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I. Read and translate the following words:

finе, find, bind, grind, kind, mind, high, light, right, child, mild, side, site, size, white, wide, final, private, type, prior, design, wire, fire;

house, how, now, down, town, round, about, layout, out, amount, powder, foundation, brown, ground, allow, without;

also, always, chalk, small, tall, talk, more, short, all, mortar, wall, door, floor, coarse, course, restore, former, cause, draw, proportion, warm;

lecture, mixture, texture, admixture, temperature, manufacture, architecture, structure, nature, culture, picture, moisture, signature, future, departure.

II. Learn the following words and word combinations to the text:

cement [si`ment] – цемент, цементировать

fine powder [`paudƏ] – мелкий порошок

binding properties [`baindiŋ 'propetiz] – вяжущиe свойства

raw materials [ro:] – сырьевые материалы

limestone [`laimstoun] – известняк

chalk [`t∫o:k] – мел

clay [`klei] – глина

marl – мергель

to produce [prƏ`dju:s] – производить

kiln – печь

mixing [`miksiŋ] – перемешивание

burning of clinkers [`bƏ:niŋ] – обжиг клинкера

grinding [`graindiŋ] – измельчение

to rotate [rou`teit] – вращаться

slurry [`sl٨ri] – шлам

to slide down – скользить вниз

to take place – происходить

constituent [kƏn`stitjuƏnt] – составная часть = ingredient

mortar [`m o:tƏ] – раствор

concrete [`kOnkri:t] – бетон

housing [`hauziŋ] – жилищное строительство

bridge – мост

foundation – фундамент

infrastructure – инфраструктура (промышленная, городская);

сети обслуживания населения

III. Form the nouns adding the suffixes and translate them into Russian.

Model: stem + suffix = noun

to build – builder ; строить – строитель

- er: do, mix, compute, work, design, produce, plan, receive, restore.

- or: construct, elevate, invent, decorate, coordinate, instruct, imitate, create.

- ion/ation: combine, construct, prepare, classify, decorate, create, organize.

- ing: burn, build, mix, produce, grind, set, house, place, train, plan.

- ity: dense, porous, durable, available, total, active, real, popular, regular, secure.

- ment: base, develop, achieve, employ, govern, treat, require, reinforce, settle.

IV. Point out the suffixes of the following words and the parts of speech they form. Make sentences with the words.

  1. Binder, coloured, producer, mixing, combination, chemical, slowly, lower, layout, architecture, without, foundation.

V. Read and translate the text cement

Cement is a fine powder. It has good binding properties. Cement is usually of grey colour. There are also white and coloured cements. Cement is made of different materials. The materials for cement are: limestone, chalk, marl and clay. Those are raw materials.

There are three stages in producing cement. They are: 1) grinding and mixing the raw materials, 2) burning of clinkers, 3) grinding of clinkers. There are special kilns for burning clinkers. The temperature of the kilns is high. The kiln rotates slowly as the slurry slides down to its lower end. During the burning chemical combination takes place between the constituents, and cement clinkers come out of the kiln. A special machine makes powder from them.

Clinker composition depends on the nature of the raw materials, the proportioning, the process (wet or dry), the plant equipment and laboratory control.

The main Russian cement types used in construction are:

Alumina Cement – глиноземистый цемент

Fire Cement – огнеупорный цемент

Hydraulic Cement – гидравлический цемент

Normal Portland Cement – обычный портландцемент

Special Cement – быстротвердеющий цемент

White and Coloured Portland Cement - белый и цветной портландцемент

Cement is widely used in all types of construction: industrial, housing, agricultural 1) for binding panels, stones, bricks and 2) for producing mortars and concretes.

Cement is the key ingredient of concrete which in turn is a key ingredient of the world’s infrastructure – as well as your home, your office and your kid’s playgrounds.

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