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II. Read the text and answer the following questions

1. What led to the creation of green parties? 2. Is it possible to develop natural resources? 3. What ways of supplying energy do you know? 4. Do land, air and water work as an ecosystem to maintain the “great chain of life”? 5. In what other way can we create electricity? 6. Can the ecological problems be solved on a local scale? 7. What’s the use of recycling? 8. Where have the green parties developed? 9. Why was the European Federation of Green Parties formed? 10. Can nature protection be an effective substitute for national conflicts?

III. Agree or disagree, in your answers use the following expressions of agreement or disagreement

I’m afraid it is not quite right, I wouldn’t say that, I can’t agree, the things are a little bit different, it is not the case, I completely agree with the statement, what I mean is, to begin with, the problem is, it’s also important to stress that, I’d like to finish with the point that, I’d like to sum up by saying that …

  1. The problem of pollution and ecology is the least important one for mankind.

  2. Nowadays the scientists are looking for different ways of supplying energy.

  3. A desire for environmental change led to the creation of various political parties collectively known as Friends of the Earth.

  4. About 16% of rubbish from homes and factories contain materials that could be recycled.

  5. Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their planet.

IV. Extend the following statements, use the text for your reference

  1. Civilization is being poisoned by its own waste products.

  2. Many ecological problems can be solved only on the level of world community.

  3. A desire for environmental change led to the creation of green parties.

  4. Everything around us is tied together.

  5. We have a common cause worth fighting for.

V. Dwell on some practical steps you can take in order to make the

environment clean, tidy and pleasant.

Part III. Conversation: a Few Facts about the Chernobyl Accident Standard Phrases

It’s sad to admit that the Печально признавать, но газета

newspaper doesn’t lie here не лжет

What makes the situation Но что еще бoльше усугубляет

even worse is that … ситуацию, то это …

It means that …, doesn’t it? Это означает (значит) …, не так ли?

Is it true that … ? Это правда, что …?

sporadically нерегулярно

to declare объявлять

actually на самом деле, действительно

Nobody denies this fact В настоящее время никто не

nowadays отрицает этот факт

You cannot help doing Нельзя не делать

I. Complete the following conversations with the above listed phrases

  1. – The reporter says that 1/5 of the Belarusian territory has been dramatically contaminated as a result of the Chernobyl accident.

- …

  1. – Do they often publish articles on the situation in Chernobyl contaminated areas of Belarus?

- …

  1. – The genetic base of Belarus is endangered. The infant mortality is high.

- …

  1. – The disintegration period of some radio nuclides is about 1000 years or even longer

- …

  1. Translate the following sentences into English

  1. Многие семьи по-прежнему живут в загрязненных районах. Но что еще больше усугубляет ситуацию, то это тот факт, что они вынуждены употреблять в пищу продукты, выращенные на этой земле и пить загрязненное молоко.

  2. Здоровье населения Беларуси в опасности. Уровень смертности очень высокий. В настоящее время никто не отрицает этот факт, Беларусь и Украина объявили аварию в Чернобыле национальной катастрофой.

  3. «Белорусская вода, воздух и земля опасны для наших детей», - говорят многие матери. Нельзя не плакать, когда слышишь эти слова.

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