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IV. Memorize the following antonyms:

  1. to begin – to stop;

  2. the first – the last;

  3. to fulfil – to fail;

  4. complete – incomplete;

  5. ancient – modern;

  6. strong – weak;

  1. expensive – inexpensive = cheap;

  2. favourable – unfavourable;

  3. positive – negative;

  4. useful – useless;

  5. valuable – invaluable;

  6. flexible – inflexible.

V. Match the English and Russian definitions using Fig. 3:

  1. a multistoreyed house;

  2. plinth floor;

  3. cornice;

  4. roof boarding;

  5. strip foundation;

  6. constructive scheme;

  7. intermediate floor;

  8. landing;

  9. external wall;

  10. attic floor;

  11. internal wall;

  12. flight;

  13. rafter.

    1. наружная стена;

    2. чердачное перекрытие;

    3. карниз;

    4. обрешетка кровельного покрытия;

    5. цокольное перекрытие;

    6. ленточный фундамент;

    7. лестничный марш;

    8. стропило;

    9. внутренняя стена;

    10. конструктивная схема;

    11. лестничная площадка;

    12. многоэтажный дом;

    13. междуэтажное перекрытие.

VI. Answer the following questions.

1. What is the text about?

2. What are the constructive elements of a building?

3. What is a foundation?

4. What is the function of the foundation?

5. What materials are used for foundation?

6. What is a framework?

7. What is the function of the framework?

8. What is the framework clothed with?

9. What is the function of a floor?

10. What materials are floors made of?

11. What is the topmost part of a building?

12. What is the function of a roof?

13. What is the most important part of a building?

Grammar: Past Perfect

  1. Put the verbs in brackets into the correct form of the past perfect.

  1. When we returned, we found that somebody … (broke into) our flat.

  2. I … (not/finish) cooking dinner when my parents came to visit.

  3. Jim went out for coffee after he … (write) a letter to his grandmother.

  4. They left the cinema after the film … (end).

  5. She was excited because she ……. (not/see) a play before.

  6. Did you like the cake ……. (she/bake)?

  7. He …… (hear) the song on the radio before he bought the CD.

  8. They were tired because they …… (play) football.

  9. She was sad because she …… (lose) the game.

  10. The match …… (already/start) when they arrived at the stadium.

II. Join the sentences using the words in brackets and putting the verbs into the correct tense, as in the example.

  1. They watched TV. They have finished their homework. (after)

  2. Jeff was 12 years old. He learned to speak English. (by the time).

  3. Tim lived in London. He moved to Paris. (before)

  4. Mum cooked dinner. I came home from school. (by the time)

  5. She went to work. She had breakfast. (as soon as)

  6. Susan tried on many dresses. She decided to buy the green one. (after)

  7. Jason failed his driving test three times. He finally got his license. (before)

  8. Wendy finished the washing-up. She played chess. (after)

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