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7. Запомните новые для вас слова:

approach[q'prquC],n- приближение, подход

depend on [dI'pend],v - зависеть от

handle [hxndl],v- обращаться с чем-то

label [leIbl],n - этикетка, ярлык

multiple ['mAltIpl],n -многообразие

portable ['pLtqbl],adj - переносной

severity[sI'verItI],n - серьезность, тяжесть

upright ['AprQIt],adj - прямой, вертикальный

visible ['vIzqbl],adj - видимый

8. А) Внимательно прочитайте текст и переведите его; б) скажите, какую информацию содержит каждый параграф текста и озаглавьте их. Text: selecting and using portable fire extinguishers

Extinguishers suitable for more than one class of fire should be identified by multiples of the symbols A, B and/or C. The three most common combinations are Class A-B-C, Class A-B, and Class B-C. There is no extinguisher with a Class A-C rating. A new portable fire extinguisher must be labeled with its appropriate marking.

There are two methods of labeling portable fire extinguishers. The first system uses specifically colored geometric shapes with the class letter shown within the shape . The second system is a picture-symbol labeling system that is designed to make the selection of fire extinguishers more effective and safe to use. The picture-symbol system also emphasizes when not to use an extinguisher on certain types of fires. Regardless of which system is used, it is important that the marking be clearly visible.

Selection of the proper portable fire extinguisher depends on numerous factors:

  • hazards to be protected;

  • severity of the fire;

  • atmospheric conditions;

  • personnel available;

  • ease of handling extinguisher;

  • any life hazard

Extinguishers should be chosen that minimize the risk to life and property, yet that are effective in extinguishing the fire. For example, it would be unwise to place dry chemical extinguishers with a corrosive agent in areas where highly sensitive computer equipment is located. In these particular areas, Halon or carbon dioxide extinguishers would be a better choice.

Portable extinguishers come in many shapes, sizes and types. While the operating procedures of each type of extinguisher are similar, operators should become familiar with the detailed instructions found on the label of the extinguisher.

Modern extinguishers are designed to be operated in an upright position. Make sure that the fire is within reach before discharging the extinguishing agent. Otherwise, the agent will be wasted. Smaller extinguishers require closer approach to the fire because they have less of a stream reach than do larger extinguishers.

9. А) Подтвердите или б) опровергните следующие утверждения, начав свое высказывание соответствующей фразой:

а) I think, you’re right.

б) I’m afraid, I don’t agree

1. The appropriate marking is very important for portable fire extinguishers. 2. There are 4 methods of labeling portable fire extinguishers. 3. Selection of the proper portable fire extinguisher isn’t influenced with any factors. 4. Extinguishers should be chosen to minimize the risk to life and property and to be effective in extinguishing the fire. 5. Portable extinguishers are different in shapes, sizes and types. 6. Any extinguishers can operate at any distance from the fire.