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Учебное пособие 300039.doc
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8. Дайте английские эквиваленты слов и словосочетаний, приведенных ниже (б), и заполните пропуски в предложениях (а):

а) 1. Sand displaces the air ... ... . 2. The method of extinguishment by oxygen dilution is the reduction of the ... concentration. 3. One of the most common methods of extinguishment is ... ... ... . 4. In some cases, a fire is extinguished by ... the fuel sourse. 5. Reduction of oxygen proportion will not work on ... ... .

б) кислород; удалением; окружающий огонь; охлаждение водой; само-окисляющиеся материалы.

9. Закончите следующие предложения, исходя из содержания текста:

1.Solid and liquid fuels with high flash points can be extinguished ... . 2. When it is possible some ... are used. 3. In some cases ... must be reduced to 0. 4. Another method of fuel removal is to allow ... all fuel is consumed. 5. With flaming combustion the fire may be extinguished by ... . 6. Water cools the fuel to a point where it does not ... .

10. Образуйте от инфинитивов, данных в скобках:

а) Participle 1

b) Participle П

и переведите данные словосочетания:

a) the (to extinguish) theory of fire; the (to smoulder) phase of combustion; the two most common (to extinguish) agents; from parts of a (to burn) building; to displace the air (to surround) a fire; (to reduce) temperature; when (to introduce) an inert gas.

b) the extinguishing theory of fire is (to base); stopping the (to uninhibit) chemical chain reaction; a fire is effectively (to extinguish); the reduction of the oxygen concentration can be (to accomplish).

11. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на герундий в разных функциях:

1.Before extinguishing fire the fireman needs removing one of the fire ingredients. 2. One of the most common methods of extinguishment is cooling with water. 3. Smothering or cooling is more useful. 4. A reduction of oxygen proportion can be accomplished by introducing an inert gas into the fire or by separating the oxygen from the fuel. 5. Removing the fuel source is another method to extinguish the fire. 6. With flaming combustion there are four methods of stopping the fire. 7. The method of separating the oxygen from the fuel will not work on self-oxidized materials or on certain metals. 8. The oxygen is necessary for supporting fire.

12. Какой бы вывод вы сделали после всего изложенного в тексте? Используйте в своем ответе следующие фразы:

In conclusion I’d like to say that …

It should be underlined that …

To my opinion … the problem (question) of … is of great interest.

We can come to the conclusion that …

13. Ответьте на вопросы по-английски:

1. What is the extinguishing theory of fire based on? 2. How may the fire be extinguished? 3.What is one of the most common methods of extinguishment?4.

What is one of the most common methods of extinguishment? 5. How can solid and liquid fuels with high flash points be extinguished? 6. Can low flash point liquids and flammable gases be extinguished by cooling with water? 7. How is removing the fuel source accomplished? 8. What does the process of smothering include? 9. Why is sand “blanket” temporary? 10. What chemical agents are used instead of sand? 11. What oxygen proportion in the atmosphere will extinguish most fires? 12. How can the percentage of oxygen be reduced to 0? 13. When doesn’t this method work?

14. Представьте, что вы излагаете суть теории тушения огня как мини-доклад на научной конференции. Используйте в качестве плана вопросы упр.13, вывод, сформулированный вами, и фразы, типичные для монологической речи.

Примеры фраз:

In my paper I want to highlight ... В своем докладе я хочу осветить …

It should be said that ... Следует сказать, что …

Here we can say ... Тут мы можем сказать …

In conclusion ... В заключение …


Грамматика: Оборот ‘there + to be’. The Infinitive. Complex Subject with the Infinitive

Словообразование: Conversion. Complex words

Текст: Principles and Methods of Fire Attack
