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Active Vocabulary

Nouns and Noun Phrase

definition – определение чего-либо

in fact - фактически

in other words – иными словами

responsibility – ответственность, обязанность

restriction – ограничение

the only way – единственный способ

Verbs and Verb Phrases

affect smth. – влиять, повлиять на что-то, оказывать воздействие

assume –допускать, предполагать

be helpful in doing smth. – быть полезным в выполнении чего -либо

deal with – иметь дело с

extract from - извлекать

express one’s opinion on smth. – выражать свое мнение о чем-то

face a choice/ a problem – стоять перед выбором/ проблемой, сталкиваться с

get the most from smth. – выжать из чего-либо все возможное

influence – влиять на

involve – включать, вовлекать

make choices – делая выбор

make living – зарабатывать на жизнь

remind of - напоминать

reveal – выявлять

seek – стремиться, искать

select - выбирать

suggest smth. – предложить что-либо

take smth. into account – брать что-либо в счет, считаться с чем-то

wear clothes – носить одежду


available - доступный

common –общий, общепринятый

competitive – конкуретный, конкуренто способный


сonsequently -соответственно

  1. Passive Vocabulary

occupy people's minds – занимать умы людей (человечества);

prosperity – процветание

scarcity – недостаток, нехватка (of), редкость

C. Special Terminology

commodities – товары, предметы потребления

consumer – потребитель; consumption – потребление

distribution – распределение

earner – лицо, получающее зарплату

economic forces - факторы экономики

economic resources –экономические ресурсы

entrepreneur - предприниматель

income – доход

produce goods and services – производить товары и услуги

profit margin – размер прибыли

purchase – покупка, приобретение

rental charges – плата за квартиру

spender – растратчик

supply and demand – спрос и предложение

taxpayer –налогоплательщик

utility –полезность, выгодность

voter - избиратель

wage rates – размеры зарплаты

Class Vocabulary Exercises

I. Repeat and translate into Russian

a) the following words with the stress on the first syllable:

purchase, earner, citizen, spender, labour, influence, goods, services, method, issue, cure, common, careful, profit, aggregate, government, consequently

b) the following words with the stress on the second syllable:

affect, develop, suggest, employ, involve, reveal, economist, produce, resource, available, depression, remind, assume, perform, select, extract, competitive, utility, prosperity

c) the following words with two or more stresses:

economize, satisfy, definition, enterprise, microeconomics, take into account, make choices, perform responsibilities, in other words, entrepreneur, wage rates, rental charges, unemployment

II. Repeat and translate the following sentences

1. Economic issues have occupied people's minds throughout the history. 2. In the process of making choices people and governments try to economize. 3. People try to get the most from what they have. 4. There is a limit to the resources used to produce goods and services. 5. There are a lot of goods and services available to satisfy people's wishes and needs. 6. As members of the society we live in, we deal with its economic issues every day. 7. Economics is a social science concerned with the production, distribution, exchange, and consumption of goods and services.

III. Form and translate them into Russian

a) nouns of the following verbs using the suffixes, -ion, -ment, -ing

communicate, develop, govern, explain, depress, define, live, equip, restrict, affect, invest, distribute, produce, shop, select, satisfy, dwell, manage

b) nouns of the following adjectives using the suffixes -(e)ance, -ity, -y, -e, -ion, -s

rental, economic, distributive, scarce, consequent, competitive, available, selective, influential, helpful, restrictive, responsible, definite, productive, managerial, exchangeable

IV. Arrange the words and word expressions of the two groups in pairs with similar meaning

  1. satisfy, enterprise, prosperity, consumption, income, opinion, efficient, reveal, aggregate, employ, thrifty, escape, dwelling, throughout, objective, affect, utility, entrepreneur, extract

  2. make pleasure, good fortune and success, goal, use, salary, point of view, effective, businessman, take out, lack, company, house, during, discover, total, use, get away from, influence, facility

V. Arrange the words of the two groups in pairs with contrary meaning

  1. profit, earner, produce, demand, poverty, activity, goods, exchange, restrict, efficient

  2. change, inefficient, depression, prosperity, supply, destroy, spender, loss, services, allow

VI. Make up your own sentences using the following words and word combinations

to get the most from smth., satisfy one’s needs, go through life, efficient use, deal with subjects intelligently, face a choice/ a problem, influence decisions, take smth. into account, make living, efficient use, go through life, satisfy one’s needs, to get the most from smth., to economize, consumption, management of resources, resources are completely employed, distribution and consumption of commodities, available economic resources, profit margin, economic issues

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