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A. Active Vocabulary

Nouns and noun phrases

аdvancement – продвижение, распространение, успех, прогресс

impact – влияние, воздействие

recycling - переработка

rubbush – мусор, хлам

solar power – солнечная энергия

tide – морской прилив и отлив

Verbs and verbal phrases

adjust - приспосабливать

alter – изменять(ся), менять(ся)

eliminate - устранять

irrigate - орошать

B. Passive Vocabulary

еlection - выборы

emphasis - акцент

goodwill – добрая воля, рвение, готовность сделать что-либо

leverage – способ, средство для достижения цели

spin – крутиться, вертеться

windmill – ветряная мельница

Class Exercises in Active Vocabulary

  1. Repeat and translate into Russian the following sentences.

  1. A desire for environmental change led to the creation of various political parties around the world whose emphasis was largely on environmental protection.

  2. At present scientists in industrially developed countries are looking for different ways of supplying energy.

  3. Civilization is being poisoned by its own waste products.

  4. About 60% of rubbish from homes and factories contain materials that could be recycled.

  5. Everything around us is tied together in a system of mutual interdependence.

  6. Only a planetary view of man can guarantee our survival.

  1. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with similar meaning:

  1. advancement, standpoint, spin, essential, damage, rubbish, emphasis, impact, leverage, irrigate, alter

  2. garbage, influence, twirl, point of view, stress, harm, change, success, water, means, significant

        1. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations

eliminate, different ways of supplying energy, recycling, green parties,

a common cause worth fighting for

Special Difficulties

  1. Paraphrase the following sentences so as to use “it enables smb. to do smth.”

Model: Our knowledge made it possible that we could

achieve great results in our work.

Our knowledge enabled us to achieve great

results in our work

1. The developments in nuclear physics have made it possible that we all can either live or die together. 2. Our technical skills and resources make it possible that we can use them to improve the quality of life. 3. His trips abroad made it possible that he could adjust to different people and different ways of life. 4. The study of ecology makes it possible that the population can avoid the further pollution of environment. 5. The dramatic changes in nature make it possible that the people understand the danger of global urbanization.

  1. Respond to the following questions using “to be worth doing smth.” Use the prompts given.

Model: What do you think of this book (to read).

Oh, it’s worth reading.

1. What is the air in this part of the city (to purify)? 2. What is the water in the canal like (to cleanse)? 3. What do you think of that old irrigation system (to alter)? 4. How do you like the trade relations with your partners (to maintain)? 5. What is this new engineer like (to get rid of)? 6. How do you find our new substitute teacher (to employ)?

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