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III. Form

  1. nouns of the following verbs using the suffixes, -ion, -ment, -ing, and translate them into Russian

organize, communicate, inform, specialize, investigate, equip, entertain, develop, depart, correspond, broadcast, process, transmit, consult, use, receive, send, increase, protect

  1. nouns of the following adjectives using the suffixes -(e)ance, -ity, -ness

distant, different, popular, facile, special, busy

IV. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with similar meaning

a) accept as true without any investigation, allow, appearance, assemble, chair, communicate, exploit, habitual, information, medium, obtain, qualified, remote, broadcast

b) advent, contact, data, department, enable, familiar, install, maintain, means, relay, send, skilled, take for granted

V. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with contrary meaning

a) blossom, connect, increase, receive, remote, the former, vast

b) decline, decrease, disconnect, nearest, send, the latter, tiny

VI. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations

network, broadcasting, means, to communicate, to access, to enable, skilled, exchange

Special difficulties

I. Translate into Russian the following sentences. Pay special attention to the use of the word “mean(s)”.

1.In the past the word “engineer” meant a designer of engines. 2. The meaning of “telemetry” is “measuring” at a distance and is a combination of Greek and Latin words. 3. By means of satellites we can communicate with any country of the world. 4. There were no means of direct communication before the telephone was invented. 5. By communication we mean various ways to send information. 6. The importance of space means of communication is increasing every year. 7. By what means is speech transmitted over a distance? 8. The mean distance between these two objects is not known yet. 9. Wires and cables are still the primary means for telephone connections. 10. You can now connect your computer to computers all over the world by means of the Internet.

  1. Choose and use the words few/a few

1. … people know that the Earth is the only planet having liquid water. 2. In the past astronomers spent all their lives to make … hundred thousand calculations. 3. In the next … years a new generation of computers will be developed. 4. It will take … more years to produce a 10-billion operations computer. 5. In the next … years since their first appearance in 1939, only … people owned television sets.

III. Turn the following sentences from the Active into the Passive Voice and translate them into Russian

1. Recently colour television has replaced black-and-white TV. 2. In 1901 Marconi demonstrated that we could use radio waves to transmit information over long distances. 3. Other forms of telecommunications have largely replaced telegraph. 4. The scientists can also use laser beams to transmit signals between a satellite and the earth.

Home Vocabulary Exercises

I. Arrange the following words into your own sentences

  1. Equipment, is, distance, telecommunications, overcome, a, using, to, distance, that, communication, over.

  2. Of, industry, the, blossomed, technologies, with, telecommunications, has, new, the, advent.

  3. For, workers, an, demand, there, skilled, increasing, is.

  4. Laboratories, many, attached to, the, scientific, being, investigations, in, carried out, department, a.

  5. By, telecommunications, different, employed, enterprises, engineers, are, industrial.

II. Fill in the blanks with the words given below

Familiar, have become, networks, sending, key, receiving, processing, means, facilities

  1. Telecommunications is a process of … or … messages by telephone, radio, television or telegraph.

  2. Telecommunications also provides the … medium for news, data, information, and entertainment.

  3. Over the past hundred years, the telephone has become the most … form of telecommunications.

  4. The Internet and World Wide Web, vast computer …, provide many people with the … to exchange information.

  5. I haven’t made my mind yet what specialization to choose either that of telecommunications networks and … or that of optic systems of transmitting and …information.

  6. Computer-based telecommunications services … popular through the Internet and World Wide Web.

III. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions given below

among, from, for, with, in, across, of, over, around

  1. Today it is an educational and scientific centre … more than 600 students.

  2. Telecommunications engineers are … great demand at different industrial enterprises.

  3. Telecommunications enables people … the world to communicate … remote areas.

  4. It is taken … granted that by pressing a few buttons people can talk to family, friends, or business associates … the world.

  5. Communication implies ways and means … exchanging information … long distances.

  6. 117 teachers … which there is a corresponding member of the Belarusian Academy of Science work in 6 departments.

IV. Translate into English

  1. Телекоммуникации позволяют людям во всем мире устанавливать и поддерживать связь друг с другом.

  2. Развитие сложных систем коммуникаций, таких как Интернет и волоконная оптика, привели к постоянно растущему спросу на высококвалифицированные кадры.

  3. В научно-исследовательских лабораториях студенты проводят эксперименты и исследования под руководством опытных преподавателей.

  4. Факультет предлагает две специальности: «Системы телекоммуникаций» и «Метрология, стандартизация и сертификация».

  5. Высококвалифицированные специалисты требуются в конструкторских бюро, научно-исследовательских институтах, телефонных станциях и других телекоммуникационных службах.

  6. Выпускники нашего факультета умеют проектировать, разрабатывать и производить техническую эксплуатацию и обслуживание систем и устройств телекоммуникаций.

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