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Nouns and Noun Phrases

hardware — аппаратное, техническое оснащение

link — связь

message — сообщение, послание

software — программное обеспечение

subscriber — абонент

switch — коммутатор

Verbs and Verbal Phrases

convert — превращать, преобразовывать

involve — включать; подразумевать

reach — достигать

relay — передавать, транслировать


local — местный, с ограниченным распространением

long distance — рассчитанный на далекое расстояние, междугородный

B. Passive Vocabulary

option (n) — выбор

range (n) — ряд, серия

reflect— отражать

C. Special Terminology

amplitude modulation (AM) — амплитудная модуляция

citizen band radio — радио с диапазоном для персональной и служебной радиосвязи

coaxial cable — коаксиальный кабель

frequency modulation (FM) — частотная модуляция

navigator — навигационная система

walkie-talkie — портативная рация

Class Exercises

I. Repeat and translate into Russian

a) the following words with the stress on the first syllable:

hardware, message, software, satellite, frequency

b) the following words with the stress on the second syllable:

convert, involve, relay, subscriber, mobility

c) the following words with two or more stresses:

outer space, modulation, flexibility, user equipment

II. Repeat and translate the following sentences

  1. Telecommunications usually involves a sender of information and one or more recipients linked by a technology that transmits information from one place to another.

  2. The signals can be transmitted by means of media such as telephone wires or radio waves.

  3. Telegraphs have been largely replaced by other forms of telecommunications, such as fax machines and e-mail.

  4. Fibre-optic cables are able to transmit several television channels or thousands of telephone conversations at the same time.

  5. The satellites receive transmissions from Earth and transmit them back to numerous Earth station receivers.

  6. Most personal computers communicate with each other and with larger networks, such as the Internet, by using the ordinary telephone network.

III. Form

a) nouns of the following verbs using the suffixes, -er,- or, -ing, -tion and translate them into Russian

send, use, receive, subscribe, compute, page, navigate, switch, create, modulate, connect, converse, move

b) adjectives using the suffixes -able, -al, -ent and translate them into Russian

understand, differ, digit, person, origin

IV. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with similar meaning

  1. transform, private, antenna, need, wide, wireless, globe, include, employ, determine, long, complex

  2. cordless, aerial, convert, personal, requirement, sophisticated, define, embrace, great, use, world, broad

V. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with contrary meaning

  1. single, connect, part, hardware, digital, modulate, different, create, sender

  2. same, software, destroy, recipient, numerous, whole, demodulate, analogue, disconnect

VI. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations

message, convert, e-mail, sender, hardware, software, cellular, cordless, communication satellite, microwave

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