in shape and wrought or cast iron. For smaller systems, the first and last-named types are both cheap and suitable. The sectional boiler has the advantage of the possibility of added sections should more heat be needed subsequent to initial installation.

Sectional and shell type boilers are almost invariably used for bigger installations. The former are cast iron can be built up in situ, whilst the latter are usually of the packaged type, having all auxiliary components together with the boiler assembled as one unit ready for erection.

1. Ответьте на вопросы к тексту. Ответы переведите на русский язык:

  1. What is necessary to know when placing the boiler?

  2. What is the difference between the plumber’s work and the work of specialist heating engineers?

  3. What are the advantages of sectional boilers?

  4. Why is it better to assemble sections on the floor rather that on the stand?

  5. What types of boiler are used for smaller installations and what – for bigger ones?

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